Page 12 - aruba-today-20190806
P. 12
Tuesday 6 augusT 2019
Puerto Ricans await court decision on potential new governor
By DÁNICA COTO stitution. Further complicat-
Associated Press ing the situation was a law-
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico suit filed Monday in Puerto
(AP) — A Puerto Rico court Rico’s Supreme Court by
could have the final say on Carmen Yulín Cruz, mayor
who should lead the U.S. of the Puerto Rican capi-
territory after the island’s tal of San Juan. The lawsuit
Senate filed a lawsuit seek- questions whether Pierluisi
ing to oust a veteran poli- had the right to be sworn in
tician recently sworn in as on Friday.
the island’s governor. The crisis could now drag
The Superior Court of San on for days or even weeks,
Juan is scheduled to hold a with legal experts saying
hearing early Monday eve- Puerto Rico’s Supreme
ning as Puerto Ricans who Court will likely issue the fi-
successfully ousted the pre- nal decision if the Senate
vious governor from office does not approve of Pierlu-
following nearly two weeks isi as secretary of state and
of popular protests await he declines to relinquish his
yet another twist in what is position. A well-respected
a deepening constitutional attorneys’ organization has
crisis. accused Pierluisi of “hijack-
However, there’s a chance Pedro Pierluisi, sworn in as Puerto Rico’s governor, smiles during a press conference in San Juan, ing” the constitution.
that hearing might not Puerto Rico, Friday, Aug. 2, 2019. Those who oppose Pierluisi
even happen. The Senate Associated Press said having him as gover-
at the last minute asked retary of state, the next in Rosselló formally resigned chambers because the nor represents a serious
the Supreme Court to take line to be governor, in a on Aug. 2 following nearly amendment contradicts conflict of interest because
up the case, although that recess appointment last two weeks of popular pro- the intent of the constitu- he worked for a firm that
court has not yet respond- week. The island’s House of tests amid anger over cor- tion and its statement of represented a federal con-
ed. Representatives then con- ruption, mismanagement motives. trol board overseeing the
The lawsuit seeks a pre- firmed him to the position in of funds and a leaked ob- Pierluisi has said the up- island’s finances amid a 13-
liminary injunction order- a 26-to-21 vote on Friday, a scenity-laced chat in which coming Senate vote is a year recession.
ing Pedro Pierluisi to cease move he argues makes him he and 11 other men made moot point because he al- During his public hearing
his functions immediately the replacement for Gov. fun of women, gay people ready is governor, but then on Friday, Pierluisi said he
and also asks that the court Ricardo Rosselló. and victims of Hurricane on Monday he issued a is against several auster-
declare unconstitutional However, the Senate had Maria, among others. statement saying he would ity measures sought by the
a 2005 law that states a not yet voted on the ap- Puerto Rico’s constitution respect the outcome of board as Puerto Rico strug-
secretary of state does not pointment, and it was ex- says the secretary of state their vote. gles to recover from Hurri-
have to be approved by pected to do so Monday takes over if the gover- “The only thing I ask of cane María, including lay-
both House and Senate if afternoon. nor steps down, and one Senators is that before they ing off public employees
he has to step in as gover- Pierluisi said in a statement amendment states that ev- make a decision they listen and eliminating a Christ-
nor. that there is no time to lose. eryone in line to become to the people, to whom we mas bonus. But Pierluisi’s
“We are a people of LAW “Although it is regrettable governor has to be con- are indebted,” he said. brother-in-law is chairman
and ORDER,” Senate Presi- that this matter has to be firmed by both the House If the Senate votes against of the board that Con-
dent Thomas Rivera Schatz elucidated in our courts, I and Senate, except for the his appointment as secre- gress created to oversee
wrote in a Facebook post. hope that it will be treated secretary of state. Legal tary of state, Pierluisi has the restructuring of some
“There is no circumstance with the greatest urgency experts, however, ques- said he would step down of the more than $70 billion
that places someone and diligence for the good tion the amendment’s va- and hand the governorship in public debt after Puerto
above the Law.” of the people of Puerto lidity and believe Pierluisi to the justice secretary, the Rico declared a form of
Pierluisi was named sec- Rico,” he said. must be confirmed by both next in line under the con- bankruptcy. q
Brazil gang leader dresses up as
daughter in jail escape bid
Associated Press an gave him away. Silva can be seen removing
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — A His plan was apparently the mask and some of the
Brazilian gang leader tried to leave his 19-year-old clothes, and saying his full
to escape from prison by daughter inside the jail. Po- name.
dressing up as his daugh- lice are looking into her pos- Authorities say da Silva was
ter when she visited him sible role as an accomplice part of the leadership of
behind bars and walking in Saturday’s failed escape the Red Command, one of
out the penitentiary’s main attempt from Gericinó pris- the most powerful criminal
door in her place, authori- on. Rio’s State Secretary groups in Brazil that con-
ties said Sunday. of Prison Administration re- trolled drug trafficking in a
But prison officials said the leased photos showing da large part of Rio.
This photo released by the Rio de Janeiro Penitentiary
Administration Secretariat, shows the mask, wig and women’s nervousness displayed by Silva in a silicon girl’s mask After the failed escape bid,
clothing that was used by a man authorities identify as jailed Clauvino da Silva, also and long dark-haired wig, da Silva was transferred to
Brazilian drug trafficker Clauvino da Silva, alias “Baixinho,” known as “Shorty,” as he wearing tight jeans and a a unit of a maximum-secu-
which means “Shorty,” in an attempt to escape from jail in Rio tried to leave the prison in pink shirt with a cartoon im- rity prison and will face dis-
de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday, Aug. 4, 2019. the western part of Rio de age of donuts. They also re- ciplinary sanctions, officials
Associated Press Janeiro dressed as a wom- leased a video in which da said.q