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              Thursday 27 sepTember 2018

             AP Explains: The U.S. push to boost 'quantum computing'

            By MATT O'BRIEN                                                                                                     Today's   early   quantum
             AP Technology Writer                                                                                               computers,  however,  fall
            YORKTOWN  HEIGHTS,  N.Y.                                                                                            well short on that front.
            (AP)  —  A  race  by  U.S.                                                                                          WHERE  CAN  YOU  FIND
            tech  companies  to  build                                                                                          ONE?
            a new generation of pow-                                                                                            While  quantum  comput-
            erful  "quantum  comput-                                                                                            ers  don't  really  exist  yet  in
            ers" could get a $1.3 billion                                                                                       a useful form, you can find
            boost  from  Congress,  fu-                                                                                         some loudly chugging pro-
            eled in part by lawmakers'                                                                                          totypes  in  a  windowless
            fear  of  growing  competi-                                                                                         lab about 40 miles north of
            tion from China.                                                                                                    New York City.
            Legislation  passed  earlier                                                                                        Qubits  made  from  super-
            in  September  by  the  U.S.                                                                                        conducting  materials  sit  in
            House  of  Representatives                                                                                          colder-than-outer-space
            would create a 10-year fed-                                                                                         refrigerators at IBM's Thom-
            eral  program  to  acceler-                                                                                         as  J.  Watson  Research
            ate research and develop-                                                                                           Center.  Take  off  the  cylin-
            ment of the esoteric tech-                                                                                          drical  casing  from  one  of
            nology. As the bill moves to                                                                                        the  machines  and  the  in-
            the  Senate,  where  it  also                                                                                       side looks like a chandelier
            has bipartisan support, the                                                                                         of  hanging  gold  cables  —
            White House showed its en-                                                                                          all of it designed to keep 20
            thusiasm  for  the  effort  by   This Feb. 27, 2018, photo shows a seven cubit quantum device is seen at the IBM Thomas J. Watson   fragile qubits in an isolated
            holding a quantum summit     Research Center in Yorktown Heights, N.Y.                                              quantum state.
            Monday.                                                                                            Associated Press  "You  need  to  keep  it  very
            Scientists   hope   govern-                                                                                         cold  to  make  sure  the
            ment  backing  will  help  the  machines  process  in-    or a one in the binary lan-  and  finding  better  trans-  quantum  bits  only  entan-
            attract  a  broader  group  formation  at  the  scale  of  guage  of  computing.  But  portation  routes  or  supply  gle  with  each  other  the
            of  engineers  and  entre-   elementary  particles  such  quantum bits, known as qu-   chains.                      way  you  program  it,  and
            preneurs  to  their  nascent  as  electrons  and  photons,  bits,  can  register  zero  and  It  could  also  advance  an-  not with the rest of the uni-
            field. The goal is to be less  where  different  laws  of  one simultaneously.         other  fast-growing  field,  verse," said Scott Crowder,
            like the cloistered Manhat-  physics apply.               WHAT CAN IT DO?              artificial  intelligence,  by  IBM's  vice  president  of
            tan  Project  physicists  who  "It's  never  going  to  be  in-  In theory, the special prop-  accelerating a computer's  quantum computing.
            developed the first atomic  tuitive,"  said  Seth  Lloyd,  a  erties  of  qubits  would  al-  ability  to  find  patterns  in  IBM  is  competing  with
            bombs  and  more  like  the  mechanical     engineering  low  a  quantum  computer  large troves of images and  Google  and  startups  like
            wave of tinkerers and pro-   professor at the Massachu-   to  perform  calculations  at  other data.                Berkeley,  California-based
            grammers who built thriving  setts  Institute  of  Technol-  far higher speeds than cur-  What  worries  intelligence  Rigetti  Computing  to  get
            industries  around  the  per-  ogy.  "At  this  microscopic  rent  supercomputers.  That  agencies  most  about  the  ever-more qubits onto their
            sonal  computer,  the  inter-  level,  things  are  weird.  makes  them  good  tools  technology's  potential  —  chips. Microsoft, Intel and a
            net and smartphone apps.     An  electron  can  be  here  for  understanding  what's  and  one  reason  for  the  growing number of venture-
            WHAT'S A QUANTUM COM-        and  there  at  the  same  happening in the realms of  heightened  U.S.  interest  backed  startups  are  also
            PUTER?                       time,  at  two  places  at  chemistry, material science  — is that a quantum com-      making big investments. So
            Describing  the  inner  work-  once."Conventional  com-   or particle physics.         puter  could  in  several  de-  are Chinese firms Baidu, Al-
            ings of a quantum comput-    puters  process  information  That speed could aid in dis-  cades be powerful enough  ibaba and Tencent, which
            er  isn't  easy,  even  for  top  as a stream of bits, each of  covering  new  drugs,  opti-  to  break  the  codes  of  to-  have close ties to the Chi-
            scholars.  That's  because  which can be either a zero  mizing  financial  portfolios  day's best cryptography.     nese government.q

                                                                      Uber agrees to $148M settlement

                                                                      with states over data breach

                                                                      Illinois Attorney General Lisa  panies  cannot  hide  when  was "the right thing to do."
                                                                      Madigan  announced  the  they break the law."             "It  embodies  the  principles
                                                                      settlement Wednesday be-     Uber  learned  in  Novem-    by  which  we  are  running
                                                                      tween  Uber  Technologies  ber 2016 that hackers had  our  business  today:  trans-
                                                                      Inc.  and  all  50  states  and  accessed  personal  data,  parency, integrity, and ac-
                                                                      the District of Columbia.    including  driver's  license  countability," West said.
                                                                      "Uber   completely   disre-  information,   for   roughly  The  hack  also  took  the
                                                                      garded Illinois' breach noti-  600,000  Uber  drivers  in  the  names,  email  addresses
                                                                      fication law when it waited  U.S.  The  company  ac-      and cell phone number of
                                                                      more  than  a  year  to  alert  knowledged the breach in  57 million riders around the
            This March 20, 2018, file photo shows the Uber app on an iPad
            in Baltimore.                                             people  to  a  serious  data  November  2017,  saying  it  world.
                                                     Associated Press  breach," Madigan said.      paid $100,000 in ransom for  All  50  states  and  the  Dis-
                                                                      Madigan  said  that  al-     the stolen information to be  trict  of  Columbia  sued
            CHICAGO (AP) — Uber has  hailing  company  failed  for  though  Uber  is  now  tak-    destroyed.                   Uber, saying the company
            agreed to pay $148 million  a year to notify drivers that  ing appropriate steps, "the  Tony  West,  chief  legal  offi-  violated laws requiring it to
            and  take  steps  to  tighten  hackers  had  stolen  their  company's  initial  response  cer for Uber, said the deci-  promptly  notify  people  af-
            data security, after the ride-  personal information.     was  unacceptable.  Com-     sion  by  current  managers  fected by the breach.q
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