P. 13
Tuesday 14 May 2019
Remembering Eileen S. Hochstuhl: A long-time friend of Aruba
By Clyde Harms
ORANJESTAD Eileen S. charms. Her immediate Besides being an accom-
Hochstuhl was the widow of response to his early over- plished seamstress, Eileen
William C. "Bill" Hochstuhl, tures was a cold “get lost, loved to cook and was
who wrote German U-boat cadet!" an avid golfer and bridge
156 Brought War to Aruba player.
February 16, 1942. Bill and The story continues that the
Eileen lived in Aruba from cadet offered to buy her a Eileen is survived by her four
1951 to 1964. steak dinner and the offer daughters Jane and her
was too much to resist, es- husband Bill Getty and their
Bill was one of the first per- pecially in those days! She four children; Jill Fabel; Jes-
sons to receive the Aruba eventually said "yes" and sica and her husband Rich-
Goodwill Ambassador they were married in 1945. ard Nicoletti and their three
Award (in 1964), not for vis- children; Jennifer (born in
iting Aruba frequently, but Eileen earned her pilot's li- Aruba!) and her husband
in recognition of his good cense in 1947 and never John Hinck and their three
deeds for the youth of Aru- flew for the Navy WAVES, children. In addition, Eileen
ba. but her husband, and one- was blessed with thirteen
time cadet, served as a US great grandchildren.
Eileen Sivori was born and Navy pilot in Greenland
raised in New York City. At during the latter years of Eileen's life was celebrated
the age of 20 she enlisted World War II. Eileen also at Trinity Episcopal Church
in the Navy Women's Air lived to see her grandson in Red Bank, N.J. on May
Force (WAVES) and trav- Lt. Col. Matthew Getty 6th, 2019, and she was
eled by bus to Cedar Falls, become a U.S. Airforce pi- buried with military honors.
Iowa for basic training. lot who served in Iraq and Those of us who had the
She was determined to fly Afghanistan flying a Lock- pleasure of knowing Eileen
planes and trained hard heed C-5 Galaxy, by far personally will always car-
for that. Eventually she be- the largest Airforce plane. ry fond memories of her.
came a trainer in Pensaco- Although quite frail, she Our heartfelt condolences
la where she trained aspir- was also present at the re- go out to the bereaved
ing pilots in the simulator. cent ceremony when Mat- family.q
One of those young cadets thew was promoted to full
was Bill Hochstuhl who was Coronel. Pictures are courtesy of
captivated by his trainer's Jane Getty - Hochstuhl.
Aruba Press Award
ORANJESTAD – Recently, the Aruba
Tourism Authority held the Aruba
Press Award which gave recogni-
tion to the Latin American journal-
ists. The participants had to write a
story about Aruba, but from a tour-
ist point of view.
The competition was held by the
Aruba Tourism Authority together
with the worldwide organization
of Tourism Press. The participants
are from different Latin American
countries such as Argentina, Brazil,
Colombia, Chile y Venezuela from
where Aruba leads its marketing.
The competition started in August
of last year and lasted until De-
cember. Over 80 stories were pre-
sented. The winners of the different
categories were chosen by a jury
who focused on different char-
acteristics of the stories. All win-
ners will receive a free vacation to