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              Thursday 27 sepTember 2018
            Mexico president-elect criticized after reporter cheek-kiss

            By PETER ORSI                                                                                                       for  an  elected  president.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    He  rolls  around  in  an  un-
            MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mex-                                                                                             armored  sedan,  refuses
            ico's  president-elect  has                                                                                         armed  bodyguards,  has
            come  under  criticism  over                                                                                        promised  to  sell  off  the
            a video of him kissing a fe-                                                                                        presidential  jet  once  in  of-
            male reporter on the cheek                                                                                          fice and intends to live in his
            after she asked him a ques-                                                                                         own  home  instead  of  the
            tion, the second recent in-                                                                                         presidential residence.
            cident  in  which  some  said                                                                                       He  speaks  to  and  takes
            he  showed  a  lack  of  re-                                                                                        questions  from  the  media
            spect  to  women  covering                                                                                          far more often than his pre-
            him.                                                                                                                decessor, and that acces-
            The  encounter  came  as                                                                                            sibility often leads to casual
            Andres  Manuel  Lopez  Ob-                                                                                          interactions  with  reporters
            rador, who won July's presi-                                                                                        and  citizens  —  the  likes  of
            dential vote, was in Tijuana                                                                                        which  are  uncharted  terri-
            as  part  of  a  nationwide                                                                                         tory for Mexico.
            thank-you tour ahead of his                                                                                         Jesus  Ramirez,  who  will  be
            Dec. 1 inauguration.                                                                                                Lopez Obrador's press sec-
            In the video, Lorena Garcia                                                                                         retary  after  Dec.  1,  told  El
            of  the  local  newspaper  El                                                                                       Universal  newspaper  that
            Mexicano  asks  Lopez  Ob-                                                                                          the  "sweethearts"  remark
            rador about next year's gu-  Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, Mexico's president-elect, speaks to residents in the border town   was  a  normal  interaction
            bernatorial election in Baja   at Plaza Miguel Hidalgo, on Friday, Sept. 21, 2018, in Nogales, Sonora, Mexico.      and he did not consider it
            California  state,  which  is                                                                      Associated Press  an insult, but "if ... they feel
            home to Tijuana. He smiles,                                                                                         offended, I accept and un-
            does  not  answer,  turns  the  first  time  she  had  ever  The  encounter  took  place  dor's  actions  came  as  he  derstand their annoyance."
            around,  gives  her  a  quick  met Lopez Obrador in per-  Sept.  20  but  only  gained  declined to answer the fe-  About  the  kiss,  he  said  it
            peck  and  then  continues  son and she found the ges-    widespread  attention  this  male journalists' questions.  reflected  Lopez  Obrador's
            walking to his car.          ture "inappropriate."        week  as  the  video  spread  "I am always going to treat  personal style of interacting
            Airy  cheek-kisses  between  "We  are  working.  We  do  via  social  and  traditional  you  like  this  with  great  re-  with many people.
            men and women are com-       not  have  the  intention  media.                         spect  and  affection,"  Lo-  "I think we have to put things
            mon  as  a  casual  greeting  of  receiving  or  seeking  a  Lopez  Obrador  was  also  pez  Obrador  said  about  in  perspective,"  Ramirez
            in Mexican culture, but less  greeting  of  this  kind,"  Gar-  criticized  recently  for  ad-  the  earlier  incident.  Asked  was quoted as saying. "The
            so  for  formal,  professional  cia  said.  "Understand  that  dressing  two  women  re-  if it was sexist, he replied: "I  journalist has a right to ex-
            encounters,  especially  in-  we  are  doing  our  job.  It  is  porters  as  "sweethearts"  have another vision, it is not  press  her  annoyance,  and
            volving people who do not  not something that I would  when they tried to interview  like that."                    if  she  felt  offended  that
            know each other.             like to continue happening  him through the window of  Lopez  Obrador  has  raised  must  be  pointed  out  be-
            Garcia said in an interview  to me every time I go out to  his car.                    eyebrows  for  his  populist  cause it is about respecting
            with  MVS  radio  that  it  was  report."                 In both cases, Lopez Obra-   personal  style,  uncommon  people."q

            Study: Post-Maria contracts go to mainland, not Puerto Rico

            By DANICA COTO                                                                         economic  boost  a  year  the  federal  government
            Associated Press                                                                       after the Category 4 storm  spent  almost  $12  billion  in
            SAN  JUAN,  Puerto  Rico                                                               hit and as the island is strug-  the first 336 days after Hur-
            (AP)  —  A  study  published                                                           gling to emerge from a 12-   ricane  Katrina,  more  than
            Wednesday found that the                                                               year recession.              double  what  has  been
            bulk of federal funds slated                                                           "This  popular  notion  that  spent  so  far  in  post-Maria
            for  post-hurricane  recon-                                                            hurricanes   and   federal  contracts  in  Puerto  Rico.
            struction  efforts  in  Puerto                                                         funds  are  going  to  lift  the  Raul  Santiago,  co-author
            Rico are going to mainland                                                             economy is not producing  of  the  study  and  the  cen-
            companies, despite a fed-                                                              the  results  we're  waiting  ter's  research  associate,
            eral  provision  that  states                                                          for,"  said  Deepak  Lamba-  noted that Katrina caused
            local companies should re-                                                             Nieves,  co-author  of  the  an estimated $160 billion in
            ceive priority.                                                                        study  and  the  center's  in-  damage,  compared  with
            Of  the  nearly  $5  billion  al-                                                      vestigations director.       the $140 billion that Puerto
            located  by  the  U.S.  gov-                                                           Most federal funds are go-   Rico's  government  is  re-
            ernment  by  late  August                                                              ing  toward  construction,  questing after Maria.
            for  work  in  Puerto  Rico,   In this May 16, 2018 file photo, a worker from the Cobra Ener-  followed by services includ-  He  said  that  current  con-
                                         gy Company, contracted by the Army Corps of Engineers, in-
            nearly $4.3 billion has been   stalls power lines in the Barrio Martorel area of Yabucoa, a town   ing engineering, inspection  tracts  could  be  amended
            awarded  to  mainland  U.S.   where many residents continue without power in Puerto Rico.   and  remediation,  which  to  include  more  Puerto
            firms  and  less  than  10  per-                                      Associated Press  have  largely  been  award-  Rico companies.
            cent  to  Puerto  Rico  com-                                                           ed  to  U.S.-based  firms.  A spokeswoman for the U.S.
            panies,  according  to  the  through  late  August  after  tracts after the storm, 24 of  Meanwhile,   local   firms  Federal  Emergency  Man-
            study  by  the  Center  for  a  Hurricane Maria hit the U.S.  them  did  not  give  any  to  have  been  contracted  for  agement Agency declined
            New  Economy.  The  Puerto  territory.                    Puerto Rican firms.          jobs  including  waste  col-  immediate  comment,  say-
            Rico-based think tank ana-   The  study  also  found  that  The  findings  have  raised  lection,  security  and  roof-  ing  officials  had  not  yet
            lyzed  a  federal  database  of the 45 federal agencies  concerns  that  Puerto  Rico  ing, he said.                obtained  a  copy  of  the
            of   contracts    awarded  that  have  awarded  con-      will  not  see  the  expected  The  study  also  found  that  study.q
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