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BUSINESS                 Thursday 27 sepTember 2018

            Small retailers upbeat about 4Q but tariffs make some uneasy

            By JOYCE M. ROSENBERG                                                                                               the most important time of
            Associated Press                                                                                                    the year," she says.
            NEW YORK (AP) — Sales are                                                                                           Williams   is   considering
            so strong at women's cloth-                                                                                         stocking  more  mid-priced
            ing  company  Leota  that                                                                                           and   lower-priced   items
            owner Sarah Carson is ask-                                                                                          that  customers  may  feel
            ing manufacturers for more                                                                                          more comfortable buying.
            inventory for the holidays, a                                                                                       The  fourth  quarter  outlook
            change from last year.                                                                                              is  also  uncertain  at  Three
            Leota,  which  sells  dresses,                                                                                      Brothers  Bakery,  which  has
            tops,  pants  and  skirts  to                                                                                       three  stores  in  Houston.  A
            stores and on its own web-                                                                                          year  after  Hurricane  Har-
            site, has been getting reor-                                                                                        vey  flooded  the  city,  sales
            ders  from  retailers  in  mid-                                                                                     are down 25 percent from
            season, unlike recent years                                                                                         before  the  storm.  Owner
            when  customer  demand                                                                                              Janice Jucker is working on
            was weaker. But taking on                                                                                           her website and increasing
            more  inventory  isn't  some-                                                                                       her  marketing  to  find  new
            thing Carson's doing lightly;                                                                                       customers  and  revenue
            she doesn't want a big sur-                                                                                         outside  of  Houston  in  time
            plus that she'll need to mark                                                                                       for the holidays.
            down Dec. 26.                                                                                                       Many  of  Jucker's  Houston
            "The fourth quarter is a real-                                                                                      customers  are  focused  on
            ly challenging time in retail.                                                                                      rebuilding  and  repairing
            You  have  to  take  the  big-                                                                                      their  homes;  they  aren't
            gest inventory risk and you                                                                                         entertaining  and  ordering
            have a very short period of                                                                                         cakes and pies.
            time to move it," says Car-                                                                                         "The  people  in  our  neigh-
            son, whose business is up 55                                                                                        borhood  do  not  have
            percent this year.                                                                                                  dining   rooms   anymore.
            Many  small  and  indepen-                                                                                          They are buying sofas and
            dent  retailers  are  more                                                                                          socks," Jucker says.
            upbeat  about  the  fourth                                                                                          Ninety-five miles from Hous-
            quarter and holiday season                                                                                          ton,  Cynthia  Sutton-Stolle
            than  in  recent  years  be-                                                                                        has  heavily  promoted  her
            cause customers are more     In this Sept. 18, 2018, photo Bobby & Janice Jucker pose for a photo inside their Three Brothers   gift  shops  on  Instagram
            confident  and  spending     Bakery in Houston.                                                                     and Facebook and sought
            freely.  Shoppers  are  espe-                                                                      Associated Press  publicity  for  herself  and
            cially  interested  in  some                                                                                        other retailers in Round Top,
            of  the  merchandise  stores  more  merchandise  for  her  ers  so  they're  more  knowl-  easy about the fourth quar-  Texas, a destination for an-
            struggled to sell during the  website and three clothing  edgeable and attentive to  ter.  Ninety-five  percent  of  tique buyers.
            recession and its aftermath,  stores  in  Los  Angeles  and  shoppers, giving customers  the  merchandise  at  the  Sales  have  been  below
            including    clothes   and  the San Francisco Bay area.  a  reason  to  come  to  the  Luggage Shop of Lubbock,  par since Harvey. The aver-
            home  furnishings.  Retail  She  expects  the  fourth  store  rather  than  shop  on-  in northern Texas, is import-  age transaction this year at
            sales  tallied  by  the  Com-  quarter and holiday season  line.                       ed, much of it from China,  Sutton-Stolle's  stores,  Silver
            merce Department for the  to  surpass  last  year,  when  Portland  Gear,  which  sells  and luggage is on the list of  Barn  and  Nutmeg's  Kids,
            first  eight  months  of  2018  demand was so strong she  shirts,  hats  and  other  ca-  products the Trump admin-  has totaled $15, down from
            were up 5.7 percent from a  ran out of some styles. Sales  sual apparel with Portland,  istration has imposed tariffs  $30  in  2017.  But  she's  see-
            year  earlier.  Clothing  store  have   been   particularly  Oregon,  logos,  projects  a  on.  Owner  Tiffany  Zarfas  ing  more  optimism  among
            sales rose 5.7 percent, while  strong the last few months.  15  percent  sales  increase  Williams  says  suppliers  are  shoppers  and  retailers  at
            furniture store sales gained  Tanov says that despite the  during  the  fourth  quarter  already  passing  their  high-  Round  Top's  annual  an-
            5 percent. Online and mail-  growth  in  online  shopping,  but is prepared to produce  er  costs  to  her;  by  agree-  tiques  show,  which  began
            order sales soared 10.1 per-  customers  want  to  visit  more  inventory  if  holiday  ment, she must in turn raise  this  week  and  continues
            cent.                        small stores where they can  sales exceed expectations,  her  prices.  That  makes  her  into October.
            And  while  booming  online  feel an emotional connec-    co-owner  Marcus  Harvey  worry  about  customer  re-     "We  are  seeing  a  lighter
            sales  have  siphoned  busi-  tion.                       says.  The  company  makes  actions.  "It  puts  so  much  feel," she says. "Fourth quar-
            ness  away  from  many  tra-  "People  have  been  really  its own garments and can  uncertainty  into  our  busi-  ter  could  be  better  than
            ditional retailers, small and  responding  to  products  quickly  replenish  its  stock,  ness when we're going into  the last two years."q
            independent  stores  with  that  they  know  are  made  Harvey says.
            unique merchandise or ser-   with integrity, and are sup-  The  company  has  one
            vices  are  enjoying  a  sales  porting artisans both locally  store  in  Portland  and  a
            surge  that  allows  them  to  and globally," she says.   website  and  plans  pop-up
            stock up, although they do  Retailing  consultant  Bob  shops  during  the  holidays.
            so judiciously. Still, there are  Phibbs expects small brick-  Because  of  its  local  ap-
            pockets  of  uncertainty  in-  and-mortar   retailers   to  peal, 70 percent of its sales
            cluding  retailers  in  places  have  a  good  holiday  sea-  come  from  its  physical  lo-
            recovering from natural di-  son.                         cations, with the remainder
            sasters  and  those  worried  "Retailers are getting back  online. Harvey and his part-
            about  the  impact  of  the  to being brilliant on the ba-  ners  don't  plan  to  change
            Trump  administration's  im-  sics  of  customer  service,"  that mix.
            port tariffs.                Phibbs  says.  For  example,  But  the  prospect  of  tariffs
            Erica  Tanov  is  ordering  owners  are  training  staff-  makes  some  retailers  un-
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