P. 25

BUSINESS                 Friday 17 May 2019

            Countertops and rubber bands: U.S. pursues obscure trade cases

            By PAUL WISEMAN              by  U.S.  companies  or  in-  this  administration  is  con-  countertops,  based  in  Le   his  perspective:  The  duties
            AP Economics Writer          dustries  that  say  they’re  cerned  about  unfair  trade  Sueur, Minnesota.          are retroactive to August.
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     being victimized by foreign  and is very willing to offset  Cambria CEO Martin Davis   Paul  Nathanson,  spokes-
            dent Donald Trump’s high-    competitors. But for the first  unfair  trade  where  that  is  says  the  U.S.  marketplace   man  for  the  American
            profile   trade   offensives                                                                                        Quartz Worker Coalition set
            have  grabbed  headlines                                                                                            up to fight the duties, said
            and  rattled  financial  mar-                                                                                       that  Cambria  is  abusing
            kets  around  the  world.                                                                                           trade law.
            He’s  battling  China  over                                                                                         “They  are  using  the  U.S.
            the industries of the future,                                                                                       government to try to wipe
            strong-arming     Canada                                                                                            out  their  competitors,”  he
            and  Mexico  into  reshap-                                                                                          said.  The  ITC  held  a  hear-
            ing  North  American  trade                                                                                         ing  last  week  at  which
            and threatening to tax cars                                                                                         opponents  of  the  duties
            from Europe.                                                                                                        argued    that   high-end
            But  his  trade  warriors  are                                                                                      Cambria  doesn’t  actually
            fighting dozens of more ob-                                                                                         compete  with  inexpensive
            scure  battles  —  over  lami-                                                                                      Chinese imports. The com-
            nated  woven  sacks  from                                                                                           mission is expected to rule
            Vietnam, dried tart cherries                                                                                        on the case next month. If
            from  Turkey,  rubber  bands                                                                                        it finds that Cambria wasn’t
            from  Thailand  and  many                                                                                           hurt by the imports, the ITC
            others.                                                                                                             could  strike  down  the  du-
            Under    the   radar,   the                                                                                         ties. For now, the sanctions
            Trump  administration  has                                                                                          on quartz imports are help-
            launched  162  investiga-                                                                                           ing  some  businesses,  and
            tions  into  allegations  that                                                                                      not  just  Cambria.  Among
            U.S. trading partners dump                                                                                          them  is  Blackbird  Manu-
            products at cut-rate prices   A worker begins production of a kitchen countertop that is being cut from imported quartz slabs   facturing,  an  Owensboro,
            or  unfairly  subsidize  their   from China in the production facility at Marble Uniques in Tipton, Ind., Friday, May 3, 2019.   Kentucky,  company  that
            exporters  —  a  224%  jump                                                                        Associated Press  makes  stone  countertops.
            from  the  number  of  cases                                                                                        CEO  David  Thomas  said
            the  Obama  administration  time in more than 25 years,  warranted.,”  said  Gilbert  was flooded by low-priced     that  Blackbird  couldn’t
