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Thursday 27 sepTember 2018
UK Labour leader aims to shift focus from Brexit to economy
By JILL LAWLESS cheered loudly by Labour crisis of democracy both at
Associated Press delegates. Party members home and abroad."
LONDON (AP) — British op- applauded promises of Corbyn committed Labour
position leader Jeremy free childcare, increased to a huge investment in
Corbyn rallied his Labour funding for police forces renewable energy to slash
Party on Wednesday, call- and a huge social-housing carbon emissions and cre-
ing for a clampdown on program. ate a "green jobs revolu-
unfettered capitalism and Corbyn said after the 2008 tion" if Labour returns to
a huge investment in pub- financial crisis "the political power.
lic services as he tried to re- and corporate establish- Corbyn also tried to allay
focus attention on domes- ment strained every sinew fears that Labour has be-
tic policies after an annual to bail out and prop up the come hostile to Jews un-
conference dominated by system that led to the crash der his leadership. Critics
Brexit. Britain's main opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn in the first place." allege that the longtime
Corbyn said in his keynote gives his keynote speech at the Labour Party's annual confer- "The price of that has not critic of Israel's treatment
speech that "the old way of ence in Liverpool, England, Wednesday Sept. 26, 2018. just been stagnation, wag- of Palestinians has allowed
running things isn't working Associated Press es falling for the longest anti-Semitic abuse to go
anymore," and argued that period in recorded history, unchecked.
his socialist ideas represent contest, Corbyn favors a Corbyn's attacks on Prime and almost a decade of In his speech, Corbyn
"the new political main- brand of openly socialist Minister Theresa May's deeply damaging cuts to vowed to "work with Jew-
stream." politics that was banished "nasty, cynical" Conserva- public services," Corbyn ish communities to eradi-
A veteran left-winger who during the centrist, "New tive government and the said. "It's also fueled the cate anti-Semitism, both
was the surprise winner of Labour" years of then Prime social pain caused by cuts growth of racism and xe- from our party and wider
Labour's 2015 leadership Minister Tony Blair. to public spending were nophobia and has led to a society."q
They said it: Leaders at the UN, in their own words
proach and spotlights — Liberian President differences. We urge these
some thoughts you might George Manneh Weah, nations to avoid the use of
not have heard — the a former soccer star, who force in an attempt to im-
voices of leaders speaking won his nation's presidency pose change. Where they
at the United Nations who by a large margin this past do not see eye to eye, they
might not have captured January in Liberia's first in- need to adopt dialogue as
the headlines and the air dependently run election the best way to find lasting
time on Wednesday. since the end of its civil solutions. Where there is no
___ wars. The U.N. wrapped up loss of blood, unity prevails,
"We depend on each oth- a 15-year peacekeeping whereas violence begets
er, whether we like it or not." mission in Liberia at the end instability."
— Kersti Kaljulaidm, the of March. — King Mswati III of Eswati-
president of Estonia. ___ ni, a tiny African nation that
___ "Today, it seems that play- was known as Swaziland
"My country has finally ing by the rules has be- until it renamed itself earlier
King Mswati III of Eswatini addresses the 73rd session of the Unit-
ed Nations General Assembly Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2018, at the turned the corner, with come old-fashioned — as this year.
United Nations headquarters. more years of peace than if ignoring them was a sign ___
Associated Press the preceding years of of strength, and respect a "We do not think that a na-
war. ... But a nation which sign of weakness." tion needs to remain poor
By The Associated Press making at the U.N. Gen- has experienced civil war — Andrej Kiska, president of or become poor for others
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — eral Assembly invariably must never take peace for Slovakia. to become prosperous. We
Lots of leaders saying lots produces each year. And granted, or forget the long ___ believe that there is room,
of things about lots of top- each year, certain enor- shadow that years of con- "To those countries experi- and there are enough re-
ics — topics that matter to mous topics and certain flict still cast over people's encing conflict situations, sources on this planet for us
them, to their regions, to louder voices dominate. lives. We must realize and we appeal to them to all to be prosperous."
the world. Here, The Associated Press appreciate that ours is still come up with homegrown — Nana Akufo-Addo, presi-
That's what the speech- takes the opposite ap- a fragile peace." solutions to address their dent of Ghana.q