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                                                                                                                           Thursday 27 sepTember 2018

            World Tourism Day Conference 2018 by A.T.A.

                                                                                                   “Tourism  and  the  digital  ism  sector  with  it  digital
                                                                                                   transformation” is the inter-  advances  can  get  better
                                                                                                   national  theme  according  commercial  initiatives,  in-
                                                                                                   to  the  World  Tourism  Or-  clusion  and  get  the  local
                                                                                                   ganization    (WTO)  for  the  community  to  participate.
                                                                                                   World  Tourism  Day  2018.  Also  how  to  efficiently
                                                                                                   The  conference  will  be  manage  important  objec-
                                                                                                   conducted by 2 experts in  tives for development. The
                                                                                                   this area. Daniel Newman,  purpose of this year’s World
                                                                                                   CEO  of  Broadsuite  Media  Tourism  Day  is  to  help  ex-
                                                                                                   Group    and   co-founder  plore more opportunities in
                                                                                                   of  Futurum  Research.  He  the tourism industry_ thanks
                                                                                                   works  with  the  biggest  to  the  technological  ad-
                                                                                                   technology companies ex-     vances  such  as  big  data,
                                                                                                   ploring  digital  transforma-  artificial  intelligence  and
                                                                                                   tion  and  the  influence  of  digital platforms.
                                                                                                   this in the commerce.
            ORANJESTAD – World Tour-     Tourism  Day  is  Thursday  By  transforming  our  way  The  second  moderator  is  Aruba  Tourism  Authority
            ism  Day  is  a  special  oc-  September 27th and Aruba  of  doing  things  and  en-   Sam  Sheffer,  who  works  wants  to  wish  all  its  mem-
            casion  in  which  the  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  will  be  couraging  innovation,  we  with  different  companies,  bers in the tourism sector a
            Tourism Authority (ATA) will  conducting  a  conference  will  learn  the  best  possible  specializes   in   technol-  happy  World  Tourism  Day.
            take the opportunity to not  which emphasizes the digi-   ways  of  promoting  Aruba  ogy  such  as  Engadget,  Remember  to  take  a  mo-
            only bring awareness to the  tal transformation of tourism  as  a  tourist  destination  by  The  Verge  and  Mashable,  ment  and  reflect  on  our
            community  on  the  impor-   and the impact that it has.   acknowledging    the   es-  functioning as social media  daily duties and renew our
            tance of the tourism indus-                               sentials  of  understanding  manager,    photographer,  commitment to excel in our
            try to our island but also to  ATA  has  been  following  the  economic,  social,  and  writer, producer and editor.  level of service and to offer
            share  knowledge  in  order  how  digital  advances  has  technological  impact  and                                the  best  experience  to  all
            to  achieve  the  objective  transform the way we con-    innovation of tourism.       Content of the conference  visitors. q
            of  “best  practices.”  World  nect  and  inform  ourselves.                           is  based  on  how  the  tour-

             Aruba’s Tourism:  Past and Present

             ORANJESTAD  —  In  the  tion with only two employ-       from 2,776 to 5,625. During  high level of safety, its po-  Educating our youth about
             1920s,  Aruba  had  only  ees: Ernst Bartels remained  this period, the number of  litical  stability,  and  its  suc-  the  importance  of  Aruba
             a  few  visitors.  Between  chief,  assisted  by  Casper  timeshares  also  increased  cess in various niches such  tourism has created a ser-
             1924  and  1928,  about  200  Wever. The ATB continued  about  fivefold,  from  337  as activities, nightlife, shop-  vice  oriented  and  wel-
             yachts, motor vessels, and  the vital work of promoting  units  to  1,967  units.  By  the  ping, and restaurants.  coming  attitude  among
             tankers  were  registered,  Aruba as a tourism destina-  end  of  1996,  there  were                              our  people.  Many  of  our
             bringing  American  busi-    tion, especially in the Unit-  7,103 rooms, of which time-  Tourism  in  Aruba  isn’t  just  visitors come for the beau-
             nessmen  and  visitors  to  ed  States,  one  of  the  key  share units totaled 2,272.  our  livelihood;  it  has  also  tiful  beaches,  but  they  re-
             the island. For many years  markets for the Caribbean.                                become  a  part  of  our  turn because they left the
             since  its  opening  in  1924,                           Tourism Today                identity  as  a  community.  island feeling like family. q
             the  Lago  Oil  Refinery  was  The Caribbean Hotel, Aru-  Hotels are concentrated in
             the main source of employ-   ba’s  first  multi-story  resort  two  main  areas:  the  high-
             ment for the island of Aru-  hotel,  opened  its  doors  rise  area  in  Palm  Beach
             ba. In the 1950s, however,  in  1959,  quickly  becom-   and  the  low-rise  area  in
             due  to  automation,  many  ing a favorite getaway for  Eagle  Beach  and  Punta
             employees  lost  their  jobs.  world-famous   jet-setters.  Brabo.  The  majority  of  to-
             To  boost  the  economy,  a  From  that  time  until  1977,  day’s hotels fall under for-
             new  industry  was  sought,  the  number  of  hotels  in-  eign ownership, and many
             and the Dutch government  creased to 16, with five of  of  them  are  international
             proposed the most feasible  them proudly housing their  brands. Despite its increase
             choice—tourism.              own casinos, and the total  in  hotel  capacity,  Aruba
                                          number of rooms reached  enjoys  one  of  the  highest
             In  1947,  the  Aruba  Tourist  2,148.  In  the  period  from  hotel  occupancy  rates  in
             Commission  was  estab-      1986  to  1996,  tourism  in  the  Caribbean,  averag-
             lished  to  promote  and  di-  Aruba  grew  at  almost  ing about 75% year-round.
             rect  tourism  on  the  island,  twice the rate of tourism in  Aruba’s  popularity  has  re-
             with  Ernst  Bartels  at  the  the entire Caribbean. From  mained  consistent,  due
             helm. In 1953, the commis-   1986,  when  the  construc-  not  only  to  the  perfect
             sion  officially  became  the  tion of hotels resumed, until  combination  of  sun,  sand,
             Aruba Tourist Bureau (ATB).  1991,  the  total  number  of  and  sea,  but  also  to  the
             This  was  a  small  organiza-  rooms more than doubled  hospitality of its people, its
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