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A4   U.S. NEWS
              Thursday 27 sepTember 2018

                                                                      Included in House FAA bill:

                                                                      Minimum size for airline seats

                                                                      bar  passengers  from  be-   crack down on "unreason-     website whether it will help
                                                                      ing kicked off overbooked  able" airline fees.            stranded  customers  with
                                                                      planes,    and    consider  The bill includes several pro-  hotel rooms, meals, or seats
                                                                      whether  to  restrict  animals  visions backed by consum-  on another carrier.
                                                                      on planes.                   er groups. Among them:       —  Bars  passengers  from
                                                                      Those  and  other  passen-   —  It  gives  the  FAA  one  making  cell  phone  calls
                                                                      ger-related provisions were  year to set minimum mea-     during airline flights.
                                                                      included in a bill to autho-  surements  for  airline  seats  — Creates a committee to
                                                                      rize  Federal  Aviation  Ad-  and the distance between  advise  the  FAA on  how  to
                                                                      ministration  programs  for  rows.  Provision  sponsors  prevent  consumers  from
                                                                      five  years.  The  House  ap-  said  cramped  planes  are  being  hit  with  huge  and
                                                                      proved  the  measure  by  a  a safety issue during emer-  unexpected  bills  from  air-
                                                                      398-23  vote,  sending  it  to  gencies such as fires.    ambulance companies.
                                                                      the Senate, which faces a  "People are getting larger,  Last  year,  a  Senate  com-
                                                                      Sunday deadline.             the seats are getting small-  mittee  approved  a  provi-
                                                                      The FAA bill is also notable  er, and it's just obvious that  sion  directing  the  Trans-
            This Thursday, March 16, 2017, file photo shows the interior of a   for what is not included.  you  can't  evacuate  the  portation  Department  to
            commercial airliner at John F. Kennedy International Airport in
            New York.                                                 Lawmakers  abandoned  a  planes in the requisite time,"  crack down on "unreason-
                                                     Associated Press  plan  backed  by  airlines  to  Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn.,  able"  airline  fees  for  things
                                                                      privatize  the  nation's  air-  said in an interview.     like  changing  a  reserva-
            By DAVID KOENIG              day  to  direct  the  federal  traffic-control  system.  And  —  It  bars  airlines  from  re-  tion. But airlines and the in-
             AP Airlines Writer          government  to  set  a  mini-  congressional  negotiators  moving  passengers  from  dustry's major trade group,
            The  House  voted  Wednes-   mum  size  for  airline  seats,  dropped  a  proposal  to  overbooked  flights  once  Airlines  for  America,  lob-
                                                                                                   the passenger has boarded  bied  fiercely  against  the
                                                                                                   the plane. The issue gained  proposal,  which  they  said
                                                                                                   attention  after  airport  offi-  amounted  to  reregulat-
                                                                                                   cers dragged a 69-year-old  ing airline prices for the first
                                                                                                   man  off  a  United  Express  time  in  40  years.  The  issue
                                                                                                   plane  last  year  to  make  was  dropped  last  week
                                                                                                   room for an airline employ-  during final negotiations.
                                                                                                   ee. Airlines could still bump  Before  that,  Senate  Com-
                                                                                                   people  before  boarding  merce  Committee  Chair-
                                                                                                   begins.                      man  John  Thune,  R-S.D.,
                                                                                                   —  Directs  the  Transporta-  gave  up  an  attempt  to
                                                                                                   tion Department to set rules  weaken  a  regulation  re-
                                                                                                   for  service  and  emotional-  quiring  that  pilots  have  at
                                                                                                   support  animals  on  planes  least  1,500  hours  of  flying
                                                                                                   including      "reasonable  time  before  they  can  fly
                                                                                                   measures  to  ensure  pets  for an airline. Safety advo-
                                                                                                   are not claimed as service  cates had objected.
                                                                                                   animals."  Airlines  have  tak-  House Transportation Com-
                                                                                                   en  modest  steps  to  crack  mittee  Chairman  Bill  Shus-
                                                                                                   down  on  support  animals,  ter, R-Penn., backed away
                                                                                                   which they say are surging  from a plan to shift control
                                                                                                   in numbers and leading to  of  the  nation's  air-traffic-
                                                                                                   incidents of biting and def-  control  system  from  the
                                                                                                   ecating on planes.           FAA  to  a  private  corpo-
                                                                                                   —  Prohibits  putting  a  live  ration.  Shuster  acknowl-
                                                                                                   animal in an overhead bin.  edged that he didn't have
                                                                                                   A  French  bulldog  puppy  the votes to pass the airline-
                                                                                                   died  in  the  overhead  bin  backed provision.
                                                                                                   of a United Airlines plane in  The FAA's current authority
                                                                                                   March.                       expires  Sunday,  but  Con-
                                                                                                   —  When  a  computer  out-   gress could pass a brief ex-
                                                                                                   age  causes  widespread  tension to give the Senate
                                                                                                   delays  and  cancellations,  more  time  to  consider  the
                                                                                                   the  airline  must  say  on  its  House-passed bill.q
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