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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 14 May 2019

            Maryland gov signs                                        Cries of brutality, scapegoating

            1st-in-nation measure                                     in 'I can't breathe' death

            to help uninsured                                         By MICHAEL R. SISAK

                                                                      NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Nearly
            ANNAPOLIS,  Md.  (AP)  —  that  would  have  revived      five years after Eric Garner's
            Maryland  Gov.  Larry  Ho-   the  individual  mandate  in   pleas  of  "I  can't  breathe"
            gan  signed  a  first-in-the-  Maryland, but with an inno-  became  a  rallying  cry
            nation measure Monday to  vative  twist:  the  uninsured   against  police  brutality,
            make  it  easier  for  people  would have had a choice    a  disciplinary  trial  began
            without  health  insurance  of paying a tax penalty or    Monday  for  the  New  York
            to  find  out  if  they  qualify  make a down payment on   City police officer accused
            for low-cost insurance after  health insurance. That pro-  of  hastening  his  death
            they file their taxes.       vision was taken out of the   with a banned chokehold.
            The  new  law  will  create  a  bill. "We've been continuing   The  start  of  Officer  Dan-
            box for people to check on  to look for bipartisan ways   iel  Pantaleo's  internal  trial,
            state income tax returns. If  to  get  more  Marylanders   which could lead to his fir-
            a taxpayer checks the box,  health insurance," Feldman    ing, sparked protests in the
            the state's health care ex-  said. "We've made a lot of   streets  and  evoked  emo-
            change will see if the per-  strides.  About  six  or  seven   tional  reactions  from  Gar-  New York City police officer Daniel Pantaleo leaves his house
            son  qualifies,  based  on  in-  years  ago,  we  had  about   ner's  family  in  the  hearing   Monday, May 13, 2019, in Staten Island, N.Y.
            formation in the tax return.  760,000  people  without    room  as  video  of  the  July                                        Associated Press
            Those who qualify for Med-   health  insurance.    Now,   2014  confrontation  was
            icaid will be enrolled auto-  we're down to 360,000, and   played.                     amination  that  Pantaleo's  as a "ticking timebomb."
            matically.  The  exchange  in light of what's happening   The    police   watchdog  arm wasn't around Garner's  The  police  department's
            will  reach  out  to  people  at  the  federal  level  —  the   agency  bringing  the  case  neck  when  he  uttered,  "I  disciplinary  process  plays
            who qualify for private cov-  dismantling  of  the  Afford-  featured  the  video  promi-  can't breathe."          out like a trial in front of an
            erage.                       able  Care  Act,  the  elimi-  nently  at  the  start  of  the  "We   know   he   wasn't  administrative  judge,  but
            Hogan,     a   Republican,  nation  of  the  mandate,     two-week  trial,  using  the  choked out because he is  the purpose is to determine
            highlighted bipartisan work  we're starting to see some   cell phone footage of Gar-   speaking," London said.      whether Pantaleo violated
            in  the  General  Assembly,  backtracking  on  that.  So,   ner  being  grabbed  and  The lawyer called it a com-   department rules. The final
            which is controlled by Dem-  we came up with an idea      pulled  to  the  ground  to  mon  misconception  that  decision  on  any  punish-
            ocrats,  on  other  health-re-  here that's first in the nation   shield against alternate ex-  the  phrase  was  uttered  ment  lies  with  the  police
            lated  measures  he  signed  that you can use the state   planations  and  concerns  when  the  officer's  hands  commissioner,  with  penal-
            Monday. One of them rais-    income tax return to check   about the credibility of the  or  arms  were  around  Gar-  ties ranging from the loss of
            es the smoking age from 18  a  box,  and  it  will  immedi-  man who recorded it.      ner's  neck.  Garner  made  vacation days to firing.
            to 21 and includes vaping  ately opt in."                 "His  last  words,  'I  can't  the plea while lying on the  Pantaleo, 33, has been on
            in the definition of tobacco  Stan  Dorn,  who  is  direc-  breathe,'  tell  you  who  sidewalk  as  officers  were  desk  duty  since  Garner's
            products.                    tor  of  the  National  Center   caused  his  death,"  Jona-  trying to handcuff him, Lon-  death.  He  denies  wrong-
            "We are also proud to con-   for  Coverage  Innovation,   than Fogel, a lawyer for the  don said.                   doing  and  does  not  face
            tinue  Maryland's  record  of  estimated  there  are  tens   watchdog  Civilian  Com-  London said Pantaleo had  criminal charges.
            leadership  on  health  care  of  thousands  of  Maryland   plaint Review Board, said in  pulled  the  much  larger  Two  police  officials  in-
            by  enacting  legislation  to  residents who do not have   an opening statement.       Garner  to  the  ground  be-  volved  in  an  internal  af-
            further improve access and  health  insurance  who  are   Pantaleo's  lawyer,  Stuart  cause  he  feared  they  fairs investigation into Gar-
            lower costs," Hogan said.    eligible  for  low-cost  insur-  London,  countered  that  would  crash  through  a  ner's  death  testified  that
            Sen. Brian Feldman, a Dem-   ance but don't know it.      the video shows the officer  plate-glass  window  while  they  found  Pantaleo  likely
            ocrat,  said  the  measure  is  "We  haven't  begun  beat-  using  an  approved  tech-  tussling  against  a  Staten  violated  department  rules
            part of a response to efforts  ing the drum, and we've al-  nique known as a "seat-belt  Island  storefront.  Garner,  and that a request for disci-
            at the federal level to over-  ready heard from Oregon,   hold" to restrain Garner and  who  was  43,  weighed  350  plinary charges was made
            turn  the  Affordable  Care  New Mexico and Virginia,"    that  he  is  being  made  to  pounds   (159   kilograms)  in January 2015.
            Act,  including  the  end  of  Dorn  said.  "I'm  expecting   be a scapegoat in a politi-  and  suffered  from  asthma  The police department put
            the   mandate     requiring  we're  going  to  hear  from   cally charged atmosphere.  since childhood.             the  disciplinary  matter  on
            people  to  have  insurance  state  capitals  all  around   Ramsey  Orta,  a  friend  of  "Mr.  Garner  died  from  be-  hold while federal prosecu-
            or else pay a tax penalty.   the  country,  interested  in   Garner's  who  shot  the  vid-  ing  morbidly  obese,"  Lon-  tors  weighed  a  possible
            The Maryland measure ini-    following  up  with  what's   eo  of  the  confrontation,  don  said  in  his  opening  civil  rights  case  against
            tially  included  a  provision  happened here."q          conceded during cross-ex-    statement,  describing  him  Pantaleo.q
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