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              Thursday 27 sepTember 2018

            Citizens' group wants prosecution over CIA rendition program

            By EMERY P. DALESIO                                                                                                 private  air  carrier,  whose
            RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — North                                                                                          website  says  it  originated
            Carolina  state  and  local                                                                                         due to a "market need for
            officials  should  prosecute                                                                                        dependable  and  discreet
            participants  in  a  CIA  pro-                                                                                      airlift,"  operates  out  of  a
            gram  that  ferried  terror-                                                                                        county  airport  about  30
            ism suspects to secret sites                                                                                        miles  (50  kilometers)  south
            where  they  were  tortured,                                                                                        of  Raleigh  and  50  miles
            an  advocacy  group  seek-                                                                                          (80.5 kilometers) east of Fort
            ing  to  stir  action  over  the                                                                                    Bragg, home to the Army's
            former  U.S.  policy  is  de-                                                                                       anti-terrorist  Delta  Force
            manding.                                                                                                            and  other  Special  Opera-
            Prosecution  is  one  of  doz-                                                                                      tions units.
            ens  of  recommendations                                                                                            Flights  operated  by  Aero
            to  be  released  Thursday                                                                                          Contractors  delivered  at
            by the private, 11-member                                                                                           least  49  people  to  secret
            North  Carolina  Commis-                                                                                            CIA  sites  from  Thailand  to
            sion  of  Inquiry  on  Torture.                                                                                     Poland  or  to  foreign  intel-
            The  academics,  lawyers,                                                                                           ligence services for interro-
            retired military officers and                                                                                       gation and possible torture,
            clergy  who  make  up  the                                                                                          said  the  group's  report,
            self-appointed  group  held                                                                                         which relied on the work of
            a public teach-in in Raleigh   In this Dec. 9, 2014, file photo, Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.   an  academic  at  London's
            last year.                   speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, as she leaves the Senate chamber after releasing   University  of  Westminster
                                         a report on the CIA's harsh interrogation techniques at secret overseas facilities after the 9/11
            Such non-governmental in-    terror attacks.                                                                        who  studies  the  CIA  pro-
            quiry commissions have no                                                                          Associated Press  gram.
                                                                                                                                "Instead  of  holding  Aero
                                                                                                   official power, though oth-  accountable,  the  State  of
                                                                                                   ers  succeeded  in  bringing  North  Carolina  and  John-
                                                                                                   attention to American mili-  ston County until now have
                                                                                                   tary  atrocities  in  Vietnam  effectively   endorsed   its
                                                                                                   and  war  crimes  in  Bangla-  activities.  This  support  has
                                                                                                   desh  during  that  country's  taken  the  form  of  hosting
                                                                                                   1971 civil war.              the  company's  headquar-
                                                                                                   The  anti-torture  activists  ters at the Johnston County
                                                                                                   now  say  they  want  gov-   Airport and providing it with
                                                                                                   ernment  admissions  and  various  airport  and  other
                                                                                                   compensation  for  those  county  services,"  the  re-
                                                                                                   tortured. State and county  port said. Aero Contractors
                                                                                                   legal authorities also should  president  Dolph  Overton
                                                                                                   prosecute  the  pilots  and  IV and other company of-
                                                                                                   others involved in transport-  ficials did not return phone
                                                                                                   ing prisoners since Washing-  calls  or  emails  seeking
                                                                                                   ton  won't  under  "laws  that  comment  on  the  commis-
                                                                                                   criminalize kidnapping, ag-  sion's  statements.  The  CIA
                                                                                                   gravated  assault,  false  im-  declined to comment.
                                                                                                   prisonment,  and  conspira-  Neither  North  Carolina  At-
                                                                                                   cies to commit such unlaw-   torney  General  Josh  Stein
                                                                                                   ful acts," the group said.   nor Gov. Roy Cooper, who
                                                                                                   In the years after the Sept.  served  as  attorney  gen-
                                                                                                   11, 2001, attacks by al-Qa-  eral  for  16  years  before
                                                                                                   eda terrorists on the United  Stein  took  over  last  year,
                                                                                                   States,  CIA  interrogators  have  given  any  indication
                                                                                                   employed tactics like simu-  they  wanted  to  explore
                                                                                                   lated drownings and mock  the  state's  ties  to  the  CIA
                                                                                                   executions  that  are  now  detention  and  interroga-
                                                                                                   widely  viewed  as  torture.  tion  program  shuttered  by
                                                                                                   A  2014  report  released  by  President  Barack  Obama
                                                                                                   then-Senate    Intelligence  in 2009. Nor have any local
                                                                                                   Committee     chairwoman  prosecutors.
                                                                                                   Sen.  Dianne  Feinstein,  a  Spokesmen for Cooper did
                                                                                                   California  Democrat,  con-  not  respond  when  asked
                                                                                                   cluded the agency under-     why he hasn't investigated
                                                                                                   stated  the  brutality  of  the  or  discussed  North  Caro-
                                                                                                   techniques, while overstat-  lina's  connections  to  the
                                                                                                   ing the value of information  CIA  program.  "Based  on
                                                                                                   obtained by using them.      our  understanding  of  the
                                                                                                   The group's focus on North  situation,  this  appears  to
                                                                                                   Carolina  springs  from  the  be a federal matter," Stein
                                                                                                   reported  involvement  in  spokeswoman Laura Brew-
                                                                                                   the  CIA  program  of  Aero  er said in an email. Cooper
                                                                                                   Contractors  Limited.  The  and Stein are Democrats.q
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