P. 8

                       Tuesday 14 May 2019
            UK Brexit talks stagger on but parties remain far apart

            LONDON (AP) — Brexit talks                                                                                          The  U.K.'s  departure  from
            between  Britain's  Conser-                                                                                         the  EU,  long  set  for  March
            vative  government  and                                                                                             29,  has  been  delayed  un-
            the  main  opposition  La-                                                                                          til  Oct.  31  while  Britain's
            bour  Party  resumed  Mon-                                                                                          politicians  try  to  break  the
            day with little sign of prog-                                                                                       deadlock.
            ress,  as  the  two  parties  re-                                                                                   Anger  at  the  Brexit  mo-
            mained far apart on terms                                                                                           rass  is  fueling  support  for
            of the U.K.'s departure from                                                                                        smaller parties ahead of a
            the European Union.                                                                                                 European Parliament elec-
            Senior  Conservative  and                                                                                           tion  next  week.  The  newly
            Labour officials have been                                                                                          formed Brexit Party, led by
            meeting  for  weeks  in  an                                                                                         former  U.K.  Independence
            attempt to find a compro-                                                                                           Party head Nigel Farage, is
            mise  Brexit  deal  that  can                                                                                       leading opinion polls for the
            win majority support in Par-                                                                                        May 23 contest and could
            liament.                                                                                                            take  the  largest  share  of
            Labour  Brexit  spokesman                                                                                           Britain's  73  seats  in  the  EU
            Keir Starmer told Monday's                                                                                          legislature.
            Guardian  newspaper  his                                                                                            The  pro-EU  Liberal  Demo-
            party would only support a                                                                                          crats  have  also  seen  their
            deal if was put to a referen-  Running for re-election as an MEP, European Parliament Brexit chief Guy Verhofstadt, center, who   popularity  surge  as  voters
                                         is the leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, speaks as he stands with the
            dum vote.                    leader of the British Liberal Democrats party Vince Cable, center left, as they pose for the media   turn their frustration on the
            Starmer  said  that  as  many   with supporters in Camden Square, London, Friday, May 10, 2019.                     two big parties.
            as 150 of Labour's 246 law-                                                                        Associated Press  Conservative   lawmaker
            makers "would not back a                                                                                            Huw  Merriman  said  his
            deal if it hasn't got a confir-  to leave the EU.         al  of  what  people  voted  give Parliament votes on a  party  faced  "an  absolute
            matory vote."                Foreign  Secretary  Jeremy  for, and we want to imple-    series of Brexit options in an  mauling"  in  the  European
            Prime Minister Theresa May  Hunt  said  it  was  "a  crunch  ment  the  first  referendum.  attempt  to  see  if  any  has  election.
            has  rejected  a  new  ref-  week" for the talks.         But  let's  see  where  these  majority support.          He  told  the  BBC  that  pro-
            erendum,  saying  voters  He  said  the  Conservative  talks go to."                   Previous  "indicative  votes"  EU voters will "blame us for
            made their decision in 2016  Party believed a new refer-  If  the  cross-party  talks  fail,  failed to find agreement on  having tried to take us out"
            when they narrowly opted  endum "would be a betray-       the government says it will  any way forward.             of the bloc.q

             Denied graves by Nazis, resistance fighters finally buried

            By DAVID RISING                                                                                                     fighters   could   become
            BERLIN (AP) — Executed for                                                                                          martyrs'  cemeteries,  so  to
            standing  up  against  Ad-                                                                                          speak, and they wanted to
            olf  Hitler's  dictatorship  and                                                                                    avoid this," Tuchel told The
            then  denied  graves  so  as                                                                                        Associated Press.
            not  to  become  a  rallying                                                                                        Stieve's main focus was on
            point for others, the partial                                                                                       female  menstrual  cycles,
            remains  of  300  Nazi  resis-                                                                                      and  he  wrote  papers  on
            tance fighters were laid to                                                                                         how stress affected the fe-
            rest  Monday  in  a  solemn                                                                                         male reproductive system.
            ceremony  in  a  downtown                                                                                           The  tissue  samples  discov-
            Berlin cemetery.                                                                                                    ered by Stieve's heirs were
            The small wooden box low-                                                                                           primarily  taken  from  wom-
            ered into the square gran-                                                                                          en,  aged  20  to  40,  and
            ite-edged  plot  included                                                                                           the  doctor  would  have
            remains of Erika von Brock-                                                                                         certainly  known  that  they
            dorff,  who  was  beheaded                                                                                          didn't die of natural causes,
            in  the  Nazis'  notorious  Plo-                                                                                    Tuchel  told  relatives  and
            etzensee Prison on May 13,                                                                                          others  who  packed  the
            1943  —  exactly  76  years                                                                                         small  chapel  at  the  Doro-
            ago — for her involvement                                                                                           theenstaedtischer    Cem-
            in the famous Red Orches-                                                                                           etery for a multi-denomina-
            tra resistance movement.     A cemetery staff member holds a box with the remains of political prisoners of the Nazi regime in   tional service by Protestant
            "I'm just happy that there is   Berlin, Germany, Monday, May 13, 2019.                                              and  Catholic  priests  and
            now  this  place,"  reflected                                                                      Associated Press  a  Jewish  rabbi  before  the
            her  daughter,  81-year-old                                                                                         burial.
            Saskia von Brockdorff, after  The remains — fragments of  but  was  complicit  in  their  deal with Nazi authorities to  "It  was  clear  they  were  in-
            sprinkling handfuls of earth  tissue  —  were  discovered  crimes,   said   Johannes  quickly  receive  the  bodies  volved  in  the  resistance
            into the grave. "We always  two years ago by descen-      Tuchel, director of the Ger-  of  victims  who  had  been  and  were  executed  for
            drove with my sons to Plo-   dants  of  Hermann  Stieve,  man  Resistance  Memorial  executed  for  his  research,  their activities," he said.
            etzensee,  but  that  is  really  the  former  director  of  the  Center,  who  was  involved  in  exchange  for  agreeing  Overall,  more  than  2,800
            a place of execution even  Berlin  Institute  of  Anatomy  in the investigation into the  to  leave  no  traces  of  their  people  were  executed  by
            if it is not what it was then,  at the Charite hospital.  remains  and  organizing  bodies behind.                  hanging or guillotine at the
            and  I'm  glad  I  can  come  Stieve  wasn't  a  member  their  burial.    Among  other  "The Nazis worried that the  Ploetzensee  prison  during
            here now."                   of  the  Nazi  party  himself,  things,  Stieve  reached  a  graves  of  the  resistance  the Nazi era.q
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