P. 9
WORLD NEWS Tuesday 14 May 2019
EU calls for calm, warns US-Iran of conflict 'by accident'
BRUSSELS (AP) — Europe- share some detail behind
an foreign ministers urged what we have been saying
the United States and Iran publicly. We believe that
to show restraint Monday Iran should try talks instead
amid fears of tensions tip- of threats. They have cho-
ping them easily into armed sen poorly by focusing on
conflict, while Secretary of threats," Hook said.
State Mike Pompeo briefed Mogherini said Pompeo
his counterparts on the "heard clearly" in Brussels
threats Washington sees that "we are living a cru-
emanating from the Islamic cial, delicate moment,
republic. where the most responsible
The foreign ministers of Brit- attitude to take is, and we
ain, France and Germany, believe should be, that
joined by the European of maximum restraint and
Union's foreign policy chief, avoiding any escalation on
made the appeal after a military side."
Saudi Arabia said two oil She and Hook said the
tankers were sabotaged reported attacks on the
Sunday off the coast of the two tankers had been dis-
United Arab Emirates, one cussed, but neither linked
as it was heading to pick From left, European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, French Foreign Minister Jean- the incidents to Iran.
Yves Le Drian, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt
up Saudi oil to take to the pose for a photo prior to a meeting at the European Council in Brussels, Monday, May 13, 2019. German Foreign Minister
United States. Associated Press Heiko Maas said the Euro-
Washington has warned peans underlined to Pom-
shipping companies that Federica Mogherini, who the agreement did nothing Jean-Yves Le Drian de- peo the importance of nu-
"Iran or its proxies" could be supervises the way the 2015 to stop Iran from develop- scribed the remarks sug- clear deal.
targeting maritime traffic agreement is enacted, met ing missiles or destabilizing gesting that Iran might re- "I don't see that there's a
in the Persian Gulf region in Brussels on Monday. the Middle East. The Euro- nege on the agreement better one, or any propos-
and said it was deploying "We are very worried about peans insist the agreement as "very worrying," given als for a better agreement,"
an aircraft carrier and B-52 the risk of a conflict hap- was never meant to ad- that the EU is still respect- Maas said. "That's why I
bombers there to counter pening by accident, with dress those issues but has ing the deal and trying to think it's responsible to hold
alleged threats from Teh- an escalation that is unin- been effective in curbing keep financial supply lines onto what one has and do
ran. tended really on either side Tehran's nuclear ambitions. open to Tehran to bolster its everything to prevent the
European countries that but ends with some kind of Tensions mounted last economy. situation there from esca-
were co-signatories to a conflict," British Foreign Sec- week, when Iranian Presi- U.S. Iran envoy Brian Hook lating further."
nuclear accord between retary Jeremy Hunt told re- dent Hassan Rouhani gave told reporters traveling with As the U.S. sanctions bite,
Tehran and six world pow- porters. the remaining signatories Pompeo that in Brussels, the domestic pressure is in-
ers have been racing to "What we need is a pe- 60 days to come up with secretary of state "shared creasing on Rouhani to
salvage the deal since the riod of calm to make sure a plan to shield his coun- information and intelli- demonstrate that Iran can
U.S. pulled out last year. that everyone understands try from sanctions imposed gence with allies" since "Eu- still benefit from an agree-
The foreign ministers of Brit- what the other side is think- by U.S. President Donald rope shares our concerns ment based on providing it
ain, France and Germany, ing," Hunt said. Trump after the U.S. with- about stability in the Gulf with economic opportuni-
parties to Iran agreement, In withdrawing from the nu- drew from the deal. and the Middle East." ties in exchange for limiting
and EU foreign policy chief clear accord, the U.S. said French Foreign Minister "The secretary wanted to nuclear development.q