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                                                                                                       SPORTS Thursday 27 sepTember 2018
            Rohan Dennis beats Dumoulin for world time trial title

            INNSBRUCK,  Austria  (AP)  he said. "I have been chas-    which  was  won  by  Quick
            — Rohan Dennis has finally  ing this since I was a junior.  Step.
            won the only major time tri-  I have never won it in any  Dennis and Dumoulin were
            al title lacking from his long  age  group,  so  to  win  the  widely  regarded  as  the
            list of victories.           first one in the seniors is very  gold favorites.
            And he has done so in style.  special."                   The  Dutchman  beat  Den-
            The     Australian    rider  The course through the Aus-  nis in the opening stage of
            won  gold  at  the  road  trian Alps was rather flat for  the Giro, but Dennis won a
            world  championships  on  the  first  30  kilometers,  until  longer  time  trial  later  that
            Wednesday,     dominating  a five-kilometer climb from  event.
            the  52.5-kilometer  race  to  Fritzens  to  Gnadenwald  While  Dumoulin  took  a
            beat last year's winner Tom  with  an  average  gradient  break from racing after fin-
            Dumoulin  by  a  massive  of 7.1 percent.                 ishing  second  in  both  the
            1  minute,  21.09  seconds.  Dennis was the fastest from  Giro  and  Tour  de  France,
            Victor  Campenaerts,  who  the start. He already led Du-  Dennis  used  the  Vuelta
            won  the  European  title  in  moulin  by  nearly  nine  sec-  as  his  preparation  for  the   Winner Rohan Dennis of Australia, center, is flanked by second
            Glasgow  last  month,  was  onds  at  the  first  split  after  world championships.   placed Tom Dumoulin of the Netherlands, left, and third placed
            0.53  seconds  behind  in  16.5 kilometers and built on  The victory made him only     Victor Campenaerts of Belgium at the men's individual time trial
            third.                       his advantage in the steep  the  second  Australian  to   at the Road Cycling World Championships in Innsbruck, Austria,
            "I  can't  really  explain  it,  it's  second part of the course,  claim  the  world  time  trial   Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2018.   Associated Press
            an  amazing  feeling,"  said  where he increased his ad-  title,  after  Michael  Rog-
            Dennis,  who  has  won  time  vantage to just over a min-  ers won three straight from   this  weekend,  with  the  urday and the men the fol-
            trials  in  all  three  Grand  ute.                       2003-05.                     women competing on Sat-      lowing day.q
            Tours,  including  one  in  the  The defeat left Dumoulin in  Trying  to  match  that  feat
            Giro d'Italia and two in the  disbelief,  and  he  shook  his  was  not  on  his  mind,  he
            Vuelta this year.            head  several  times  while  said shortly after finishing.
            Dennis  had  won  gold  in  staring  down  on  his  bike  "I  am  just  going  to  enjoy
            the team time trial with the  after  he  crossed  the  line.  the moment, and enjoy the
            BMX  Racing  Team  in  2014  It  was  his  second  silver  at  next  year  in  the  rainbows
            and 2015, but was still after  these worlds, after a runner-  (jersey)," Dennis said.
            his first individual world title.  up finish with Team Sunweb  The road races at the world
            "It's  a  dream  come  true,"  in Sunday's team time trial,  championships  take  place
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