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Thursday 27 sepTember 2018
Atelier’s 89 presents “Three women, about salvery and freedom”
have also left behind a spir-
itual legacy that becomes
visible in the prayers, ritu-
als and songs that Marian
Markelo shares with us. The
documentary Three Wom-
en is an expression of the
global movement, in which
black people and people
of color draw strength and
pride from their history.
Ida Does has artistically in-
terweaved the stories and
experiences [of the Three
Women] into a compre-
hensive account about
a shared history: slavery
and the colonial history of
the Netherlands. She has
managed to wrap some-
thing unspeakably horrible
ORANJESTAD — Atelier’s 89, in beauty, while remaining
has the honor to present a gentle and advocating
documentary titled “Three recognition, reconciliation
women, about slavery and and a shared future. That’s
freedom. A documentary an achievement. Her mes-
film by Ida Does. The film sage is: recognition, heal-
potrays three (contempo- ing and connection. Let’s
rary) women: researcher hope that Ida Does and all
Ellen-Rose Kambel, Winti who have contributed to
priestess Marian Markelo this penetrating and gor-
and heritage expert Valika geous documentary suc-
Smeulders. ceed in their purpose.”
With Ellen-Rose Kambel, About the Director:
Valika Smeulders, and Mar- Ida Does was born in Suri-
ian Markelo in the leading name and worked in the
role, this documentary is Netherlands, Surinam and
a cinematic plea for the Aruba as a teacher, jour-
clear recognition of slavery nalist and documentary
in the memory of the Neth- filmmaker. Her work con-
erlands. The moment when tains themes from (colo-
researcher Ellen-Rose Kam- nial) history, art, culture
bel came face to face with and social justice. She has
a picture of the slave owner worked as an independent
of her ancestors will always filmmaker since 2007 and
stay in her mind. It forms the her films have been award-
starting point of a feverish ed at international film festi-
search for her family history. vals. In 2017, Does received
She realizes that enslaved the CineFam Award at the
people remain unknown, Caribbean Tales Interna-
without biographical story. tional Film Festival in Toron-
Kambel is doing everything to (Canada) as the best fe-
to get closer to the life of male director of color. Her
her ancestors. In the film this film 'Amsterdam, traces of
leads to unprecedented sugar' (2017) also received
encounters with descen- the award for 'best docu-
dants of the slave owner of mentary' in Toronto.
her ancestors.
Valika Smeulders is a tour The Hague Film Commis-
guide in the historic city sioner Ing Lim calls the film
center of The Hague, where “a masterful documentary”
she regularly makes new about “our history of slav-
discoveries about personal ery.”
stories that took place be-
hind these stately façades. 'Ida Does has succeeded
The urban landscape is in packaging something
closely linked to the cen- unspeakable horrible in
turies-long slave trade and beauty.' Claire Schut, writer
slavery. Those centuries ( q