P. 4

A4   U.S. NEWS
                       Tuesday 14 May 2019

            Rosenstein: Russia probe justified, closing it wasn't option

            By MICHAEL BALSAMO and                                                                                              comments  were  reserved
            ERIC TUCKER                                                                                                         for  Comey,  whom  he  had
            Associated Press                                                                                                    criticized  in  a  May  2017
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Fresh                                                                                             memo  for  his  handling  of
            out of his job as deputy at-                                                                                        the Hillary Clinton email in-
            torney general, Rod Rosen-                                                                                          vestigation,  including  his
            stein said Monday that the                                                                                          decision  to  publicly  an-
            Justice Department's inves-                                                                                         nounce that the FBI was not
            tigation  into  Russian  elec-                                                                                      recommending charges.
            tion interference was "justi-                                                                                       He  said  in  his  speech  that
            fied,"  that  he  would  have                                                                                       though  he  did  not  blame
            never  allowed  anyone  to                                                                                          Comey for being upset with
            interfere  with  it  and  that                                                                                      him,  "now  the  former  Di-
            closing it had not been an                                                                                          rector  is  a  partisan  pundit,
            option.                                                                                                             selling  books  and  earning
            He also took aim at former                                                                                          speaking fees while specu-
            FBI  Director  James  Com-                                                                                          lating about the strength of
            ey,  characterizing  him  as                                                                                        my character and the fate
            a  "partisan  pundit"  busy                                                                                         of my immortal soul.
            selling  books  and  earning                                                                                        "That   is   disappointing,"
            speaking  fees.  The  barbs                                                                                         Rosenstein added. "Specu-
            continued  an  extraordi-                                                                                           lating  about  souls  is  not  a
            nary  public  spat  between                                                                                         job for police and prosecu-
            the  two  law  enforcement                                                                                          tors. Generally we base our
            officials,  coming  days  af-                                                                                       opinions on eyewitness tes-
            ter Comey said in a televi-                                                                                         timony."
            sion interview that he didn't                                                                                       He also said the memo was
            view  Rosenstein  as  a  per-                                                                                       "correct"  and  "reasonable
            son of high character.                                                                                              under  the  circumstances,"
            The speech before a Balti-                                                                                          even  if  Trump's  reasons  for
            more  advocacy  group  for                                                                                          firing Comey were different
            business  and  civic  leaders                                                                                       from his own.
            marked  Rosenstein's  most                                                                                          Two days after firing Com-
            expansive  remarks  on  the                                                                                         ey,  Trump  acknowledged
            recently  concluded  probe                                                                                          in a television interview that
            into  Russian  election  in-  Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein speaks during a farewell ceremony in the Great Hall at   he was thinking of "this Rus-
            terference  and  potential   the Department of Justice in Washington, Thursday, May 9, 2019. Rosenstein is set to step down as   sia  thing"  when  he  made
            coordination  between  the   Deputy Attorney General May 15th.                                                      the move.
            Trump campaign and Rus-                                                                            Associated Press  Rosenstein  said  no  one
            sia. In it, Rosenstein repeat-                                                                                      had told him what reasons
            edly distanced himself from  there would always be lin-   He used his speech, his sec-  happy with the move — a  for firing Comey should be
            President  Donald  Trump  gering  doubts  about  the  ond of the day, to defend  likely  reference  to  Trump  put in the memo — though
            — who has decried the in-    scope  of  Russian  efforts  some  of  the  most  conten-  and  congressional  Repub-  Mueller's report says Rosen-
            vestigation  as  a  hoax  and  and  the  extent  of  Ameri-  tious  actions  of  his  tenure,  licans  —  and  it  would  be  stein  had  been  asked  to
            witch  hunt  —  and  sought  can involvement.             including his role in Comey's  unpleasant for him and his  reference Russia, a request
            to burnish a legacy for him-  "I  would  never  have  al-  firing — he wrote a memo  family.                        it  says  he  rejected  —  and
            self  as  a  protector  of  the  lowed  anyone  to  interfere  the White House held up as  "But  at  my  confirmation  said  he  was  never  told
            Justice  Department's  inde-  with  the  investigation,"  he  justification for it — and his  hearing,  I  promised  that  I  that dismissing Comey was
            pendence who tried to do  added.                          subsequent  appointment  would  conduct  the  inves-      meant to shut down the in-
            what he thought was right  Rosenstein's      resignation  of  special  counsel  Robert  tigation  properly  and  see  vestigation. He said he did
            regardless  of  public  criti-  took  effect  last  week,  but  Mueller  to  lead  the  Russia  it  through  to  the  appropri-  not believe that firing Com-
            cism.                        the  speech  Monday  night  investigation.                ate conclusion," Rosenstein  ey would affect the investi-
            "I was responsible for over-  made clear he is likely to re-  He  said  Mueller's  appoint-  said.  "In  my  business,  you  gation.
            seeing  that  investigation,"  main a public figure in the  ment was necessary to pre-  keep  promises.  And  in  my  In  a  clear  break  from
            Rosenstein said, according  months ahead and under-       serve  public  confidence  business,  the  appropriate  Trump, though, he said that
            to  his  prepared  remarks.  scored  a  desire  to  explain  in  the  Justice  Department  conclusion  is  the  one  that  if  he  had  been  in  charge
            "I  knew  from  preliminary  and even justify a decision-  and  to  resolve  the  investi-  results when you follow the  of  Comey's  firing,  "the  re-
            briefings  with  the  agents  making  process  that  has  gation in a way that would  normal  process  and  com-    moval  would  have  been
            and prosecutors that it was  come under heavy scrutiny  protect  America  from  for-   plete  an  independent  in-  handled  very  differently,
            an important investigation.  by Democrats and Republi-    eign  adversaries.  He  said  vestigation."               with  far  more  respect  and
            If it was not done correctly,  cans alike.                he knew not everyone was  Perhaps  his  most  pointed  far less drama."q
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