Page 36 - ATA
P. 36

                        Friday 28 June 2019

            ‘Take your car off the beaten track to

            meet our monuments and their stories’

                                                                      wealthy island where many
                                                                      -mainly  Dutch-  merchants
                                                                      lived  close  together  and
                                                                      that  is  the  reason  you  find
                                                                      this  typical  colonial  Dutch
                                                                      style  buildings  packed  in
                                                                      certain  areas  nowadays.
                                                                      They  are  celebrating  20
                                                                      years  of  Unesco  heritage
                                                                      this  year.  Than  scattered
                                                                      around  the  rest  of  the  is-
                                                                      land you will see the small-
                                                                      er  country  houses.”  Aruba
                                                                      and  Bonaire  were  called
                                                                      the  useless  islands  in  the
                                                                      colonial time, so any Indian
            ORANJESTAD  -  The  mix  of  to  see  that  become  real-  willing to live here was giv-
            cultures  in  Aruba  is  very  ity  as  soon  as  possible.”   en a small piece of land to
            visible in its architecture as  The international guidelines   build his home. “That is the
            -like in all cultures-, monu-  that  apply  for  monuments   reason  you  find  all  these
            ments  reflect  your  history  decide  whether  it  will  be   typical  small  houses  scat-
            and  your  people.  If  you  a  protected  monument  or   tered  around  the  island.
            take  the  chance  to  leave  not.  “The  building  or  ob-  We actually have the same
            the beach for a little while  ject needs to be at least 50   amount   of   monuments   office  of  monuments  be-
            and  take  your  car  off  the  years  old,  a  special  value   as  Curacao  though  way   cause they set the rules of  Sustainable driven
            beaten  track  you  will  be  in architecture or to history   smaller.”                what you can and cannot  Sustainability  is  a  big  thing
            surprised  what  you  see.  or  to  the  people  of  Aruba                             do  to  a  protected  monu-  to the Monument fund Aru-
            Anne  Witsenburg  is  direc-  is required and there has to   Magic local touch         ment.  “We  also  have  the  ba. Witsenburg: “Obviously
            tor  of  the  Monumentsfund  be a certain uniqueness. If   Some  of  the  monuments    task  to  maintain  the  build-  to restore old buildings and
            Aruba  and  points  out  pre-  it  was  changed  too  much   owned  by  the  Monument   ings  which  is  an  ongoing  not  destroy  them  to  build
            cisely  why  a  monumental  throughout  time  or  there   fund  Aruba  are  the  light   process.  The  wind,  the  salt  new ones is already sustain-
            trip should not lack in your  are  already  any  of  the   house,  town  hall,  water   in the air and the sun that  able in itself. Than we have
            vacation’s itinerary.        same kind it is a no go.”    tanks  in  both  Oranjestad
                                                                      and  San  Nicolas.  “We  are   not only burns human bod-  the  technical  sustainability
            The  fund  owns  12  monu-   Useless islands              wealthy  in  different  styled   ies  but  also  buildings  are  as in using the right materi-
                                                                                                   huge  challenges.  Next  to  als and techniques but also
            ments,  out  of  the  36  pro-  There  is  a  difference  be-  monuments  and  my  sug-  that we do education, cre-  the  social  sustainability.
            tected  monuments  in  the  tween  the  islands  when  it   gestion  is  to  discover  this   ate  awareness  and  main-  That includes looking at the
            island.  “But  there  are  over  comes  to  monuments,  as   world outside of the tourist   tain  public  relations  about  non-tangible  part  of  heri-
            300  more  monuments  on  Witsenburg  explains.  “That    zone. The book Monumen-      our monuments.”              tage: the stories to be told,
            the  list  to  be  protected  goes  back  to  their  history.   tal  Guide  comes  in  handy   The office of the Monument  the music to be played, the
            and  of  course  we  dream  Curacao used to be a very     as  there  are  three  maps
                                                                      inside  that  guide  you  to   fund is actually located in a  dinners  that  were  cooked
                                                                      the  monuments  and  tell    monument itself. The build-  in  the  places  we  try  to  re-
                                                                      you about them. But there    ing  is  beautiful  and  has  a  store. That keeps it alive.
                                                                      are  also  possibilities  to   tropical  style.  “This  house
                                                                      have your personal people    goes  back  to  the  1920’s  Most of our monuments are
                                                                      guide. And the best is that   when  it  was  built  as  a  va-  meant to be lived in so we
                                                                      I  can  almost  guarantee    cation  house  by  Aruban  would  like  to  reintroduce
                                                                      you  the  magic  of  the  lo-  entrepreneur  Croes.  He  the joy of living in a monu-
                                                                      cal touch when you bump      and  his  family  came  here  ment.  We  work  together
                                                                      into  an  authentic  cunucu   to the outdoors as in those  with  private  companies
                                                                      house (country house) and    times there was only cunu-   to  look  into  that.”  In  their
                                                                      talk to the owners. They will   cu (countryside) here. They  office  they  installed  solar
                                                                      proudly  share  their  family   had  big  parties  and  en-  panels,  use  LED  lightning
                                                                      history with you.”           joyed leisure time with fam-  and  recently  implement-
                                                                                                   ily and friends.” Richer Aru-  ed  an  electrical  charging
                                                                      Outside inspiration          bans  at  that  time  looked  point for electric vehicles.
                                                                      The  Monument  fund  ac-     outwards  for  architecture
                                                                      quires  or  buys  monuments   inspiration as that was con-  The  Monument  fund  Aru-
                                                                      and  restores  them  back    sidered  chic,  Witsenburg  ba is open every day from
                                                                      into  their  former  glory.   explains. Either to the US (art  Monday to Friday from 8 to
                                                                      Than they rent it out. “That   deco  style  like  the  water  5. You are more than wel-
                                                                      sounds  easy,  but  it  is  in-  tower  in  San  Nicolas),  Hol-  come  to  ask  for  informa-
                                                                      credibly  complex  as  most   land  (Dutch  colonial  style)  tion, guiding and help. For
                                                                      monuments  have  multiple    or   Colombia/Venezuela.  more  information  check
                                                                      owners due to the fact that   “This  house  is  inspired  by  their Facebook page stich-
                                                                      inheritances  are  split  and   a  villa  around  Cartagena,  ting  monumenten  fonds
                                                                      all  need  to  decide  upon   Colombia. The ideas mostly  aruba  and  the  website
                                                                      the  selling.”  They  cooper-  came from the wives”, she  http://www.monumenten-
                                                                      ate  with  the  government   says laughing.     
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