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                                                                                                       SPORTS Thursday 27 sepTember 2018
            Early round of World Cup full of upsets and surprises

            By DOUG FEINBERG             a  close  game  in  overtime                                                           port.
             AP Basketball Writer        against  Japan,"  Belgium                                                              "It was a great atmosphere,
            SANTA  CRUZ  DE  TENER-      guard Julie Allemand said.                                                             even  better  than  WNBA
            IFE,  Spain  (AP)  —  The  pre-  "We are going to enjoy this                                                        kids  games  because  they
            liminary  round  of  the  FIBA  now and rest for two days.                                                          were  cheering  for  both
            Women's  Basketball  World  To  get  to  the  top  eight  of                                                        sides," said Jazmon Gwath-
            Cup had its share of upsets,  the competition first-time, is                                                        mey, who scored 23 points
            comebacks and surprises.     amazing."                                                                              for  Puerto  Rico  and  plays
            Two  African  nations  quali-  Spain  wasn't  complete-                                                             for the Indiana Fever in the
            fied for the knockout round,  ly  distraught  by  the  loss                                                         WNBA.
            with  Nigeria  and  Senegal  though,  as  now  the  Span-                                                           CANADIAN      COMEBACK:
            both advancing. It's the first  iards  will  avoid  potentially                                                     Canada  came  to  the
            time  that  any  team  from  meeting  the  U.S.  until  the                                                         World Cup with a few goals
            that  continent  has  made  gold medal game.                                                                        in mind. The first was to win
            it  this  far  —  let  alone  two  The  Americans,  to  no  sur-                                                    their group. They can cross
            teams.                       prise,  went  3-0  in  the  pre-                                                       that off the list now.
            "It feels good off the back  liminary  round.  Although                                                             "We  understand  that  win-
            of  making  history  with  our  they   definitely   had   a                                                         ning  the  pool  is  great  but
            first  win  against  Turkey  to  tougher time than expect-                                                          there's  so  much  more  to
            have now followed it up by  ed  against  Senegal  and                                                               come," said Kia Nurse, who
            beating  Argentina,"  Nige-  China  before  blowing  out                                                            led Canada with 18 points
            ria  guard  Ezinne  Kalu  said.  Latvia. The U.S. passed the                                                        in  the  win  over  France  on
            "We're  working  hard  and  100-point  mark  in  its  last                                                          Tuesday night.
            staying  focused.  It  is  excit-  two games, becoming only                                                         "So  to  be  able  to  put  our-
            ing for us making more and  the second team — along                                                                 selves in this situation to go
            more  history  with  a  team  with the Soviet Union — to                                                            in, have two days off, give
            that is very closely bonded  reach  the  century  mark  in                                                          us  a  chance  to  be  able
            together,  and  we  want  to  two pool games.                                                                       to  scout  a  little  extra,  get
            continue on this journey for  The  Americans,  along  with                                                          some practice in and work
            longer."                     Australia, Canada and Bel-   In this July 12, 2017, file photo, Indiana Fever's Jazmon Gwath-  on  things  we  want  to  get
                                                                      mey (1) goes to the basket against San Antonio Stars' Kelsey
            Belgium,  playing  in  its  first  gium,  earned  byes  to  the   Plum (10) during the second half of a WNBA basketball game   better at, it's a great situa-
            World  Cup,  won  Group  C  quarterfinals on Friday.      in Indianapolis.                                          tion."
            with  a  nine-point  victory  Wednesday's  quarterfinal                                            Associated Press  Canada  trailed  France  by
            over  host  Spain  on  Tues-  qualifiers will feature Spain-                                                        15 points in the first half and
            day.  Emma  Meesseman  Senegal,  Nigeria-Greece,  strong,  with  games  taking  to  support  the  two  teams  by 10 at intermission before
            hit  a  layup  just  before  the  Japan-China  and  France-  place over the weekend.   and also brought in drums,  getting going in the second
            buzzer  to  give  Belgium  a  Turkey.                     With  the  final  day  of  the  creating  a  festive  atmo-  half and pulling away to an
            wide  enough  margin  of  Here are a few other tidbits  preliminary  round  on  Tues-  sphere.  Usually  camp  and  11-point win and clinch the
            victory to clinch first place  from the preliminary pool:  day,  the  local  organiz-  school  days  in  the  WNBA  top seed in Group A.
