P. 15
LOCAL Tuesday 14 May 2019
Episode XVIII
Continued from Page 14 faith in the shamanic per- be achieved on a physical practices that we still can nies using the healing pow-
spective. True healing — level. There are two main encounter in rural America: ers of herbal potions and
These powers included spiritual healing — cannot types of shamanic healing Ethno-botanical ceremo- extracts and the spiritual
practitioner who calls for
the assistance of spiritual
beings to heal and restore
the afflicted.
Shamans can call on good
spirits to help restore por-
tions of the soul. Today
shamanic healing is part
of a holistic system. This
starts with the person who
is seeking help, answers or
cure. The central concept
or focus is based up on the
faith and trust of the partici-
pant, that he or she will be
cured. In many cases other
modalities, such as eastern
medicine, folk or Western
medicine can offer com-
plement, support and con-
tributes to the necessary
Showing a Amerindian Spirit cleansing ceremony wellness.