Page 20 - aruba-today-20190806
P. 20

                    Tuesday 6 augusT 2019

            San Jose

            Continued from Page 17       ball, she will hit winners on
                                         any  corner,  so  I  was  just
            Zheng, who is ranked 55th  trying  to  mix  it  up,”  Zheng
            and  played  one  more  said.
            match  than  Sabalenka  to  Sabalenka threw her rack-
            reach Sunday’s champion-     et  after  double-faulting
            ship, topped three seeded  on  the  first  match  point,
            players  on  the  way  to  her  slammed her racket to the
            second  career  final  and  court  following  another
            then  another  for  her  first  mistake  and  also  hit  it  on
            victory at age 25. She was  the  net  in  frustration  in  an
            runner-up  at  Nanchang  afternoon  of  unforced  er-
            last  year.With  her  big  top-  rors  after  the  21-year-old
            spin  shots  landing  deep  missed  on  a  fourth  career
            and the defensive ability to  title.
            chase  down  balls  all  over  The  second-seeded  Sa-
            the  court,  Zheng  flustered  balenka, who lost in the first
            opponents  all  week  with  round of qualifying here in
            her  consistency  and  level-  2018, rode her powerful first
            headed  play  —  and  the  serve  to  reach  to  her  sev-
            emotional  Sabalenka  was  enth final and is projected
            no different.                to  match  her  career-high
            Not  that  Zheng  was  pay-  ranking of ninth.            Zheng Saisai, of China, returns the ball to Aryna Sabalenka, of Belarus, during the finals of the
            ing attention to her oppo-   “I couldn’t do anything to-  Mubadala Silicon Valley Classic tennis tournament in San Jose, Calif., Sunday, Aug. 4, 2019.
            nent’s outbursts, saying she  day with myself. I couldn’t
            stayed focused on her own  control my emotions. I was     pel her to No. 38 — match-   had  played  one  three-set  She  noted,  “I  want  to  be
            game plan.                   screaming  some  (stuff),  I   ing her career best — when  match this week.            like Serena on the court.”
            “The  tactic  is  put  the  ball  was throwing the rackets,”   Monday’s new singles rank-  They  even  wore  matching  “I expect better tennis than
            deep  and  whenever  I  see  she  said.  “...  Her  game   ings are released.          Nike  outfits  for  the  final  of  I played today,” she said. “I
            a  space  let  her  run  and  destroyed  me  because  I   The  two  met  once  previ-  dark skirts and a gold tank.  just need to be calm on the
            change if I can flies or high  couldn’t  use  my  power.  I   ously,  with  Zheng  winning  For Sabalenka, the loss will  court and just play my ten-
            balls  because  if  I  give  her  wasn’t ready for that.”  in straight sets on the ITF cir-  provide  lessons  in  how  to  nis  and  don’t  care  about
            the same pace, the same  Zheng’s  victory  could  pro-    cuit  in  2017.  Each  woman  be  more  mentally  tough.  anything else.”q
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