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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 22 November 2018
            Q&A: Steve Martin, Martin Short on friendship and a new tour

            By LINDSEY BAHR                                                                                                     AP: It is incredible that sing-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ing and the banjo are 'side
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — Steve                                                                                            talents' for you two.
            Martin and Martin Short are                                                                                         Martin:  You  know,  Marty
            back on the road again for                                                                                          would never do this, but he
            their  new  tour  "Now  You                                                                                         could  make  a  serious  al-
            See Them, Soon You Won't                                                                                            bum and I would listen to it
            ."                                                                                                                  all the time. I find his voice
            The  two  comedy  legends                                                                                           so beautiful.
            spoke  to  The  Associated                                                                                          Pitch   perfect.   Beautiful
            Press  recently  about  the                                                                                         tone. He sings 'Send in the
            tour, which kicks off its 2019                                                                                      Clowns' in the show and it's
            leg  on  Jan.  12  in  Atlanta,                                                                                     just gorgeous.
            their  friendship  and  when                                                                                        Short: Well, thank you. And
            they  knew  that  roasting                                                                                          I of course have all Steve's
            each other was OK.                                                                                                  albums and I one day plan
            Remarks have been edited                                                                                            to listen to them.
            for clarity and brevity.                                                                                            AP:  Was  there  a  moment
            AP: Is "Now You See Them,                                                                                           when you realized this was
            Soon  You  Won't"  mostly                                                                                           more than a showbiz friend-
            new material?                                                                                                       ship?
            Martin: A lot of it is. It's very                                                                                   Martin:  Yeah,  I  would  say
            hard  for  us  to  judge  what                                                                                      very  early  on.  We  perse-
            is  new  because  a  lot  of  it                                                                                    vered. When you finish do-
            is  new  but  it's  in  the  same                                                                                   ing  a  movie,  mostly  every-
            framework.  What  we  tried                                                                                         one drifts away from each
            to  do  is  salvage  or  keep                                                                                       other.  We  just  went  and
            what  we  suspected  the                                                                                            had dinners and saw each
            audience  wanted  to  see                                                                                           other.
            again,  but  we  try  to  re-                                                                                       Short: I think you make that
            place lines and do it a little                                                                                      choice.  You  have  to  be
            different.  But  if  somebody                                                                                       conscientious and say, you
            saw  the  show,  they'd  say                                                                                        know what? I don't want to
            'that's mostly a new show!'  In  this  June  8,  2017  file  photo,  Steve  Martin,  left,  and  Martin  Short  appear  at  the  45th  AFI  Life   lose that person.
            AP: What is your process for   Achievement Award Tribute to Diane Keaton in Los Angeles.           Associated Press  Martin:  We  also  ended  up
            determining  what  to  cut                                                                                          vacationing  together  with
            and add?                     is  that  with  one  voice  you  Martin: Day one.         nostalgia  tour  would  be  if  our families.
            Martin:  It's  really  tri...well,  I  have this kind of groan.  Short:  It's  very  natural  for  I  came  out  as  Ed  Grimley  Two  weeks  on  an  island,
            should let Marty talk.       AP:  I  do  always  worry  that  people  in  comedy  to  do  and  we  did  the  'Wheel  of  you'll  know  if  you  like  that
            Short: Go ahead, Steve, I'm  somehow  the  voices  will  it. I think it's very natural for  Fortune'  sketch  and  hope  person  or  not,  you  know?
            just doing something else.   blend when you go to tran-   friends,  close  friends  to  do  that  that  would  get  some  I'm talking about our wives.
            Martin: OK. It's trial and er-  scribe.                   it. And we probably started  nostalgia  applause.  If  a  AP:  Is  there  anything  else
            ror. We work with writers, we  Short:  They  won't.  One  doing  it  playing  scrabble  singer comes out and sings  you  want  people  to  know
            work  on  our  own  and  we  won't even come out.         in  the  trailer  while  making  all  old  hits,  then  that  is  a  about the show?
            put things in, we take things  Martin:  Well,  let's  put  it  this  'Three Amigos.'   nostalgia  tour  and  there's  Martin:  Our  goal,  and
            out,  and  every  night  after  way,  you'll  be  able  to  tell  Martin: The first day we met,  nothing  wrong  with  that  sometimes we achieve it, I
            the show we walk off stage  which  mine  is  because  I  Marty zinged me. He came  and that's great and that's  think, maybe I'm a little ar-
            and  we  go,  'What  should  speak grammatically.         to my house to pick up the  what I'd rather see.          rogant,  but  we  want  it  to
            we  do,  how  should  we  fix  Short:  But,  for  some  odd  script to 'Three Amigos' and  Martin:  I  think  a  nostalgia  be  one  of  the  best  shows
            that, should we move that  reason,  you'll  find  yourself  he saw all of the paintings  tour implies that you'll come  the audience ever saw.
            line up to the front?'       dozing  off  for  no  reason  and he said, 'How did you  out and say, 'You know, la-   We want to give the audi-
            AP: Do you allow for spon-   and  you'll  realize  the  con-  get  this  rich?  I've  seen  the  dies and gentlemen, when  ence  their  money's  worth
            taneous moments?             nection.                     work.'                       I  first  started,  I  did  a  little  and  really  make  them
            Short: You absolutely allow.  AP: Do you use one anoth-   Short: And I was looking for  movie  called  "The  Jerk.'"  laugh  and  make  them  re-
            What a set show gives you  er as a test audience?         the script for 'Three Amigos'  And  then  you  stand  there  ally have a good time and
            is the confidence to go out  Martin:  Well,  I  think  each  and Steve handed it to me  and wait for applause.      leave  that  theater  feeling
            because  you  know  you're  other  is  our  first  test  audi-  and said, 'Can you give this  Short:  And  I'd  love  that  better than they did when
            prepared,  and  you  have  ence.  And  then  I  tend  to  to Martin Short, please?'    show.                        they came in.
            lots  of  great  material,  but  just  try  out  material  on  my  AP:  You  said  the  previous  AP: Will there still be singing  Short:  Totally  agree.  And
            then you go out there and  wife  and  on  my  dog  and  tour  was  not  a  nostalgia  and  banjo  playing  in  this  you  don't  always  achieve
            you're  so  loose  that  other  on  the  band.  And  finally  tour.  Is  that  still  true  and  go-around?         it,  but  it's  awfully  fun  to
            things  happen  and  some-   on  the  audience,  who,  of  why was that important to  Martin:  Absolutely.  We  de-  have a goal.
            times  they're  the  most  de-  course,  has  the  ultimate  specify?                  scribe the show as a lot of  Martin: How could I possibly
            lightful.                    say. When I first started out  Short:  Well,  because  it  comedy  and  a  little  bit  of  achieve it with you next to
            Martin:  You  are  fantastic.  people  would  say,  'You  wasn't  a  nostalgia  tour.  A  music.                    me?q
            I'm  going  to  let  you  speak  have  a  great  sense  of  hu-
            all  the  time  now  because  mor.'  And  I  would  say,  re-
            you just nailed that beauti-  ally,  the  audience  has  the
            fully.                       great sense of humor.
            Short:  I  did.  And  remem-  AP:  When  did  you  figure  it
            ber that the difference be-  was OK to roast each other
            tween my voice and yours  like this?
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