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BUSINESS                 Tuesday 6 augusT 2019

            Stocks around the world slide as trade war worsens

            By STAN CHOE                                                                                                        the  United  States  that  ac-
            DAMIAN J. TROISE                                                                                                    counts  for  more  than  10%
            Associated Press                                                                                                    of its sales. Chip stocks were
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Stocks                                                                                          also among the hardest hit
            tanked    again   Monday                                                                                            in the S&P 500, and Nvidia
            on  worries  that  President                                                                                        sank 6.5%.
            Donald  Trump’s  worsening                                                                                          Monday’s  plunge  in  bond
            trade  war  will  threaten  a                                                                                       yields  dragged  on  banks
            global recession and drag                                                                                           by  making  lending  less
            profits for companies even                                                                                          profitable.  Bank  of  Ameri-
            lower.                                                                                                              ca  fell  4.8%,  Citigroup  lost
            China  let  its  currency,  the                                                                                     3.2% and JPMorgan Chase
            yuan, drop to its lowest lev-                                                                                       dropped 2.9%.
            el against the dollar in more                                                                                       Companies are in the final
            than  a  decade,  a  move                                                                                           stretch  of  the  latest  round
            that Trump railed against as                                                                                        of  quarterly  earnings  re-
            “currency  manipulation.”                                                                                           ports,  and  results  haven’t
            It  followed  his  own  tweets                                                                                      been  as  bad  as  initially
            last  week  that  threatened                                                                                        feared,  though  still  down
            tariffs on about $300 billion                                                                                       from year-ago levels. Profit
            of  Chinese  goods,  which                                                                                          for  companies  in  the  S&P
            would extend tariffs across                                                                                         500  is  now  expected  to
            almost all Chinese imports.  Specialist James Denaro, left, works at his post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange,   contract  by  roughly  1%.
            The  escalating  trade  war   Monday, Aug. 5, 2019.                                                                 That’s better than the near-
            between  the  world’s  larg-                                                                       Associated Press  ly 3% drop earlier expected.
            est  economies  is  rattling  highs just over a week ago.   merely  a  reflection  of  its  ready pulled back on their  More than three quarters of
            investors already unnerved  But  the  escalating  trade   own slowing economy and  investment  given  all  the  the S&P 500 have reported
            about  a  slowing  global  tensions  and  disappoint-     the painful effects of tariffs.  uncertainties  about  trade  financial results.
            economy,  falling  U.S.  cor-  ment  that  the  Federal  Re-  The  latest  round  of  tar-  and the global economy.  There  are  still  several  big-
            porate profits and possibly  serve  has  not  committed   iffs  threatened  by  Trump  Technology stocks bore the  name     companies     that
            too-weak inflation.          to a lengthy series of inter-  would  much  more  directly  brunt  of  Monday’s  selling,  have yet to report financial
            “The  Great  China  Trade  est-rate cuts have sent the    hit  U.S.  consumers  buying  and  Apple  slid  4.7%.  It  not  results. Disney will report on
            Deal  evaporated  before  S&P 500 on a losing streak      clothes  and  electronics  only  depends  on  Chinese  Tuesday,  while  CVS  and
            our eyes last week and in-   set to hit its sixth day, which   made  in  China.  Earlier  tar-  factories  to  assemble  its  Lyft  are  set  to  report  on
            vestors  should  stop  hop-  would  be  its  longest  since   iffs  more  heavily  affected  iPhones,  but  China  is  also  Wednesday.  Uber  will  re-
            ing it back into existence,”  October.                    businesses,  which  have  al-  the only country aside from  lease results on Thursday. q
            Christopher Smart, head of  The  S&P  500  is  5.3%  below
            the Barings Investments In-  A  weaker  yuan  gives  Chi- Survey: US services sector slips to worst
                                         its record.
            stitute, wrote in a report.
            Losses  were  steep  and  nese
            worldwide as a sell-off that  boost by making their prod- growth in 3 years
            began  Monday  in  Asia  ucts cheaper on worldwide
            swept  westward  through  markets  for  buyers  using     By JOSH BOAK
            Europe  to  the  Americas.  dollars or other currencies.   Associated Press
            Investors in search of safety  That hurts U.S. manufactur-  WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The
            herded  into  U.S.  govern-  ers,  which  have  already   pace of expansion for U.S.
            ment  bonds,  which  sent  been  hit  by  the  slowing    services  companies  fell  to
            yields plunging lower.       global  economy.  It  also   its  slowest  pace  in  nearly
            The  yield  on  the  10-year  adds   more    downward     three  years,  as  gauges  of
            Treasury  note,  which  rises  pressure on inflation, which   business  activity  and  new
            with expectations of stron-  some  economists  worry      orders weakened.
            ger economic growth and  may be edging toward too         The  Institute  for  Supply
            inflation,  fell  to  its  lowest  weak.  In  the  worst  case,   Management, an associa-
            level  since  Trump’s  2016  falling  prices  encourage   tion of purchasing manag-
            election  energized  mar-    people and companies to      ers,  said  Monday  that  its
            kets,  down  to  1.75%  from  hold  off  on  buying  things,   non-manufacturing  index
            1.85% late Friday.           which starts a vicious cycle   fell to 53.7 from 55.1 in June.   In this Dec. 27, 2018, file photo a worker trims fronds from a palm
            The  S&P  500  lost  2.4%,  as  of  less  and  less  economic   The  July  measure  was  the   tree in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles.
            of 12:17 p.m. Eastern time,  activity.                    weakest since August 2016.                                           Associated Press
            and  was  on  track  for  its  The  U.S.  has  long  com-  Readings  above  50  signal  proved. “We’re seeing this  period,” he said.
            worst  day  in  nearly  three  plained  about  the  weak-  growth,  so  the  index  sug-  easing,  this  slowing,”  said  The  index  comes  from  a
            months.  The  Dow  Jones  ness  of  China’s  curren-      gests  that  overall  growth  Anthony  Nieves,  chair  of  survey of businesses. Some
            Industrial  Average  fell  605  cy,  and  Monday’s  drop   will continue but has down-  the  ISM’s  non-manufactur-  of  the  respondents  said
            points,  or  2.3%,  to  25,880,  brought  the  yuan  past  a   shifted.  The  services  sec-  ing  business  survey  com-  that  tariffs  against  China
            and  the  Nasdaq  compos-    level that traders saw as an   tor  accounts  for  the  bulk  mittee.  Nieves  said  that  a  launched   by   President
            ite dropped 3.1%.            important    psychological   of U.S. jobs and economic  slowdown  can  occur  dur-    Donald  Trump  have  com-
            The  U.S.  economy  is  still  benchmark,  at  seven  per   activity.                  ing  the  summer  months,  plicated  their  businesses,
            growing,  the  unemploy-     $1.                          The  index’s  measures  of  but  the  survey  indicates  a  challenge  that  could
            ment rate remains close to  Analysts    were     mixed,   business  activity  and  new  that  the  decade-plus  ex-  increase  if  the  administra-
            its healthiest level in nearly  though,  on  whether  the   orders  decreased,  though  pansion will continue.     tion  expands  these  im-
            half  a  century  and  U.S.  move was a result of China   both still pointed to growth.  “I  don’t  think  we’re  any-  port  taxes  as  planned  in
            stock  indexes  set  record  weaponizing  the  yuan  or   The  hiring  measure  im-    where near a recessionary  September.q
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