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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 6 augusT 2019

            AP: UN workers accused of fraud, theft in handling Yemen aid

            By MAGGIE MICHAEL                                                                                                   to  speed  up  the  purchas-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ing  of  goods  and  services
            CAIRO  (AP)  —  An  Associ-                                                                                         in a crisis. The WHO says the
            ated  Press  investigation                                                                                          arrangement is needed to
            has  found  that  more  than                                                                                        keep  operations  going  in
            a dozen United Nations aid                                                                                          remote areas because Ye-
            workers  deployed  to  deal                                                                                         men’s banking sector is not
            with  the  humanitarian  cri-                                                                                       fully functioning.
            sis caused by five years of                                                                                         Because  they  are  sup-
            civil war in Yemen are be-                                                                                          posed  to  be  restricted  to
            ing accused of graft — join-                                                                                        emergencies,  there  is  no
            ing with combatants on all                                                                                          requirement  that  spend-
            sides  to  enrich  themselves                                                                                       ing  of  these  direct  trans-
            from  an  international  out-                                                                                       fers  be  itemized.  Zagaria
            pouring  of  donated  food,                                                                                         approved  direct  transfer
            medicine, fuel and money.                                                                                           of cash worth a total of $1
            The  AP  obtained  U.N.  in-                                                                                        million  for  certain  staffers,
            ternal  investigative  docu-                                                                                        according to internal doc-
            ments,  and  interviewed                                                                                            uments. But in many cases
            eight  aid  workers  and  for-                                                                                      it  was  unclear  how  they
            mer  government  officials.   In this Dec. 10, 2018 file photo, Yemenis take part in a protest calling for the reopening of Sanaa   spent the money.
            The  upshot:  internal  audi-  airport to receive medical aid, in front of the U.N. offices in Sanaa, Yemen.        Zagaria  did  not  respond
            tors  from  the  World  Health                                                                     Associated Press  to  emailed  questions  from
            Organization   are   inves-  Yemen.  The  main  focus  of  but  he  would  not  confirm  mined  the  quality  of  work  the AP. According to three
            tigating  allegations  that  WHO’s investigation into its  or  deny  that  Zagaria  spe-  and monitoring of projects  people  with  knowledge  of
            unqualified  people  were  Yemen operations is Nevio  cifically  was  under  investi-  and  created  “many  loop-   the probe, internal auditors
            placed in high-paying jobs,  Zagaria,  an  Italian  doctor,  gation.                   holes for corruption,” a for-  at UNICEF are investigating
            hundreds  of  thousands  of  who was chief of the agen-   “The  Office  of  Internal  mer aid official said.        Khurram Javed, a Pakistani
            dollars  were  deposited  in  cy’s Sanaa office from 2016  Oversight  Services  is  cur-  Zagaria  also  allegedly  ap-  national  suspected  of  let-
            staffers’ personal bank ac-  until  September  2018,  ac-  rently investigating all con-  proved   suspicious   con-  ting a senior Houthi official
            counts,  dozens  of  suspi-  cording to three individuals  cerns raised,” he said. “We  tracts  signed  by  staffers  use an agency vehicle.
            cious  contracts  were  ap-  with  direct  knowledge  of  must respect the confiden-   with  no  competitive  bid-  That  effectively  gave  the
            proved without the proper  the investigation.             tiality  of  this  process  and  ding  or  documentation  Houthi  official  protection
            paperwork, and tons of do-   The only public announce-    are  unable  go  into  details  for  the  spending.  Accord-  from  airstrikes  by  the  Sau-
            nated  medicine  and  fuel  ment of the probe came in  on specific concerns.”          ing  to  internal  documents,  di-led   coalition   fighting
            went missing.                a sentence buried in the 37  Four  current  and  former  local  firms  contracted  to  the  Houthis,  since  UNICEF
            A  second  probe  by  an-    pages of the internal audi-  workers said the WHO’s Ye-   provide  services  at  WHO’s  clears  its  vehicles’  move-
            other U.N. agency, UNICEF,  tor’s 2018 annual report of  men  office  under  Zagaria  Aden  office  were  later  ments with the coalition to
            focuses  on  a  staffer  who  activities  worldwide.  The  was riddled with corruption  found  to  have  hired  WHO  ensure their safety. Officials
            allowed  a  Houthi  rebel  report did not mention Za-     and nepotism.                staffers’  friends  and  family  say they fear the agency’s
            leader  to  travel  in  agency  garia by name.            Zagaria  brought  in  junior  and  overcharged  for  ser-  vehicles could be targeted
            vehicles, shielding him from  The  report,  released  May  staffers  who  worked  with  vices. The owner of one firm  by airstrikes if coalition forc-
            potential  airstrikes  by  the  1, found that financial and  him  in  the  Philippines  and  was seen handing cash to  es  believe  they  are  being
            Saudi-led  coalition.  The  in-  administrative  controls  in  promoted them to high-sal-  one staffer, the documents  used to shield Houthi rebels.
            dividuals who spoke to the  the Yemen office were “un-    ary posts though they were  show — an apparent kick-      Javed  was  well  known  for
            AP about the investigations  satisfactory”  —  its  lowest  unqualified,  three  individu-  back.                   his close ties to Houthi secu-
            did so on condition of ano-  rating  —  and  noted  hiring  als said.                  Under  Zagaria,  aid  funds  rity  agencies;  he  boasted
            nymity, fearing reprisals.   irregularities,  no-competi-  Two  of  them  —  a  Filipino  meant  to  be  spent  during  that he used his connection
            Critics  of  such  corruption  tion  contracts  and  lack  of  university  student  and  a  emergencies  were  also  to prevent UNICEF auditors
            say it threatens the interna-  monitoring  over  procure-  former intern — were given  used with little accountabil-  from  entering  the  country,
            tional  lifeline  on  which  the  ment.                   senior  posts,  but  their  only  ity  or  monitoring,  accord-  a former co-worker and an
            majority of Yemen’s 30 mil-  WHO     spokesman     Tarik  role was to take care of Za-  ing to internal documents.  aid official said.  The Houthi
            lion  people  rely.  Last  year,  Jasarevic confirmed to the  garia’s dog, two of the of-  Under WHO rules, aid mon-  rebels even put up a large
            the  U.N.  said  international  AP that the investigation is  ficials said.            ey  can  be  transferred  di-  billboard  of  him  on  a  San-
            donors  pledged  $2  billion  underway. He said Zagaria  “Incompetent  staff  with  rectly into the accounts of  aa street, thanking him for
            for  humanitarian  efforts  in  retired  in  September  2018,  heavy   salaries”   under-  staffers,  a  measure  meant  his services.q

