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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 27 sepTember 2018
            CBS' 'Murphy Brown' is back, ready to 'make some noise'

            By LYNN ELBER
            Associated Press
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Last
            season's  short-lived  "Rose-
            anne"  revival  blew  an  air
            kiss  to  President  Donald
            Trump in its debut episode
            before it reverted to finding
            laughs  in  family  and  work-
            ing-class woes, not politics.
            Expect "Murphy Brown," an-
            other  reborn  20th-century
            sitcom,  to  be  consistently
            faithful to its own roots.
            Washington  tumult,  social
            issues  and  the  role  of  jour-
            nalism will be central when
            the  sitcom  starring  Can-
            dice Bergen as a tough TV
            reporter  returns  9:30  p.m.
            EDT  Thursday  on  CBS,  said
            creator and executive pro-
            ducer Diane English.
            The series is "here to make
            some  noise,"  English  said
            in  an  interview,  sketching
            out  a  few  of  topics  to  be
            featured in the season's 13
            episodes:  "We're  doing  an
            immigration episode, we're
            doing  a  midterm-elections
            episode. We're doing a Me    This image released by CBS shows Candice Bergen, left, and Tyne Daly in a scene from "Murphy Brown." Political, social issues and
            Too episode," she said.      the role of journalism will be central when the sitcom, starring Bergen as a skeptical TV reporter, returns Thursday on CBS.
            The  debut  half-hour  is  "so                                                                                                  Associated Press
            ambitious  and  so  fearless,"
            Bergen  told  a  TV  critics'  views, English said.       debate  —  this  before  the  or  an  independent,  can  Watching  "Will  &  Grace"
            news  conference.  "During  "He  has  paid  attention  to  advent  of  social  media  find interesting," she said.  manage      a   successful
            the taping, I turned to Joe  the  people  who  feel  that  and its incendiary effect on  The  Louisiana-born  Ford  comeback  piqued  her  in-
            (Regalbuto, her co-star) at  they were passed over and  anything  and  everything,  said  she  reminds  her  po-    terest, but it was the after-
            one  point  and  I  said,  'This  he's  their  voice,  to  some  and  before  public  distrust  litically  "middle-ish"  family  math  of  the  2016  election
            show  has  no  fear  of  any-  degree.  The  way  he  cre-  of journalism became more  back home that the joke is  that made the difference.
            one.'"                       ates  his  own  show  gives  entrenched.                  frequently on the show's im-  "I started really thinking se-
            In  the  revival,  former  net-  a  voice  to  people  that  English,  herself  a  sparing  perfect characters.     riously  about  it  as  things
            work  reporter  Murphy  is  are  the  forgotten  and  the  user  of  online  platforms  "We  are  all  flawed  as  hu-  in  our  country  got  worse
            now  on  cable  with  the  people  who  the  elites,  in  (she  enjoys  Instagram  and  man beings ... we all make  and worse," she said. "And
            frothily  titled  "Murphy  in  quotes,  call  'the  flyovers,'"  finds  it  largely  friendly,  but  fun of ourselves, and so the  I  thought,  'You  know,  all
            the Morning." Along for the  she said.                    has  harsh  words  for  Face-  whole point of it is to make  these  shows  are  coming
            ride  at  the  fictitious  CNC  An  advantage  the  new  book)  said  she's  prepared  people  laugh  at  whatever  back  but  ours  is  the  one
            news  channel  are  her  old  series  has  over  the  1988-  for backlash.             is going on right now," Ford  that has the real reason to
            "FYI"  news  magazine  col-  98 original comes courtesy  "I  am  very  aware  of  the  said.  English,  with  credits  come back.' We are about
            leagues,  including  Regal-  of  technology,  with  digital  fact  that  we're  in  a  differ-  including  a  2008  version  the press. We always were
            buto's Frank Fontana, Faith  recording  allowing  refer-  ent world. But as in the old  of  Clare  Booth  Luce's  play  a  politically  and  culturally
            Ford's Corky Sherwood and  ences to real-world news to  days, we never really cen-     (and  1939  film)  "The  Wom-  relevant show."q
            Grant  Shaud's  Miles  Silver-  be updated close to air, an  sored  ourselves  in  terms  en," initially hesitated when
            berg.                        impossibility  in  the  old  era  of  the  kinds  of  stories  we  Warner Bros. studio execu-
            Murphy and her colleagues  of film.                       would tell and the positions  tives  approach  her  about
            "are  trying  to  present  the  The original "Murphy Brown"  that  we  would  have  char-  bringing it back amid other
            facts in a straight down the  wasn't shy about intersect-  acters  take,"  she  said.  "So,  successful revivals — which
            middle  way,"  English  said.  ing  with  reality,  most  no-  yeah,  we're  in  a  very  divi-  included  "Roseanne,"  until
            "Their show is issue-oriented  tably  after  the  1992  presi-  sive climate right now, but  star  Roseanne  Barr's  racist
            and facts, with no personal  dential campaign in which  we're  still  going  to  be  the  tweet killed it. (ABC is rolling
            opinion."                    Dan  Quayle,  vice  presi-   show that we always were."   the  dice  this  season  on  its
            Jake  McDorman  ("Shame-     dent to George H.W. Bush,  That  means  topical,  funny  spinoff,  "The  Conners,"  mi-
            less") joins the cast as Mur-  lambasted  the  unmarried  and, importantly, "no vitriol  nus Barr.)
            phy's son, Avery, a reporter  Murphy's  pregnancy  as  in  the  scripts.  That's  some-  "When you've been on the
            at  the  competing  and  a  mockery  of  fatherhood  thing  I  want  to  keep  my  air for 10 years and people
            conservative Wolf — ahem  and a Hollywood raspberry  antenna  up  about.  And,  call  you  an  iconic  series,
            —  news  channel.  He's  lib-  to American morality.      hopefully,  through  humor  do  you  want  to  go  back
            eral,  but  his  work  outside  The  top-rated,  Emmy-win-  shed  some  light  on  some  and take that risk that you
            of the Washington beltway  ning  series  fired  back  in  things that any reasonable  might  ruin  it  or  it  wouldn't
            "bubble" has given him an  an ongoing tiff that gener-    person,  whether  you're  a  be as good as it was at one
            appreciation  for  different  ated  headlines  and  fierce  Republican or a Democrat  time?" English said.
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