            in the pool.                 SCHOOL DAYS: The crowds  ing  committee  brought  in  have  the  kids  cheering  for  The Canadians had a lot of
            "I think it is one of our big-  for  the  opening  two  days  school kids to fill the stands  the home team. Here, with  chance  to  be  even  closer
            gest  ever  wins  and  espe-  of  play  at  the  FIBA  Wom-  for  the  early  11  a.m.  tip.  the  kids  equally  divided,  at the half, but missed a lot
            cially  to  get  it  after  losing  en's World Cup have been  They made flags and signs  both  sides  had  loud  sup-  of layups.q
              SERGIO GARCIA               he told Bjorn he wanted to  one,"  McIlroy  said.  "He
              Continued from Page 17      play to ensure he would be  (Garcia) likes to have fun.
              And the start of Ryder Cup  sharp  heading  to  France  He  never  lets  the  environ-
              week has proved just why  for the Ryder Cup.            ment  or  the  atmosphere
              he was chosen.              It  appears  Garcia  will  be  get too serious, and I think
              Fellow Spaniard Jon Rahm  much more than a cheer-       that's one of the big things
              spoke  Wednesday  about  leader this week.              about  European  Ryder
              Garcia's  "contagious"  en-  "I think that I've proved my-  Cups  over  the  past  few
              thusiasm and energy. Bjorn  self over and over," Garcia  years.  We've  basically  left
              has  already  talked  about  said,  "and  the  only  thing  I  any  sort  of  egos  at  the
              Garcia's ability to "rally the  can  do  out  there  is  when  door."
              troops"  and  act  like  the  I get called upon playing,  In that sense, and in many
              captain of a soccer team.  just  do  my  best,  do  what  others,  Garcia  has  fol-
              Rory McIlroy described him  I  do,  do  what  I've  always  lowed  in  the  footsteps  of
              as  the  "heartbeat"  of  the  done here at Ryder Cups,  the  late  Seve  Ballesteros,
              European team.              and that's everything."     another  fiery  and  fun-lov-  Europe's Sergio Garcia plays a shot from the 1st tee during a
                                                                                                   practice  round  for  the  2018  Ryder  Cup  in  Saint-Quentin-en-
              "I think just everyone loves  Garcia  has  played  in  ev-  ing  Spaniard  who  played   Yvelines, outside Paris, France, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2018.
              Sergio," McIlroy said.      ery  Ryder  Cup  since  1999  a key role in the European                                        Associated Press
              Significantly  for  Garcia's  except  for  2010,  when  resurgence  in  the  Ryder
              own  peace  of  mind,  his  he  was  a  vice  captain.  It  Cup  in  the  1990s  as  both  even  go  on  to  threaten  think  he  understands  me
              form might be returning.    has coincided with a long  player and captain. At Le  that  record.  The  23-year-   as  a  fellow  Spaniard,  as
              The  2017  Masters  champi-  stretch  of  success  for  the  Golf  National,  Garcia  will  old  Rahm  is  one  of  five  both fiery players, I think he
              on hasn't shot higher than  Europeans, who have won  overtake Ballesteros as the  rookies  in  the  European  understands me more than
              70 in his last eight competi-  six of the last eight editions.  Spaniard  with  most  Ryder  team and, to many, a fu-  anybody else. Whether we
              tive rounds. He closed the  "A  lot  of  these  Ryder  Cup  Cup  appearances,  with  ture top-ranked player.     play  together  or  not,  he's
              Portugal Masters last week  teams,  it's  about  continu-  nine.                     "It's always been a dream  going  to  be  able  to  help
              with  a  65  for  a  seventh-  ity and about bringing the  Rahm  is  cut  from  a  similar  of mine to share the stage  me  out  most  out  of  any-
              place  finish  at  an  event  same  mind-set  to  each  cloth to Garcia and could  with  Sergio,"  Rahm  said.  "I  body in the world."q
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