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principal ta finalisa y e siguiente 5 companianan lo participa den e proceso di tender: Aecon
Group Inc., Ballast Nedam International Projects B.V., Bam International B.V., Bouygues
Batiment International y Tav Tepe Akfe Construction & Operation Co. E contratista cu wordo
selecta lo ta responsabel pa e construccion di e expansion di e terminal y tambe e cambionan y
mehoracion di e caminda y parkinglot. E documento di Tender y tur pintura tecnico a wordo
entrega dia 31 di Mei y e bishitanan na e sitio lo wordo plania den fin di Juni. Tur bid ta wordo
spera di wordo ricibi den September.
“Nos ta ansioso cu e siguiente stap di e proyecto Gateway 2030. E participacion di e
companianan di construccion internacional cu hopi experiencia lo brinda e conocimento y
experticio necesario pa di forma efectivo realisa nos programa di construccion y tambe brinda
oportunidad y partnership cu subcontratistanan local pa traha hunto cu nan pa brinda tambe
oportunidad di empleo local. E expansion di e terminal cu 34.000 m2, den un tempo estima di 4
aña di construccion, lo brinda e upgrade di capacidad y servicio necesario pa e cantidad
creciente di pasahero cu ta pasa door di nos aeropuerto tur dia. Nos ta hopi satisfecho cu e
experiencia y experticio di e companianan di construccion cu a precualifica pa participa den e
bid y nos ta confia cu e proceso lo culmina cu resultado positivo. Nos ta ansioso pa mira e
construccion tuma lugar pa Aeropuerto di Aruba su Proyecto di infrastructura,” asina AAA su
CEO Sr. James Fazio a bisa.
Aruba Airport’s Gateway 2030 project stepping into the next phase:
Five international construction companies to bid for the Gateway 2030 expansion project of the
Main Building Contract
ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) together with its project partners have
finalized the design and tender documents for the main terminal construction, and completed
the prequalification for the contract bids for the main terminal construction. The preparation
works and relocation and upgrading of the airport’s main utilities are well underway, and the
next phase will complete the remaining planning process and move the project into a full-
construction stage.
The results of the prequalification process for the Main Building construction contract has been
completed and the following five companies will be participating in the tendering process; Aecon
Group Inc., Ballast Nedam International Projects B.V., Bam International B.V., Bouygues
Batiment International, and Tav Tepe Akfe Construction & Operation Co. The selected
contractor will be responsible for the construction of the terminal expansion, as well as the
roadway and parking lot changes and upgrades. The Tender Documents and all technical
drawings have been delivered on May 31st, site visits are planned for mid to late June, and final