P. 10

                       Tuesday 14 May 2019
            Syrian troops capture 5 villages in last rebel stronghold

            BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian troops                                                                                         advancing on the rebels for
            on  Monday  captured  five                                                                                          nearly two weeks under the
            small  villages  and  a  hill                                                                                       cover of Syrian and Russian
            on  the  edge  of  the  north-                                                                                      airstrikes. In turn, the rebels
            western  province  of  Idlib,                                                                                       have  been  blamed  for  fir-
            the last major rebel strong-                                                                                        ing  rockets  into  Russia's  air
            hold  in  the  country,  pro-                                                                                       base in the nearby coastal
            government  media  said.                                                                                            province of Latakia.
            The extremist leader of the                                                                                         Russia  joined  Syria's  war  in
            main rebel group in the re-                                                                                         2015,  tipping  the  balance
            gion also released a video                                                                                          of power in favor for Presi-
            called  on  every  able  per-                                                                                       dent Bashar Assad's forces.
            son to "perform his religious                                                                                       Opposition   activists   say
            duty" and join the fight.                                                                                           Russian  warplanes  have
            The pro-government Syrian                                                                                           been  bombarding  rebel-
            Central Military Media said                                                                                         held  areas  intensely  in  re-
            government  forces  had                                                                                             cent weeks.
            captured  the  villages  of                                                                                         Much  of  Idlib  is  controlled
            Hawash,  Jabrieh,  Tawbeh,                                                                                          by  HTS,  the  largest  and
            Sheikh  Idriss,  Jub  Suleiman                                                                                      most powerful group in the
            and  Hawash  hill  on  the                                                                                          area. Most of its fighters be-
            southern edges of Idlib. The   In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, Syrian army soldiers flash the vic-  longed  to  al-Qaida's  affili-
            villages are near the strate-  tory sign as they stand on their tank in the village of Kfar Nabuda, in the countryside of the Hama   ate in Syria, formerly known
            gic village of Kfar Nabuda,   province on Saturday, May 11, 2019.                                                   as the Nusra Front.
            which  Syrian  troops  en-                                                                         Associated Press  France,   Germany    and
            tered last week.                                                                                                    Britain  issued  a  joint  state-
            Abu Mohammed al-Golani,  have  suffered  many  losses  seated  under  a  tree,  he  strike  at  a  Russian  base  in  ment calling for an end to
            the leader of the al-Qaida-  while  trying  to  advance  claimed  his  militant  group  Syria  because  "more  than  the  escalation  of  violence
            linked Hayat Tahrir al-Sham,  into  rebel-held  areas  over  was  gaining  more  fighters  90  percent  of  the  Rus-  in  northwestern  Syria  be-
            or HTS, claimed in a video  the past few days. Dressed  each day.                      sian airstrikes are targeting  tween  government  forces
            interview with a local activ-  in military uniform and hold-  Al-Golani  also  said  insur-  women and children."   and HTS and "other terrorist
            ist  that  government  forces  ing an automatic rifle while  gents  have  the  right  to  Syrian  troops  have  been  groups."q

            Sudan prosecutors charge al-Bashir with killing protesters

            By BASSAM HATOUM                                                                                                    mittee said, including eight
            SAMY MAGDY                                                                                                          at  the  ongoing  sit-in  area
            Associated Press                                                                                                    outside  the  military  head-
            KHARTOUM,  Sudan  (AP)                                                                                              quarters  in  Khartoum.  The
            —  Sudanese  prosecutors                                                                                            doctors  committee  is  part
            have charged ousted Pres-                                                                                           of the Sudanese Profession-
            ident  Omar  al-Bashir  with                                                                                        als Association , which has
            involvement  in  killing  pro-                                                                                      spearheaded  the  protests
            testers  and  incitement  to                                                                                        since December.
            kill protesters during the up-                                                                                      Footage  circulating  online
            rising  that  drove  him  from                                                                                      showed  protesters  block-
            power  last  month,  state                                                                                          ing roads in Khartoum with
            news agency SUNA report-                                                                                            burning tires and trees. Oth-
            ed Monday.                                                                                                          er  footage  showed  men
            It  was  not  immediately                                                                                           from  the  Rapid  Support
            clear  what  punishment  he                                                                                         Forces  forcibly  dispersing
            might face. Protest organiz-                                                                                        protesters. The paramilitary
            ers say security forces killed                                                                                      RSF,  which  has  led  coun-
            around  100  demonstrators                                                                                          terinsurgency  campaigns
            during  the  four  months  of                                                                                       in Darfur and other regions,
            rallies  leading  to  al-Bashir's                                                                                   is  led  by  Gen.  Mohamed
            overthrow.                                                                                                          Hamdan Dagalo, the dep-
            The    transitional   military                                                                                      uty  head  of  the  military
            council  ruling  Sudan  has                                                                                         council.
            said  al-Bashir  will  face  jus-                                                                                   The SPA said the road clo-
            tice inside the country and                                                                                         sures  were  in  response  to
            will  not  be  extradited  to   In this April 11, 2019 file photo, Sudanese celebrate after officials said the military had forced long-  the  military  council's  delay
            the  Hague,  where  the  In-  time autocratic President Omar al-Bashir to step down after 30 years in power in Khartoum, Sudan.   in  handing  over  power  to
            ternational  Criminal  Court                                                                       Associated Press  civilians.
            has  charged  him  with                                                                                             The protesters had resumed
            war  crimes  and  genocide  arrest  warrant,  was  impris-  strators  have  remained  in  general strike and civil dis-  negotiations with the army
            linked to the Darfur conflict  oned  in  the  capital,  Khar-  the streets, demanding the  obedience.               earlier  Monday  while  also
            in the 2000s.                toum, days after the military  dismantling  of  his  regime  At least a dozen protesters  calling  for  more  demon-
            Al-Bashir, who was the only  removed him from power.      and a swift transition to ci-  were  wounded  Monday  strations  nationwide,  in-
            sitting  head  of  state  to  be  The military ousted al-Bashir  vilian rule. In recent weeks  in clashes with the military,  cluding  another  march  to
            subject  to  an  international  on April 11, but the demon-  they  have  threatened  a  the  Sudan  Doctors  Com-   the main sit-in.q
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