            pursued in the same time in  the  administration  in  2017  Kaplan,  the  Commerce  quartz  slabs  from  China.     compete  with  low-priced
            office. If the U.S Commerce  brought a case on its own  Department’s under secre-      Commerce      Department     Chinese  quartz  for  con-
            Department  finds  that  U.S.  — against a common alloy  tary for international trade.  figures  show  that  imports   tracts with penny-pinching
            companies have been hurt  aluminum  sheet  from  Chi-     The dollar amounts in anti-  from  China  surged  78%  in   hotel chains.
            —  and  ultimately  if  the  in-  na — without waiting for an  dumping  and  countervail-  2016  and  54%  in  2017.  The   Now  that  Chinese  quartz
            dependent      International  industry’s plea for help.   ing duty cases are too small  influx, Davis said, was subsi-  slabs are now being taxed
            Trade  Commission  goes  “They’re  much  more  ag-        to make a real dent in the  dized by the Chinese gov-     out  of  the  market,  “we’re
            along — the offending im-    gressive in every way,” said  $21 trillion U.S. economy.  ernment.                     getting  jobs  landing  twice
            ports are slapped with du-   Mary  Lovely,  a  Syracuse  But  for  the  companies  in-  “My  company  was  going    a  week,  and  they’re  big
            ties  that  can  price  them  University economist.       volved,  the  stakes  often  down,” he said.              jobs,”  Thomas  said.  Black-
            out of the market.           Commerce  Secretary  Wil-    couldn’t be higher.          Davis  sought  relief  from   bird  has  hired  about  15
            On  Thursday,  for  instance,  bur  Ross  says  that  the  ad-  America’s struggling news-  the  government.  He  said   workers  since  June  and
            the     department     an-   ministration’s  trade  poli-  papers,  for  instance,  saw  that pursuing the case has   now  has  a  staff  of  52.  He
            nounced  levies  of  up  to  cies   have    “irrevocably  their  costs  spike  when  the  cost  him  $5  million.  Com-  plans  to  add  20  more  this
            337% in combat over kitch-   changed  the  conversa-      Commerce      Department  merce  agreed  to  impose       year.q
            en and bathroom counter-     tion  on  trade”  and  that  last  year  imposed  anti-   antidumping  and  counter-
            tops — or at least over the  the  dumping  and  subsidy  dumping  and  countervail-    vailing  duties  on  Chinese
            imported quartz slabs from  cases “help level the play-   ing  duties  on  Canadian  quartz slabs last year.
            China  that  many  of  them  ing field for U.S. companies  newsprint.  Some  newspa-   On  Thursday,  the  depart-
            derive from.                 and workers.”                per  companies  planned  ment  announced  its  final
            These  cases  have  noth-    Like  any  conflict,  though,  layoffs  as  a  result.  But  in  decision on the duties, hit-
            ing  directly  to  do  with  the  the  battles  over  remote  August, the trade commis-  ting  Chinese  quartz  slabs
            mother of all Trump’s trade  patches of the commercial  sion, which acts as an inde-   with antidumping duties of
            wars:  a  cage  match  with  marketplace leave winners  pendent  tribunal  in  trade  up to 337% and with coun-
            China over Beijing’s aggres-  and  losers.  Lovely  says  the  cases,  overturned  the  du-  tervailing  duties  of  up  to
            sive push to transform Chi-  Trump  administration’s  in-  ties,  sparing  newspapers  191%.
            nese companies into world  tervention  in  trade  cases  devastating cost increases.   The levies are bad news for
            leaders  in  cutting-edge  risks “tilting the playing field  The  newsprint  case  was  U.S.  companies  that  make
            industries like artificial intel-  toward  particular  indus-  brought  by  a  single  com-  countertops from imported
            ligence  and  electric  cars.  tries,” driving up prices and  pany:   a   hedge   fund-  quartz. Jeff Keck of Marble
            In that one, the world’s two  making  the  economy  less  owned  paper  producer  in  Uniques  in  Tipton,  Indiana,
            biggest  economies  have  efficient  by  driving  away  Washington state.              says the higher duties struck
            slapped tariffs on hundreds  competition.                 Likewise,   the   offensive  while  his  company  was
            of  billions  of  dollars’  worth  Whatever  the  impact,  the  against  imported  quartz  working  on  a  contract  to
            of each other’s products.    administration’s   America  slabs from China originated  provide quartz countertops
            The  smaller  antidumping  First  approach  to  trade  is  from  a  single  complaint:  to an apartment complex.
            and  “countervailing  duty”  encouraging  more  com-      Cambria, a maker of quartz  “We will lose money on the
            (aimed  at  unfair  subsidies)  panies to bring more cases.  products,  including  high-  project,” he said.
            cases  are  usually  brought  “Everybody   knows    that  end kitchen and bathroom  Making  things  worse  from
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