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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 27 sepTember 2018

            Cameroon lurches toward election amid separatist conflict

            By EDWIN KINDZEKA MOKI                                                                                              said  the  military  conducts
            Associated Press                                                                                                    searches on those trying to
            YAOUNDE,        Cameroon                                                                                            leave.
            (AP)  —  John  Nlom  has                                                                                            With  the  elections  ap-
            five  children  and  wants                                                                                          proaching,  the  tensions
            to  keep  them  alive.  When                                                                                        have grown.
            machete-wielding men at-                                                                                            Separatists  on  Friday  blew
            tacked a nearby school this                                                                                         up  a  key  bridge  to  stop
            month in a suspected strike                                                                                         campaign     teams    from
            against  the  teaching  of                                                                                          reaching communities, au-
            French,  wounded  students                                                                                          thorities said.
            were  rushed  to  hospitals                                                                                         "The only bridge linking the
            while  frightened  parents                                                                                          northwest regional capital,
            decided to flee.                                                                                                    Bamenda, with other locali-
            Nlom  and  his  family  piled                                                                                       ties like Bui and Donga was
            onto one of the dozens of                                                                                           destroyed by the terrorists,"
            buses  now  leaving  daily                                                                                          said  Lele  L'Afrique  Deben
            from  the  capital  of  Cam-                                                                                        Tchoffo,  governor  of  the
            eroon's  Southwest  Region,                                                                                         Northwest  Region.  Thou-
            joining  thousands  of  civil-                                                                                      sands  of  passengers  were
            ians escaping bloody fight-                                                                                         stranded, he said.
            ing  between  the  govern-                                                                                          In  response,  the  military
            ment    and    Anglophone                                                                                           killed  at  least  a  dozen
            separatists who vow to dis-  In this Sunday Oct 9, 2011 file photo, Cameroon President Paul Biya waves after casting his vote   separatists  near  the  north-
            rupt next month's presiden-  during the presidential elections in Yaounde, Cameroon.                                western  town  of  Mbiame
            tial elections.                                                                                    Associated Press  as  they  planted  explosives
            The  government  of  the                                                                                            to blow up another bridge,
            largely    French-speaking  port  from  some  in  the  di-  lence  keeps  children  from  least 20 towns and villages  the governor said.
            country  insists  the  Oct.  7  aspora in the United States  their  studies.  At  least  70  over the weekend, accord-  People  who  have  fled  the
            vote will be peaceful, even  and elsewhere, are fighting  schools have been burned.    ing to the country's minister  English-speaking   regions
            in  the  troubled  English-  to  create  an  independent  Last  week,  Muslim  and  of  territorial  administration,  will  not  be  able  to  vote  if
            speaking  southwest  and  state  they  call  "Ambazo-     Christian    clerics   an-   Paul  Atanga  Nji.  Casualty  they don't return to the poll-
            northwest where nearly 400  nia" in Cameroon's English-   nounced  they  are  afraid  figures  were  not  yet  avail-  ing centers where they are
            people  have  died.  Nlom,  speaking  northwest  and  a  wave  of  carnage  could  able, he said.                   registered, he warned.
            a  teacher,  could  not  take  southwest regions.         occur if peace is not found  "We  are  happy  that  some  In   Cameroon's    French-
            that chance.                 Their  movement  grew  out  before the election.          of  the  terrorists  have  will-  speaking areas, campaign
            "The  governor  himself  who  of dissatisfaction with what  "We call on the diaspora to  fully  handed  their  guns  to  rallies  kicked  off  over  the
            is saying that people should  some English speakers, who  stop the hate speech com-    the  military  and  we  have  weekend  in  defiance  of
            stay  back,  that  they  are  make up about 20 percent  munication  that  promotes  forgiven  them,"  he  said.  "I  the separatist threat.
            protected,  he  is  moving  of the country's population,  violence,  suspicion  and  call  on  all  those  who  are  "We  should  not  fear  them.
            around  with  soldiers  pro-  have  called  marginaliza-  fear among the people of  still  in  the  bushes  to  drop  We  should  brave  the  situ-
            tecting him," Nlom said. "Will  tion in the officially bilingual  Cameroon,"  their  declara-  their  arms  and  make  use  ation  and  go  about  cam-
            the  soldiers  protect  all  the  country. The blocking of the  tion said.             of the ballot if they want a  paigning.  The  government
            people? That is the reason  internet in English-speaking  The  clerics  asked  both  the  change."                  has  deployed  troops  to
            why I cannot stay." He and  regions for months last year  military  and  armed  groups  Human  rights  groups  have  protect  everyone,"  Prime
            his  family,  like  many,  have  fed the frustrations.    to drop their guns and stop  accused  both  sides  of  Minister     Philemon   Yang
            taken refuge in the French-  The  government  describes  the killing, looting and burn-  abuses.  Separatists  have  told supporters in Bamenda
            speaking city of Douala.     the fighters as terrorists.  ing  that  have  sent  nearly  burned  and  crushed  bus-  while campaigning for the
            President  Paul  Biya,  one  Weary  civilians  caught  in  200,000 civilians fleeing.  es  and  used  construction  longtime president.
            of  Africa's  longest-serving  the  fighting  have  pleaded  The government, however,  equipment to dig up roads  Biya  is  favored  to  win  an-
            leaders since taking power  for peace. Women, saying  replied that only the sepa-      in  efforts  to  stop  people  other  seven-year  term,  as
            since  1982,  vows  to  hold  they can no longer remain  ratists  should  drop  their  from fleeing.                opposition  parties  did  not
            the country together.        silent,  have  gathered  for  guns.                       Some people leaving Eng-     succeed in negotiations to
            The  separatists,  with  sup-  protests,  saying  the  vio-  Attacks were reported in at  lish-speaking  regions  have  back a single candidate.q
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