P. 6

A6   U.S. NEWS
                       Tuesday 14 May 2019
            Clash over Woodstock 50 fest's prospects plays out in court

            By JENNIFER PELTZ            did 50 years ago."
            Associated Press             But  the  festival's  former
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Wood-    main  investor  says  it  took
            stock  50  festival  organizers  charge of the show — and
            and their onetime financial  announced  its  cancella-
            partner  traded  accusa-     tion  April  29  —  because
            tions of broken promises as  preparations  were  lagging
            they argued Monday over  and  the  company  was
            whether  the  anniversary  concerned  for  concertgo-
            show can go on.              ers' and performers' health
            With under 100 days to go,  and safety.
            the two sides clashed in a  "This  festival  is  not  going
            New  York  courtroom  over  to  happen,"  said  attorney
            money,  control,  changes  Marc Greenwald, a lawyer
            in plans and whether it's still  for backer Amplifi Live LLC.
            feasible to hold the event,  It's an arm of Dentsu, an in-
            scheduled for Aug. 16-18 at  ternational marketing com-
            Watkins  Glen  International  pany based in Japan.
            racetrack.  The  hearing  is  Woodstock  50  sued  last
            set to continue Tuesday.     week,  saying  Amplifi  Live
            Organizers insist they're go-  couldn't   singlehandedly
            ing  forward  with  a  sprawl-  call off the show.
            ing,  big-name  homage  to  The  organizers  accused
            one of the most significant  their former partner of sab-  In this March 19, 2019 filer photo, comedy writer Alan Zweibel; HeadCount executive director
                                                                      Andy Bernstein; hip hop recording artist Common; Woodstock co-producer and co-founder, Mi-
            moments in pop music his-    otaging the event by scar-   chael Lang and musician John Fogerty, left to right, participate in the Woodstock 50 lineup an-
            tory and 1960s countercul-   ing off the public, privately   nouncement at Electric Lady Studios, in New York.
            ture.                        telling  artists  to  stay  away                                                                   Associated Press
            "We  are  producing  what  and  draining  $18  million
            will  be  an  iconic  and  his-  from  the  festival  bank  ac-  remained of the $49 million  funding,  attendance  ca-  capacity"  for  the  site  at
            toric event" that honors the  count.                      it put in.                   pacity  and  infrastructure  65,000, according to court
            1969  concert's  themes  of  Amplifi  Live  shot  back  in  The  festival  has  yet  to  get  at the festival's central New  documents.
            "peace  and  music,"  said  court  papers  Sunday  that  a  state  permit,  though  of-  York  venue,  according  to  Woodstock  50  wants  the
            Gregory  Peck,  a  manag-    the  organizers'  "incompe-  ficials  have  prepared  one  court papers.               $18 million back; Peck said
            ing  member  of  organizers  tence" and "misrepresenta-   conditionally, court papers  Woodstock     50    initially  it's needed "in a matter of
            Woodstock  50  LLC.  "I  feel,  tions" spurred the company  show.  Production  compa-  foresaw  a  150,000-person  days" to pay for a new pro-
            personally, we need Wood-    to take control, nix the fes-  ny Superfly dropped out af-  event. But Superfly pegged  duction company and oth-
            stock  now  as  much  as  we  tival  and  take  back  what  ter  raising  concerns  about  the  "safe  and  appropriate  er expenses. q

                                                                      Mormon church opposes LGBT

                                                                      nondiscrimination measure

                                                                      among others that oppose  and  public  accommoda-         It  expressed  concern  "that
                                                                      the measure.                 tions,  but  that  such  efforts  the  ongoing  conflicts  be-
                                                                      "While  providing  extremely  shouldn't erode the right for  tween  religious  liberty  and
                                                                      broad protections for LGBT  people  to  live  and  speak  LGBT rights is poisoning our
                                                                      rights, the Equality Act pro-  freely  about  their  religious  civil discourse, eroding the
                                                                      vides no protections for re-  beliefs.                    free exercise of religion and
                                                                      ligious freedom," the state-  The  religion  has  tried  to  preventing  diverse  Ameri-
                                                                      ment said.                   stake out a more compas-     cans  of  good  will  from  liv-
                                                                      The  legislation  would  add  sionate  stance  on  LGBTQ  ing together in respect and
             In this April 6, 2019, file photo, the angel Moroni statue sits atop   gender identity and sexual  people, while sticking firmly  peace."
            the Salt Lake City temple, in Salt Lake City.             orientation  to  existing  fed-  to its doctrinal opposition to  U.S. Sens. Mitt Romney and
                                                     Associated Press  eral nondiscrimination laws  gay  marriage  and  same-   Mike Lee, Republicans from
                                                                      covering  such  things  as  sex intimacy.                 Utah, also oppose the leg-
            By BRADY McCOMBS             The faith said in a statement  employment,  housing,  ed-  The church points to a 2015  islation.
            Associated Press             that the Equality Act would  ucation, and public spaces  Utah      anti-discrimination  Lee  said  in  a  statement
            SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — The  "threaten religious employ-    and services.                law  it  backed.  That  mea-  the  proposal  is  "seriously
            Church  of  Jesus  Christ  ment standards, devastate  The  bill  has  widespread  sure made it illegal to base  flawed"  and  would  "dan-
            of  Latter-day  Saints  an-  religious education, defund  Democratic  backing  and  employment  and  housing  gerously undermine the First
            nounced     its   opposition  numerous  religious  chari-  seems  certain  to  pass  the  decisions  on  sexual  orien-  Amendment and the free-
            Monday  to  a  comprehen-    ties."  The  church  pointed  House,  but  the  chances  tation  or  gender  identity,  doms  it  was  designed  to
            sive  nondiscrimination  bill  out the importance of reli-  appear slim in the Republi-  while also creating exemp-  protect."  Romney  doesn't
            that  faces  long  odds  in  gions  and  religious  schools  can-controlled Senate.    tions  for  religious  organiza-  support  the  measure  be-
            Congress,  saying  the  leg-  having  the  right  to  create  The Utah-based faith, wide-  tions  and  protecting  reli-  cause  it  doesn't  contain
            islation  doesn't  "meet  the  faith-based   employment  ly  known  as  the  Mormon  gious  speech  in  the  work-  strong  religious  liberty  pro-
            standard of fairness for all,"  and admissions standards.  church,  said  it  favors  "rea-  place.                 tections that are "essential"
            contending  it  would  strip  The  Southern  Baptist  Con-  sonable"  measures  to  pro-  The  faith  said  the  federal  to any legislation on the is-
            key  religious  freedom  pro-  vention  and  the  Roman  tect  LGBT  people's  access  Equality  Act  doesn't  strike  sue, said spokeswoman Ari-
            tections.                    Catholic    Church     are  to  housing,  employment  the right balance.               elle Mueller in an email.q
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