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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 27 sepTember 2018

            2nd cracked beam found at new San Francisco transit terminal

            By  JANIE  HAR  and  PAUL                                                                                           Maffei said.
            ELIAS                                                                                                               "If  that's  the  case,  it's  likely
             Associated Press                                                                                                   welding  caused  the  prob-
            SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A                                                                                              lem," he said.
            second beam in San Fran-                                                                                            Buses  were  rerouted  to  a
            cisco's  celebrated  new  $2                                                                                        temporary  transit  center
            billion transit terminal shows                                                                                      about  two  blocks  away
            signs of cracking, an official                                                                                      that  was  used  during  the
            said Wednesday, a day af-                                                                                           center's  construction.  A
            ter a crack in a nearby sup-                                                                                        downtown  street  that  runs
            port  beam  shut  down  the                                                                                         under  the  beam  also  was
            building  that  opened  just                                                                                        ordered  closed  indefinite-
            last month.                                                                                                         ly, causing traffic chaos at
            The  first  crack  found  by                                                                                        the same time some streets
            workers  installing  roof  tiles                                                                                    were  closed  for  a  confer-
            Tuesday  spans  a  beam                                                                                             ence  sponsored  by  Sales-
            holding  up  a  park  over                                                                                          force that was expected to
            the three-block-long Sales-                                                                                         draw 170,000 attendees.
            force  Transit  Center  and                                                                                         Numerous towering condo
            runs  over  a  downtown                                                                                             buildings  have  gone  up
            street, said Mark Zabaneh,                                                                                          in  the  booming  South  of
            executive director of Trans-                                                                                        Market  neighborhood  and
            bay Joint Powers Authority,                                                                                         several multistory construc-
            which operates the facility.                                                                                        tion projects are underway.
            He said the problems were                                                                                           Officials  voted  in  2012  to
            localized  to  that  area  of                                                                                       scrap  building-height  re-
            the transit hub but it would                                                                                        strictions   to   encourage
            remain  closed  "at  least                                                                                          growth near the transit hub
            through  the  end  of  next   Mark Zabaneh, Executive Director of the Transbay Joint Powers Authority, points to a photograph   as San Francisco lures tech-
            week"  as  inspections  con-  showing a a cracked steel beam found in the Salesforce Transit Center, during a news conference   nology companies from Sili-
            tinued.  It's  not  yet  clear   Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2018, in San Francisco.                                       con Valley.
            what caused the cracks at                                                                          Associated Press   Julianna  Cheng,  32,  who
            the  facility  that  includes  a                                                                                    lives  in  the  neighborhood,
            bus deck, a towering sky-lit  she said in a statement.    some  alleging  that  con-   bearing  horizontal  beam  burst  out  laughing  when
            central  entrance  hall  and  Engineers  decided  to  shut  struction of the transit cen-  and the second on a par-  asked  about  cracking  in
            a rooftop park with an out-  down the station around 5  ter  caused  the  Millennium  allel  beam,  Zabaneh  said.  the  $2.2  billion  transit  cen-
            door amphitheater.           p.m. Tuesday, as rush hour  Tower to sink.                American steel was used in  ter.
            "We're working hard to rec-  started, once they learned  Zabaneh  said  he  did  not  the  center's  construction,  "I  find  it  disappointing,  but
            tify the situation," Zabeneh  the extent of the cracking.  believe the cracked beams  he said.                      also  kind  of  amusing  be-
            said.  "We're  very  disap-  The  transit  hub,  a  com-  are  connected  to  ongo-    Construction experts say it's  cause  they  built  this  re-
            pointed  with  what  hap-    manding     presence     in  ing problems at Millennium  exceedingly  rare  for  steel  ally  big,  they  spent  a  lot
            pened;  we  will  get  to  the  the  city's  South  of  Market  Tower.                 girders  that  support  build-  of money," she said. "I feel
            bottom of this."             neighborhood  where  con-    Engineer  Joe  Maffei  also  ings to crack.               like the money should have
            Mayor  London  Breed  said  struction  is  booming,  sits  said the troubles at the ter-  Engineer  David  Friedman  been used for a lot of other
            the  building  would  stay  adjacent  to  the  so-called  minal  appear  "completely  said it's likely the beams ar-  things."
            closed  until  it  was  safe  sinking  condominium,  Mil-  unrelated"  to  the  Millen-  rived  without  cracks,  but  The  online  business  soft-
            to  reopen.  Its  role  in  the  lennium  Tower,  which  has  nium  Tower's  sinking  and  that  once  the  weight  of  ware company Salesforce,
            broader transportation sys-  settled  about  18  inches  tilting.                      the roof garden and other  which opened its adjacent
            tem is too important "not to  (45  centimeters)  since  it  He  said  there  have  been  structures   were   added,  61-story  Salesforce  Tower
            act quickly to have defini-  opened  over  a  former  no  public  reports  of  similar  "new  stresses  may  have  earlier  this  year,  bought
            tive answers for the public,  landfill in 2009.           settling  problems  with  the  exacerbated  the  possible  naming rights to the transit
            and someone needs to be  Homeowners  have  filed  terminal.                            fabrication flaws."          center in 2017 as part of a
            held  accountable  once  multiple  lawsuits  against  The  first  crack  was  found  The beams likely passed in-    25-year,  $110  million  spon-
            the  cause  is  determined,"  the developer and the city,  near  a  weld  on  a  stress-  spection  after  installation,  sorship agreement.q
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