P. 32

                         Friday 17 May 2019
            Museums laud design inspired by, committed to nature

            By KATHERINE ROTH                                                                                                   an environmentally friendly
            Associated Press                                                                                                    alternative  to  traditional
            The Cooper Hewitt Smithso-                                                                                          coffins  or  cremation.  And
            nian Design Museum in New                                                                                           “Totomoxle”  features  wall
            York and the Cube design                                                                                            panels  made  from  heir-
            museum in Kerkrade, Neth-                                                                                           loom corn husks, with their
            erlands, have joined forces                                                                                         naturally vibrant colors.
            in  “Nature,”  a  blockbuster                                                                                       Nearby  is  a  “Monarch
            show  devoted  to  cutting-                                                                                         Sanctuary,”  which  imag-
            edge designs both inspired                                                                                          ines  how  the  facades  of
            by nature and entwined in                                                                                           buildings  could  be  recon-
            nature, with a focus on sus-                                                                                        ceived  to  become  butter-
            tainability.                                                                                                        fly sanctuaries, with places
            The  show  is  sobering,  at                                                                                        for  native  plants  like  milk-
            times humorous, sometimes                                                                                           weed to grow. As if all that
            heart-breaking  (an  extinct                                                                                        weren’t     mind-bending
            rhino that is made to come                                                                                          enough, the main hall fea-
            to life digitally, then vanish                                                                                      tures a work that resembles
            again  in  an  instant),  and                                                                                       a  strange,  enormously  tall,
            decidedly  uplifting  when                                                                                          sort of colorful insect wing.
            taken in as a whole.                                                                                                The panels of the wing-like
            “We  searched  labs  and                                                                                            sculpture,  “Aguahoja  II,”
            design  studios  around  the                                                                                        are  made  largely  of  pec-
            world  looking  for  innova-  This May 9, 2019 photo shows an Installation view of “Nature Cooper Hewitt Design Triennial” at   tin  and  shrimp  shells,  with
            tive  designs,”  says  Andrea   the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum in New York.          Associated Press  colors derived from natural
            Lipps, one of the curators at   Hewitt  Smithsonian  Design  “Curiosity  Cloud”  by  the  Back in the galleries, “Goat-  sources  like  squid  ink  and
            Cooper Hewitt who helped     Museum,  the  show  is  or-  Austrian   design    team  man”  describes  a  project    beets.  “It’s  theoretically
            organize  the  show  for  the   ganized  thematically  into  Mischer’Traxler.  The  work,  in  which  British  designer   even edible,” says Lipps.
            museum’s  triennial.  And    sections  titled  Understand,  designed to draw attention  Thomas  Thwaites  created   The work is meant to draw
            they  found  them:  “There   Simulate,  Salvage,  Facili-  to nature’s fragility, is com-  a complex exoskeleton for   attention  to  the  fact  that
            are a lot of people, from all   tate, Augment, Remediate  posed of glass bulbs, each  himself that allowed him to   while  permanent  materials
            different  disciplines,  joining   and Nurture. At the Cooper  containing  a  handmade  literally live — and eat grass   like  metal  and  stone  have
            together and working very,   Hewitt, the sprawling exhib-  version of an insect species  —  among  goats  for  three   long been revered, there is
            very  hard  to  find  creative   it opens on the main floor,  native  to  New  York.  When  days.                   also  value  in  materials  de-
            solutions  to  the  enormous   includes an enormous work  visitors  walk  through  the  “It  meant  eating  a  lot  of   signed  to  have  a  limited
            challenges we face.”         installed in the garden, and  delicate  bulbs,  the  insects  grass,  and  he  missed  be-  lifespan and then go back
            “Nature,”  which  explores   winds  around  and  up  to  flutter,  their  wings  clicking  ing  a  human  after  that,”   to nature, she explains.
            the  ways  designs  drawn    the third floor.             against the glass.           Lipps says. “But he learned   On  the  third  floor  of  the
            from  nature  can  address   The  “Understand”  section  In  the  garden,  “Petrified  a great deal about simplifi-  museum,      “Fantasma,”
            today’s      environmental   explores  ways  designers  River”  is  an  immense  work  cation.”                     made  by  a  Japanese  de-
            challenges,   features   62   can  use  scientific  knowl-  made  of  cast  concrete  —  The  “Remediate”  section   sign  team,  features  natu-
            designers  from  around  the   edge  to  enhance  under-  an imagined landscape of  includes  a  “Sustainable       rally glowing silk made from
            world. The show opened at    standing  of  nature,  and  Manhattan  before  being  Burial  Suit”  seeded  with      silkworms  injected  with  a
            both  museums  simultane-    features  a  work  called  settled by Europeans.          mushrooms,  meant  to  be    green  fluorescent  protein
            ously on May 10, and will re-                                                                                       derived from jellyfish.
            main on view at both ven-                                                                                           In  the  “Salvage”  section,
            ues through Jan. 20, 2020.                                                                                          meanwhile,  ink  has  been
            “With  2018  the  Earth’s                                                                                           derived  from  exhaust  soot
            fourth-warmest year on re-                                                                                          —  a  practical  use  for  pol-
            cord  and  global  carbon                                                                                           lution.  There  is  also  a  pro-
            emissions  at  an  all-time                                                                                         totype for Adidas sneakers
            high,  the  crisis  of  human-                                                                                      made  entirely  of  ocean
            caused  climate  change                                                                                             plastic, and another proto-
            has never been more dire,”                                                                                          type of sneakers that would
            says  Caroline  Baumann,                                                                                            be entirely compostable.
            director  of  the  Cooper                                                                                           Nearby  are  beautiful  ves-
            Hewitt.                                                                                                             sels made from 3-D printed
            “Solutions  will  not  emerge                                                                                       bioplastic  derived  from  al-
            without  radical  new  think-                                                                                       gae, bandages inspired by
            ing.  ‘Nature’  brings  to-                                                                                         the adhesive that helps sea
            gether  some  of  the  most                                                                                         slugs cling to wet surfaces,
            creative  and  intelligent                                                                                          and  a  lamp  powered  by
            designers whose works ad-                                                                                           the microorganisms in a cy-
            dress our complex relation-                                                                                         lindrical container of soil.
            ship  to  nature  and  its  pre-                                                                                    “There’s a level of optimism
            cious resources, and advo-                                                                                          when you look around and
            cate  for  greater  empathy                                                                                         see  designers  really  tak-
            for our planet,” she says.                                                                                          ing on the challenge of all
            Accompanied  by  a  de-                                                                                             this,”  Lipps  says.  “There’s
            tailed  book,  “Nature:  Col-                                                                                       a  groundswell  of  creativ-
            laborations   in   Design,”   This May 9, 2019 photo shows an Installation view of “Nature Cooper Hewitt Design Triennial” at the   ity  that’s  continuing  to
                                         Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum in New York.
            published  by  the  Cooper                                                                         Associated Press  reverberate.”q
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