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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 22 November 2018
            'Dancing With the Stars' no longer hopping for ABC

            By DAVID BAUDER                                                                                                     1.6  million,  ION  Television
            Associated Press                                                                                                    had 1.2 million, Telemundo
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  The                                                                                             had 1.1 million and the CW
            dance floor is thinning over                                                                                        averaged 1 million.
            at ABC.                                                                                                             ESPN  was  the  week's  most
            The  Nielsen  company  says                                                                                         popular cable network, av-
            viewership  is  down  for                                                                                           eraging  2.36  million  view-
            ABC's  "Dancing  With  the                                                                                          ers in prime time. Fox News
            Stars" franchise, which con-                                                                                        Channel  averaged  2.24
            cluded  its  fall  season  on                                                                                       million,  Hallmark  had  2.19
            Monday with country radio                                                                                           million, MSNBC had 1.8 mil-
            host  Bobby  Bones  beating                                                                                         lion and USA had 1.21 mil-
            Disney  star  Milo  Manheim,                                                                                        lion.ABC's  "World  News  To-
            actress  Evanna  Lynch  and                                                                                         night" topped the evening
            model Alexis Ren.                                                                                                   newscasts with an average
            Each  episode  averaged                                                                                             of 9.3 million viewers. NBC's
            8.2 million viewers the night                                                                                       "Nightly  News"  had  9  mil-
            that  it  aired  and  during                                                                                        lion  and  the  "CBS  Evening
            the week afterward, down                                                                                            News" had 6.6 million.
            22 percent from last year's                                                                                         For  the  week  of  Nov.  12-
            average  of  10.4  million,                                                                                         18,  the  top  10  shows,  their
            Nielsen said.                                                                                                       networks  and  viewerships:
            The show was once a rou-     This image released by ABC shows, from left, judges Carrie Ann Inaba, Len Goodman and Bruno   NFL  Football:  Minnesota  at
                                         Tonioli,  appear  with  host  Tom  Bergeron  and  Evanna  Lynch  and  Keo  Motsepe  from  the  dance
            tine  top  10  performer  for   competition series "Dancing with the Stars," in Los Angeles.                        Chicago,  NBC,  18.84  mil-
            ABC,  but  last  week's  semi-                                                                     Associated Press  lion;  NFL  Football:  Green
            finals finished out of the top                                                                                      Bay  at  Seattle,  Fox,  16.89
            20.  A  figure  for  Monday's  vision, behind CBS' "The Big  For  the  second  straight  "Monday  Night  Football"  million;  "Sunday  Night  NFL
            finale was not immediately  Bang Theory" and its spinoff,  week,  talk  show  host  Alec  game  between  the  L.A.  Pre-Kick,"  NBC,  13.32  mil-
            available.                   "Young     Sheldon"Among  Baldwin  was  pre-empted,  Rams and Kansas City had  lion; "The Big Bang Theory,"
            In better news for ABC, the  the 18-to-                   this time replaced by "Shark  the best preliminary ratings  CBS,  12.56  million;  "NCIS,"
            Rosanne  Barr-less  sitcom  49-year-old  audience  that  Tank"  reruns.  ABC  has  said  for  that  football  franchise  CBS,  12.47  million;  "Young
            "The  Conners"  has  turned  ABC watches most closely,  the  show  will  switch  from  since 2014.                  Sheldon," CBS, 10.78 million;
            into a solid prime-time per-  "The  Conners"  ranked  No.  Sunday  to  Saturday  night  Locked in a tight battle for  NFL  Football:  N.Y.  Giants
            former.                      15  last  week,  Nielsen  said.  —  often  the  television  ver-  supremacy  with  CBS  this  at  San  Francisco,  ESPN,
            Its  ratings  don't  measure  Only "Grey's Anatomy" and  sion  of  one  step  closer  to  season, NBC averaged 7.1  10.65  million;  "60  Minutes,"
            up to last year's "Roseanne"  the  annual  CMA  awards  cancellation.                  million viewers last week to  CBS,  10.29  million;  "CMA
            revival, but last week's epi-  had  more  young  viewers  With  two  of  the  NFL's  best  6.8 million for CBS. Fox had  Awards," ABC, 10.11 million;
            sode  was  the  third  most-  on  ABC  last  week,  Nielsen  teams  providing  an  offen-  6  million,  ABC  had  5.3  mil-  "Thursday  Night  NFL  Pre-
            watched comedy on tele-      said.                        sive  feast,  ESPN  said  the  lion  viewers,  Univision  had  Kick," Fox, 9.46 million.q

