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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 27 sepTember 2018

            Egypt prosecutors probing monk's death in desert monastery

            By HAMZA HENDAWI                                                                                                    The church statement said
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Zeinoun  was  transferred  to
            CAIRO  (AP)  —  In  an  inci-                                                                                       al-Muharraq monastery fol-
            dent that brought the woes                                                                                          lowing  Epiphanius'  death.
            of one of the world's oldest                                                                                        That  suggested  the  monk
            churches  back  under  the                                                                                          may have been involved in
            spotlight,  Egypt's  Coptic                                                                                         a  now-publicized  disciplin-
            Orthodox  Church  said  on                                                                                          ary  dispute  between  the
            Wednesday  that  prosecu-                                                                                           abbot  and  several  monks
            tors  are  investigating  the                                                                                       at St. Macarious, which re-
            death of a monk who had                                                                                             quired  the  intervention  of
            until  recently  served  in  a                                                                                      the  spiritual  leader  of  the
            monastery  northwest  of                                                                                            church, Pope Tawadros II.
            Cairo where the abbot was                                                                                           The  security  officials  said
            killed in July.                                                                                                     Zeinoun's name also came
            Two monks — one of whom                                                                                             up  as  a  possible  accom-
            has been defrocked — are                                                                                            plice  in  the  abbot's  killing
            on trial for the death of the                                                                                       during  lengthy  questioning
            abbot,  Bishop  Epiphanius.                                                                                         of witnesses by prosecutors.
            The  trial  opened  Sunday                                                                                          Zeinoun  was  one  of  six
            and  was  scheduled  to  re-                                                                                        monks  transferred  out  of
            sume  Thursday  when,  ac-   In this Feb. 5, 2013 file photo, clergymen walk through the gate of the historic al-Muharraq Mon-  St.  Macarious  monastery
            cording to security officials,   astery, a centuries-old site in the province of Assiut, Egypt.                     as  part  of  efforts  to  instill
            the deceased monk was to                                                                           Associated Press  greater  discipline.  At  the
            give his testimony.                                                                                                 time,  the  church  slapped
            The  monk,  identified  by  The  monk's  death  was  an-  suicide. An initial examina-  tight  security  in  a  hospital  a   yearlong   suspension
            the church by his monastic  nounced  in  a  brief  state-  tion of the body suggested  in  Assiut,  the  nearest  city  on  the  admission  of  nov-
            name  Zeinoun  al-Maqari,  ment issued by the Coptic  that  poisoning  might  have  to  Al-Muharraq  monastery  ices,  threatened  to  expel
            was  the  "confessional  fa-  Orthodox  Church.  It  said  been  the  cause  of  death,  where  the  monk  served  monks  found  to  have  es-
            ther"  of  one  of  the  monks  the  cause  of  his  death  at  they said.             since  August.  The  monas-  tablished  "illegal"  monas-
            on  trial,  said  the  officials,  the al-Muharraq monastery  A full autopsy to determine  tery was also sealed off by  teries  and  gave  monks  a
            who spoke on condition of  in southern Egypt remained  the  cause  of  death  was  police and security officers  month to shut down social
            anonymity  because  they  unknown.  However,  secu-       due to be performed, they  who  were  reviewing  foot-    media accounts. It also for-
            were not authorized to brief  rity  and  medical  officials  said.                     age  from  its  security  cam-  bade  unauthorized  media
            the media.                   said they could not rule out  The  body  was  kept  under  eras.                       interviews.q

            Romanian ex-prison chief sentenced to 20 years dies in jail

            ALISON MUTLER                                                                                                       mination  through  exhaust-
            BUCHAREST,  Romania  (AP)                                                                                           ing work, hunger and physi-
            — Ion Ficior, who was incar-                                                                                        cal  torture,"  said  Muraru,
            cerated  for  the  deaths  of                                                                                       now an adviser to President
            103  political  inmates  while                                                                                      Klaus Iohannis.
            in charge of a communist-                                                                                           Ficior  was  commander  at
            era  labor  camp  in  Roma-                                                                                         the  Periprava  labor  camp
            nia, has died. He was 90.                                                                                           from  1958  to  1963.  During
            Ficior  died  Wednesday  at                                                                                         his  trial,  former  detainees
            Jilava  prison  hospital,  ac-                                                                                      accused him of beatings, a
            cording  to  Bianca  Filote,                                                                                        lack of food and medicine,
            spokeswoman for the gov-                                                                                            overwork  and  unheated
            ernment  Institute  for  In-                                                                                        cells.  In  an  interview  with
            vestigating  the  Crimes  of                                                                                        the  AP  in  2013  before  he
            Communism.  The  institute                                                                                          was  charged  with  more
            began to pursue Ficior and                                                                                          than  100  deaths,  Ficior
            other  former  prison  guards                                                                                       claimed "two or three had
            in  2013  in  a  bid  to  make                                                                                      died"  while  he  was  prison
            them  finally  accountable                                                                                          commander.
            for  wrongdoing  during  the                                                                                        Romania     had     about
            communist  era,  handing                                                                                            500,000  political  prisoners
            over evidence to prosecu-                                                                                           under  the  Communist  re-
            tors.                        In this Thursday, Oct. 24, 2013, file picture, Ion Ficior, former commander of the Periprava communist   gime,  about  one-fifth  of
            Prison hospital spokeswom-   labor camp, waits for registration at the general prosecutors office in Bucharest, Romania.  whom died while in deten-
            an Denisa Ene confirmed to                                                                         Associated Press  tion,  according  to  histo-
            The Associated Press that a                                                                                         rians.  Many  were  locked
            prisoner,  suffering  various  Ficior was serving a 20-year  lowing orders.            dured prolonged suffering,  up  for  merely  falling  afoul
            chronic  medical  condi-     sentence  there  for  crimes  But  Andrei  Muraru,  who  were  skeletal  inmates,  or  of  the  communist  regime.
            tions, had died Wednesday  against  humanity.  He  was  initiated  the  investigation  defenseless  elderly  peo-   A  general  amnesty  was
            morning,  but  declined  to  imprisoned  in  March  2017,  of  Ficior,  said  he  "showed  ple," he told the AP.    granted  to  political  prison-
            provide  further  details,  cit-  but  denied  wrongdoing  a complete lack of mercy  "They  were  subjected  to  a  ers in 1964.
            ing privacy rules.           and said he was merely fol-  toward his victims, who en-  diabolic  program  of  exter-  Ficior is survived by a son.q
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