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U.S. NEWS Tuesday 6 augusT 2019
This Jan. 21, 2017, file photo shows the floor of the main lobby of
the Central Intelligence Agency in Langley, Va.
Associated Press
Feds: FBI ‘exercised
remarkable caution’
in CIA worker probe In this Tuesday evening, Dec. 31, 2013 file photo, a woman smokes marijuana during a
Prohibition-era themed New Year’s Eve party at a bar in Denver, the day before Colorado
By LARRY NEUMEISTER allowed retail sales of marijuana to those 21 and over.
Associated Press Associated Press
NEW YORK (AP) — The FBI “exercised remarkable caution Study finds more edible pot
and candor” in securing search warrants that led to espi-
onage charges against a former CIA employee, prosecu- among Colorado teen users
tors have told a federal judge presiding over the case.
Prosecutors said a court hearing is unnecessary to reject By KATHLEEN FOODY help to inform public the high tetrahydrocan-
Joshua Adam Schulte’s claims that evidence should be Associated Press health efforts.” nabinol levels of canna-
tossed out because searches of his New York City resi- DENVER (AP) — Some The study published Mon- bis concentrates used for
dence and various electronic accounts were illegal. teenagers in Colorado, day in JAMA Pediatrics is dabbing,” the research-
The government made its arguments in papers filed late where marijuana is le- based on high schoolers’ ers wrote.
Friday in Manhattan federal court. gal for adults, are shift- responses to Colorado’s State and federal surveys
It said Schulte’s claims that he was subject to illegal ing away from smoking biennial health survey in have found teen use of
searches were “entirely without merit.” in favor of edible canna- 2015 and 2017. marijuana remained rela-
Prosecutors wrote that the FBI responded properly after bis products, a study re- At least three other states tively stable since Colora-
WikiLeaks in March 2017 began one of the most signifi- leased Monday shows. that permit adult marijua- do began allowing adults
cant disclosures of U.S. government classified information About 78% of the Colo- na use — Alaska, Oregon to buy and use marijua-
in the nation’s history. rado high school students and Washington — also na in 2014. In 2017, 1 in 5
They said a series of 26 disclosures by WikiLeaks signifi- who reported consum- include questions about Colorado students said
cantly damaged U.S. national security by disclosing the ing marijuana in 2017 how teens consume mari- they had recently con-
agency’s intelligence-gathering methods and provid- said they usually smoked juana on state health sumed marijuana in any
ing a way for “hostile actors” to turn “these potent cyber it, down from 87% two surveys. In Colorado and form — about the nation-
weapons against the United States.” years earlier. The number other states, edibles are al average, said Jessica
Prosecutors said the search quickly led to Schulte, a dis- of teens who usually con- tightly regulated includ- Neuwirth, the Colorado
gruntled former CIA employee with an expertise in de- sumed edibles climbed to ing limits on the amount Department of Public
veloping tools to covertly copy electronic data who was about 10% from 2% in the of THC, the compound in Health’s retail marijuana
one of a small number of CIA employees authorized to same period, while the marijuana that creates us- education and youth pre-
access the leaked information. number of users dabbing ers’ high feeling, allowed vention coordinator.
They said the FBI sought a second warrant to search for increased to about 7.5% in each dose. Dispensary She said state public
evidence of child pornography after finding an image on from 4%. Research about employees warn that cus- health researchers are
Schulte’s home desktop computer that depicted a child the way young people tomers should wait sever- always reevaluating the
engaged in sexual acts. consume marijuana prod- al hours to feel the effects survey’s questions and
Schulte has been charged separately with crimes related ucts is still limited, and the of one portion before teens’ responses, with
to that evidence. study’s lead author said eating more. Information input from other states’
Eventually, prosecutors said, the FBI sought additional Colorado’s survey data about the health effects agencies doing the same
search warrants because Schulte engaged in an “infor- could provide valuable of dabbing — heating or work. “We are in certain
mation war” against the U.S. by smuggling contraband insight for public health vaporizing an oil or wax ways leading the country
cellphones into prison and using encrypted email ac- researchers and regula- with a high THC level and in trying to figure out what
counts to disclose more classified information. tors. “Since the implemen- inhaling the vapors — is are the right questions to
“Despite the urgency of this national security investiga- tation of retail marijuana limited. ask and how do you ask
tion, the FBI exercised remarkable caution and candor sales, we haven’t seen “These modes are impor- those questions,” Neu-
in securing search warrants in this case,” the government an increase in use among tant to monitor because wirth said.
said. youth but we are seeing a of their unique psycho- Sales data has consistent-
Defense lawyers have asked a judge to toss out evidence. difference in how young active associations, and ly showed adult consum-
They say investigators violated search warrants by con- people are consuming,” potential harms, including ers are trending toward
ducting a widespread search and seizure, including tak- said Kayla Tormohlen, a unintentional overcon- non-smoking products,
ing notebooks Schulte had carefully labeled as protect- PhD candidate at the sumption with edibles and said David Abernathy,
ed by attorney-client privilege. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg an increased physiologi- vice president of data
He has pleaded not guilty to charges that he leaked clas- School of Public Health. cal tolerance and with- and government affairs
sified information that was disclosed publicly by WikiLeaks “Understanding that can drawal associated with for The ArcView Group. q
in March 2017.q