            In 'Creed II,' Dolph Lundgren is happy he has better lines

            By JOHN CARUCCI                                                                        more substantial role.       he said. “He wanted to cre-
            Associated Press                                                                       “I got a chance to play a  ate  a  father-son  relation-
            PHILADELPHIA  (AP)  —  Be-                                                             guy who was a real person  ship  right  from  the  begin-
            ing cast as the villain Soviet                                                         and  who  has  real  prob-   ning.”
            boxer Ivan Drago in “Rocky                                                             lems,  especially  a  father-  Lundgren  had  a  unique
            IV”  launched  Dolph  Lund-                                                            son relationship. When I see  trajectory  that  led  him  to
            gren’s  acting  career.  But                                                           father-son  relationships  in  the big screen. He was an
            he  had  a  brainier  path  if                                                         movies,  it  always  gets  me  engineering student in Mel-
            that didn’t work out.                                                                  emotional.  And  I  had  a  bourne, Australia, when he
            The 61-year old actor holds                                                            chance to be part of that,”  met  actress  Grace  Jones.
            a master’s degree in chem-                                                             Lundgren said.               While dating, she took him
            ical  engineering  and  was                                                            Back  in  “Rocky  IV,”  Drago  to  New  York  and  intro-
            on  a  Fulbright  scholarship                                                          kills  Apollo  Creed  in  the  duced  to  him  people  like
            at  the  Massachusetts  Insti-                                                         ring,  only  to  lose  to  Rocky  Andy  Warhol  and  Michael
            tute  of  Technology  when                                                             Balboa. But he loses much  Jackson.  It  didn’t  hurt  that
            Stallone cast him as Drago   In this Nov. 14, 2018 file photo, Dolph Lundgren attends the world   more than a match.  he was a karate champion
            for  the  1985  “Rocky”  se-  premiere of "Creed II" in New York.                      In  “Creed  II,”  we  learn  he  when  Stallone  discovered
            quel.                                                                 Associated Press  is living in squalor after the  him.
            Lundgren  doesn’t  regret                                                              embarrassing loss. He is rais-  Since  then,  he’s  had  a
            trading    academia     for  because  that  character  This  month,  Lundgren  re-     ing  his  son  Viktor,  played  busy  action-movie  career,
            those red boxing trunks with  started  my  whole  career  prises  the  role  of  Drago  in  by  Florian  Munteanu,  to  which  includes  “The  Ex-
            the gold stripes, though he  and it’s been a great thing  “Creed  II,”  as  much  a  se-  be  a  boxer  and  is  seeking  pendables” trilogy, portray-
            wishes his character had a  for me. But it’s also kind of  quel to the previous film as  revenge  on  Rocky  by  get-  ing  He-Man  in  “Masters  of
            few more coherent lines.     been  a  negative  in  one  it is to “Rocky IV.” Lundgren  ting his son to fight the son  the Universe,” and the up-
            “It  felt  really  surreal,  and,  way because the guy was  remains grateful to Stallone,  of the man he killed.    coming  “Aquaman.”  Still,
            at  the  same  time,  it  felt  such  a  monosyllabic  guy,”  not  only  for  casting  him  in  Munteanu  said  he  felt  a  he admits to soul searching
            like  a  big  moment  for  me  Lundgren  said.  “He  was  a  the first place, but for bring-  bond  with  Lundgren.  “It’s  when it came to his career
            in  my  career  as  a  person,  robot.”                   ing him back in a heartier,  an  honor  to  play  his  son,”  path.q
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