            Morocco navy rescues 424 migrants in under a day

            Associated Press             MAP  says  the  rescued  mi-  duce the surge and reports  migrants who disembarked  Mali  and  Tunisia  and  in-
            ROME  (AP)  —  Morocco’s  grants included 53 women  stopping tens of thousands  on  the  island  Monday  re-        clude    three   pregnant
            state-run news agency says  and 16 minors and some of  of attempted sea crossings  ported  starting  their  voy-    women  and  six  children.  It
            Moroccan navy crews res-     the hundreds of passengers  to Spain so far this year.    age  in  Libya  more  than  says  Many  were  severely
            cued  424  migrants  in  the  had  serious  health  condi-  An  Italian  migrant  and  two days earlier. Mediterra-  dehydrated.
            Mediterranean Sea on Sun-    tions. It wasn’t immediately  refugee  program  says  48  nean Hope says they didn’t  Italy’s  right-wing  interior
            day night and Monday.        clear where the boats were  migrants    who    reached  specify  how  many  people  minister  has  refused  to  al-
            The  MAP  news  agency  re-  headed,  but  Morocco  in-   Lampedusa Island in a fish-  perished on the way but re-  low  nonprofit  groups’  res-
            ported  that  the  makeshift  creasingly  has  become  a  ing  boat  told  authorities  ported  the  dead  included  cue ships into the country’s
            boats carrying the migrants  departure point for Europe-  that  some  fellow  passen-  a 5-month-old baby and a  ports  but  smugglers’  boats
            were  in  trouble  when  the  bound migrants. The North  gers died at sea.             man about the age of 30.     carrying migrants continue
            rescues  took  place,  but  it  African  kingdom  has  ad-  Protestant church program  The  program  says  the  mi-  arriving  at  Italy’s  southern-
            didn’t give details.         opted  new  tactics  to  re-  Mediterranean  Hope  said  grants are from Ivory Coast,  most island on their own.q
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