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Thursday 22 November 2018
Death of young Thai kickboxer brings focus on dangers
By KAWEEWIT KAEWJINDA ponent lands at least four
Associated Press hard punches to Anucha's
BANGKOK (AP) — The sight head, leaving him dazed,
of two preteen boys pum- and perhaps even uncon-
meling each other with fists, scious before he hits the
elbows, knees and feet as floor and bangs his head
a boisterous crowd shouts hard on the mat.
wagers at each other is Dr. Witaya Sungkarat, a
considered good, clean doctor from Ramathibodi
sport in Thailand. Hospital in Bangkok, spent
However, the death earlier five years conducting a
this month of a 13-year-old study published last month
Muay Thai contender may that compared brain de-
push forward changes to velopment between young
protect other youngsters in boxers and children not in-
Thai kickboxing. volved with the sport.
Anucha Tasako died of The study's results clearly
a brain hemorrhage two show that boxing causes
days after he was knocked irreparable damage to a
out in a bout on Nov. 10, young child's developing
his 174th match in a career brain, he said, adding that
that began at age 8. the longer each partici-
His death was a fluke, said pant had boxed, the worse
some of the sport's boost- In this Thursday, Nov. 15, 2018, photo, Thai boxers perform their traditional dance showing respect their condition became.
ers. They said that the ref- at the coffin of 13-year-old Thai kickboxer Anucha Tasako during his funeral services in Samut "If we keep letting children
Prakan province, Thailand.
eree did not stop the fight Associated Press box and injure their brains
soon enough, and that no without implementing
doctor was available. the younger boy every day young fighters because said she didn't know how to measures to protect them,
But even those boys who and never once heard him he fought often and was respond. their futures are predict-
can carry on fighting are complain. considered a gifted box- Footage of Anucha's fatal able," Witaya said.
almost guaranteed serious "He'd spring right out of bed er. Young amateur boxers fight, posted online by Thai Witaya understands part of
long-term health damage, every time I woke him up," typically earn around 500 media outlets, show him the sport's appeal. "People
according to a new report said Tapakorn. "He always to 1,000 baht ($15 to 30) a briefly stumbling to the floor like to watch children box
by a Thai doctor. trained hard and kept any fight. after taking a knee to his because they don't lose on
Thai lawmakers recently emotions to himself." "I told him to stop boxing," leg from his opponent. He purpose and they genuine-
suggested barring children Anucha could occasion- said Anucha's 75-year-old picks himself back up, and ly fight each other," he said,
younger than 12 from com- ally earn as much as 10,000 grandmother, Subin Tasa- the referee promptly allows referring to the common
petitive boxing, but boxing to 40,000 baht ($300 to ko. "He told me: Grandma, the fight to resume, but perception that many pro-
enthusiasts strongly oppose $1,200) for each fight he what else can I do? I'm Anucha appears to have fessional boxing matches
the change. They say the won, which he would give young and I can't work. If had the fight knocked out are fixed to accommodate
sport is part of Thai culture to his grandparents, sib- I stop boxing, how would of him. bookies.
and gives poor families lings and uncles, Tapakorn I earn money to pay for Moments later, he is stag- But Anucha's case, he said,
the opportunity to raise a said, adding that Anucha school or support you? gering and defenseless shows how inadequate
champion that will lift their earned more than other That's what he said." Subin against the ropes, as his op- oversight in the Thai box-
economic circumstances. ing industry had led young
Anucha was born in the boxers to be overworked.
poor northeastern prov- "It's the system that abused
ince of Kalasin and raised him. The system allowed
by his grandparents since him to fight this much and
his parents split up when this often at such a young
he was 3. Anucha was al- age," Witaya said. "There's a
ready becoming his fam- loophole in the system that
ily's breadwinner when his allowed him to become a
uncle, a physical educa- professional fighter without
tion teacher and boxing any preventive measures."
trainer, brought him to the Witaya referenced a provi-
Bangkok suburb of Samut sion allowing children to be
Prakarn around a year ago paid "rewards" rather than
to pursue a big-time boxing being paid compensation
career. for work.
Anucha's days started at And while professional
4:30 a.m. with a run and Muay Thai titles are only
light training at the boxing open to competitors age
gym. He attended school 15 or older and two major
from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. be- Bangkok stadiums have
fore heading back to the weight minimums, chil-
gym for more training until dren can fight in unofficial
8 p.m. Bedtime was 10 p.m. matches outside the World
Tapakorn Takimnok, 15, a In this Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018, photo, Dr. Witaya Sungkarat, Ramathibodi Hospital, explains Muay Thai Council super-
fellow boxer and a friend of brain scans from young boxers. vision with a guardian's
Anucha, said he woke up Associated Press permission.q