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                    Tuesday 6 augusT 2019

            5 months on, Christchurch attacker inspires others

            By KRISTEN GELINEAU                                                                                                 build  a  narrative  for  their
            Associated Press                                                                                                    views or actions.
            SYDNEY (AP) — The attack                                                                                            Paul Spoonley, who has re-
            on  a  Texas  Walmart  that                                                                                         searched  white  suprema-
            left  22  people  dead  bore                                                                                        cist groups in New Zealand
            all  the  classic  hallmarks  of                                                                                    and is writing a book on the
            America’s  cycle  of  mass                                                                                          subject,  said  Norway’s  An-
            shootings:  A  lone  shooter.                                                                                       ders Breivik is the mass killer
            Multiple casualties. A white                                                                                        who established the model
            male accused of the crime.                                                                                          for the type of attack seen
            But it also revealed a new-                                                                                         in Christchurch.
            er,  emerging  pattern:  em-                                                                                        Breivik, a right-wing extrem-
            boldened  white  suprem-                                                                                            ist,  killed  77  people  in  a
            acy.  A  racist  diatribe  pub-                                                                                     2011  bomb-and-shooting
            lished  to  the  online  mes-                                                                                       rampage.  Each  of  the  re-
            sage  board  8chan.  And                                                                                            cent  attacks  has  similar
            apparent inspiration drawn                                                                                          elements  such  as  a  mani-
            from the Christchurch, New                                                                                          festo and social-media use
            Zealand,  mosque  attacks                                                                                           during  the  event,  he  said,
            earlier this year.                                                                                                  and  the  actions  are  those
            The  El  Paso  massacre  is                                                                                         of lone shooters with little or
            the  latest  attack  in  which                                                                                      no  contact  with  the  orga-
            the  gunman  appears  to                                                                                            nized far right.
            have praised the March 15    In  this  March  18,  2019,  file  photo,  mourners  lay  flowers  on  a  wall  at  the  Botanical  Gardens  in   On Monday, New Zealand
            shootings  in  Christchurch,   Christchurch, New Zealand.                                                           Prime Minister Jacinda Ard-
            where  an  Australian  white                                                                       Associated Press  ern was asked about con-
            supremacist  is  charged  seems to be gaining ground  church  attack  had  a  very  day  at  Linwood  mosque  cerns that the Christchurch
            with  killing  51  worshippers  as  a  political  symbol,  as  specific target: Muslims.  when he hid in a bathroom  attacks  are  starting  to  be
            at two mosques.              the  racist  views  espoused  “Christchurch,  looking  at  as  the  gunman  slaugh-    remembered  as  a  symbol
            Authorities  are  investigat-  by  the  man  charged  with  the manifesto, is about im-  tered  people  a  few  feet  for violent white nationalists
            ing  the  possibility  that  Sat-  the killings, Brenton Tarrant,  mediately an ‘us and them’  away. When the police ar-  around the world. She said
            urday’s shooting in El Paso  continue  to  resonate  with  proposition:  Our  lands  will  rived, Bari had to jump over  any  effort  to  prevent  such
            was  a  hate  crime,  and  white  supremacists  half  a  never  be  their  lands,  they  the bodies of his fellow wor-  spread of hate has to be a
            are  working  to  determine  world away.                  are invading us, they’re try-  shippers to get out.       cooperative one.
            whether  a  racist,  anti-im-  “Christchurch  was  a  sym-  ing to conquer us, and we  “The  ideology  exists,  and  “What I want to make sure .
            migrant  screed  posted  to  bol  from  the  moment  that  have to fight back,” Gross-  we know that. And it’s just  is that we do what we can
            the  8chan  board  shortly  Brenton Tarrant’s manifesto  man said.                     unfortunate  that  people  to create a regulatory envi-
            beforehand  was  written  appeared online,” said Mi-      These  recent  attacks,  she  are  acting  as  copycats  ronment where we do not
            by the man arrested in the  chele  Grossman,  a  profes-  says,  were  designed  to  in-  now,”  Bari  said.  “That’s  see violent extremism, and
            attack. Though he was tar-   sor  and  research  chair  in  cite  even  more  violence.  a  concern,  obviously,  for  violence, and terrorism cir-
            geting  Latinos  rather  than  diversity  and  community  “You  might  say  that  this  is  every  Muslim  living  in  the  culated  online,”  she  said.
            Muslims,  the  first  sentence  resilience at Deakin Univer-  part  and  parcel  of  an  ef-  West.”He added: “We feel  “But New Zealand can’t do
            of the online rant expressed  sity in Australia.          fort  to  spearhead  a  revo-  it  —  that  it  can  happen  that alone. These are inter-
            support for the Christchurch  The  difference  between  lutionary  uprising  to  inspire  anytime, anywhere.”       national platforms.”
            shooter.                     Christchurch  and  Colum-    people to say, ‘If I can do  Given how high profile and  By posting a 74-page doc-
            For  decades,  mass  shoot-  bine  —  and  the  shootings  this, you can do this, too,’”  recent the Christchurch at-  ument  on  8chan  before
            ings  have  been  viewed  each may have inspired —  Grossman said.                     tack was, it’s not surprising  the  mosque  attacks,  the
            through  the  prism  of  the  can be seen in the attacks’  That  concern  is  especially  that it might be referenced  accused Christchurch gun-
            lethal  1999  attack  on  Col-  respective  targets,  Gross-  intense   in   Christchurch.  by the El Paso shooter, said  man clearly tried to ensure
            umbine  High  School  in  man  said.  The  Columbine  Muti Bari was not surprised  Jacinta  Carroll,  director  of  his rampage — and his use
            Colorado by two of its stu-  shootings  were  indiscrimi-  when  word  of  the  Texas  national  security  policy  at  of a conspiracy theory that
            dents. Columbine acted as  nate;  in  his  journal  before  massacre  reached  New  the Australian National Uni-    contends elites are plotting
            an  inspiration  and  symbol  the  attack,  shooter  Eric  Zealand.                    versity.  Terrorists,  she  says,  to replace whites with non-
            for  lone  shooters  for  years  Harris wrote about wanting  Bari has lived in fear of an-  try  to  justify  their  actions  white  immigrants  —  would
            to  come.  But  Christchurch  to kill humanity. The Christ-  other attack ever since the  through  references  that  echo widely. q

                                                                      Major German union urges members

                                                                      to join climate protests

                                                                      Associated Press
                                                                      BERLIN (AP) — One of Germany’s largest unions is calling on its members to join a world-
                                                                      wide protest calling for action on climate change next month.
                                                                      Verdi head Frank Bsirske told the WAZ newspaper on Monday he was calling on the
                                                                      union’s 2 million members to take part in the Sept. 20 protest that’s being organized by
                                                                      the group “Fridays for Future.”
                                                                      The group, which was inspired by Swedish teen climate activist Greta Thunberg, has
                                                                      attracted thousands to its weekly protests in cities across Europe and elsewhere in the
                                                                      world over the past year.
                                                                      Many are students who skip school to join the protests.
            In  this  photo  taken  on  Friday,  July  26,  2019,  Greta  Thunberg
            stands next to Swedish parliament in Stockholm.           Bsirske says he’s not calling for union members to walk off work but to join in after their
                                                     Associated Press  shifts are done.q
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