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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 14 May 2019

            Jury: Monsanto to pay $2 billion in weed killer cancer case

            By PAUL ELIAS                "The verdict in this trial has
            Associated Press             no impact on future cases
            SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A  and trials, as each one has
            jury  on  Monday  ordered  its  own  factual  and  legal
            agribusiness giant Monsan-   circumstances,"  the  com-
            to Co. to pay a combined  pany said.
            $2.055  billion  to  a  couple  The  company  noted  that
            claiming  that  the  com-    none of the California ver-
            pany's  popular  weed  killer  dicts has been considered
            Roundup  Ready  caused  by  an  appeals  court  and
            their cancers.               that the U.S. Environmental
            The  jury's  verdict  is  the  Protection Agency consid-
            third  such  courtroom  loss  ers the weed killer safe.
            for  Monsanto  in  California  The EPA reaffirmed its posi-
            since  August,  but  a  San  tion in April, saying that the
            Francisco  law  professor  active  ingredient  glypho-
            said it's likely a trial judge or  sate  found  in  the  weed
            appellate  court  will  signifi-  killer posed "no risks of con-
            cantly reduce the punitive  cern"  for  people  exposed
            damage award.                to  it  by  any  means  —  on
            The state court jury in Oak-  farms,  in  yards  and  along
            land concluded that Mon-     roadsides, or as residue left
            santo's  weed  killer  caused  on food crops.
            the non-Hodgkin's lympho-    "There is zero chance it will    In this Feb. 24, 2019, file photo, containers of Roundup are displayed on a store shelf in San Fran-
            ma Alva Pilliod and Alberta  stand,"  said  University  of   cisco.
            Pilliod  each  contracted.  California,  Hastings  School                                                                       Associated Press
            Jurors awarded them each  of  Law  professor  David
            $1  billion  in  punitive  dam-  Levine.  He  said  the  ratio  billion last year and Bayer's
            ages in addition to a com-   between  the  $2  billion  in  top  managers  are  facing
            bined  $55  million  in  com-  punitive damages and $55  shareholder discontent.
            pensatory damages.           million  in  compensatory  Chairman Werner Wenning
            A  federal  jury  in  San  Fran-  damages  is  too  high.  He  told shareholders at Bayer's
            cisco  ordered  the  weed  said judges rarely allow pu-   annual general meeting in                                       /arubatoday/
            killer maker in March to pay  nitive damages to exceed  Bonn last month that com-
            a  Sonoma  County  man  four times actual damages  pany  leaders  "very  much
            $80 million. A San Francisco  awarded.                    regret"  falls  in  its  share
            jury  last  August  awarded  The  California  Supreme  price.  At  the  same  time,
            $289  million  to  a  former  Court ruled in 2016 that any  CEO  Werner  Baumann  in-
            golf  course  greens  keeper  punitive damages exceed-    sisted  that  "the  acquisition
            who  blamed  his  cancer  ing  10  times  the  compen-    of  Monsanto  was  and  re-
            on  Monsanto's  Roundup  satory  damages  are  likely  mains  the  right  move  for
            Ready  herbicide.  A  judge  unconstitutionally high. The  Bayer."
            later  reduced  the  award  court  didn't  propose  a  ra-  Bayer's  stock  price  closed
            by $200 million.             tio  it  felt  correct,  but  said  Monday at $15.91 a share,
            The  three  California  trials  punitive  damages  should  down 45 cents or 2.76 per-
            were the first of an estimat-  almost  never  exceed  nine  cent  per  share,  in  trading
            ed 13,000 lawsuits pending  times  actual  damages,  it  on the New York Stock Ex-
            against  Monsanto  across  said.                          change.  The  verdict  was
            the  country  to  go  to  trial.  The   punitive   damages  announced after the trad-
            St.  Louis-based  Monsanto  awarded  Monday  are  36  ing session closed.
            is  owned  by  the  German  times the actual damages.     Bayer's  share  price  has
            chemical giant Bayer A.G.    The lawsuits have battered  lost  half  its  value  since  it
            Bayer  said  Monday  that  it  Bayer's  stock  since  it  pur-  reached s 52-week high of
            would appeal the verdict.    chased  Monsanto  for  $63  $32.80 a share.q
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