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                  Friday 23 November 2018

            A.T.A. first 10 months of 2018: 1.3% more visitors and 11.5% higher RevPar

            ORANJESTAD  –  Aruba  wel-         Total “Stay-Over” Tourism for Aruba from January till October2018  Chile with 13.6% (+ 121 visi-  ent cruise ships. Compared
            comed  a  total  of  890.134                  Including & Excluding Venezuela          tors/ total 1.010 visitors). The  with  month  of  October
            ‘stay-over’   visitors   dur-                                                          Latin  American  Continent  last  year,  cruise  tourism  in-
            ing  the  first  10  months  of                                                        brought  16.2%  of  the  total  creased with 5.3% (+ 2.758
            2018.  This is 1.3% (+11.194                                                           of  tourism  for  the  month  visitors  cruise):  in  October
            visitors)  more  compared                                                              of  October  for  2018  for  2017 Aruba had 52.298 visi-
            to  same  period  of  2017.  If                                                        our  island.  From  January  tors from 25 cruises. That is
            we  exclude  visitors  from                                                            till  October  of  2018,  Latin  3  cruise  ships  more  com-
            Venezuela, you will see an                                                             America  brought  a  total  pared  to  last  year.  From
            increase  of  6.3%  (+50.336                                                           of  132.688  visitors  for  Aru-  January to October 2018, a
            visitors) which equals a to-                                                           ba,  which  equals  to  20%  total of 623.317 cruise pas-
            tal of 800.794 visitors to our         Including Venezuela    Excluding Venezuela      (-33.078  visitors)  less  com-  sengers  visited  Aruba  (an
            island.  These  numbers  in-                                                           pared  to  same  period  of  increase  of  5.8%  +33.931
            dicate  an  increase  in  key   in  3  different  continents.  tors  to  Aruba,  which  is  an   last year.         passengers  more)  aboard
            markets  for  Aruba  such    Compared  to  October  of  increase  of  7.1%  (+43.564                                a  total  of  250  different
            as  USA,  Canada,  Colom-    2017, for 2018 tourism from  visitors).                   For  what  Europe  concerns  cruise ships. This is the same
            bia,  Chile  and  also  Italy.   North  America  increased                             a decrease in tourism can  amount compared to 2017.
            For  the  month  of  October,   with  3.7%  (+2.005  visitors/  The  Latin  American  Conti-  be noticed of 4.4% (-380 vis-
            Aruba  received  a  total  of   total  56.051  visitors)  and  nent decreased with 15.6%   itors/total 8.245 visitors) less  Tourism  Receipts  /  Central
            80.820  stay-over  visitors,   brought  69.4%  of  the  total  (-2.416  visitors/total  13.080   compared  with  the  same  Bank of Aruba
            which  is  0.08%  (-663)  less   for  tourism  to  our  destina-  visitors)  in  which  Venezu-  month  of  last  year.  United  According  to  the  Central
            compared  to  same  month    tion.  In  October,  USA  in-  ela  decreased  with  a  42%   Kingdom  decreased  with  Bank the so called ‘Tourism
            last year. Excluding visitors   creased  with  3.9%  (+1.992  (-  2.994  visitors/total  4.139   59.1%  (-1.423  visitors/total  Receipts’  for  2017  contrib-
            from  Venezuela,  you  will   visitors/total  53.158  visitors)  visitors) compared to Octo-  986  visitors).  As  already  in-  uted to 3.078.5 Million florins
            see this is 3.1% (+2.331 visi-  and  Canada  increased  ber of last year. Colombia     formed  earlier  due  to  the  to our economy, which is a
            tors) more which equals to   with  0.5%  (+13  visitors/total  increased with 31.8% (+790   so  called  ‘BREXIT’  in  Eng-  6.5%  increase  compared
            76.681 visitors for the month   2.893 visitors) compared to  visitors  /total  3.276  visitors)   land,  TUI  was  forced  to  to the same season in 2016.
            of October for 2018.         same month in 2017. From  and  Brazil  decreased  with    cancel  one  of  the  charter
                                         January  to  October  2018,  21.4%  (-301  visitors/total   flights  from  this  destination
            ‘Stay-over’ Tourism          Norte  America  increased  1.106  visitors).  There  is  also   to  Aruba.  Noticeable  is  Hotels / AHATA
            Aruba is being represented   and  brought  653.658  visi-  an  increase  in  visitors  from   that the decrease of 7.500  According  to  Aruba  Hotel
                                                                                                   seats  and  the  fall  of  the  and  Tourism  Association
                                                                                                   United Kingdom market this  for  the  month  of  October
                                                                                                   has  been  compensated  2018,  the  ‘Average  daily
                                                                                                   with the increase from the  Rate’    (ADR)    increased
                                                                                                   other  countries.  The  ma-  with  12  %  compared  to
                                                                                                   jority  comes  from  the  7th  October 2017 – US$ 192.52
                                                                                                   additional  flight  per  week  in  2017  compared  to  US$
                                                                                                   of  KLM  which  A.T.A.  man-  215.58  in  2018.  From  Janu-
                                                                                                   aged  to  confirm  Novem-    ary  till  October  2018,  the
                                                                                                   ber of last year. Besides, TUI  ADR  increased  with  12.2%
                                                                                                   Netherlands increased their  which equals to US$ 243.05.
                                                                                                   amount  of  seats  to  Aruba  The  revenue  per  available
                                                                                                   so  that  A.T.A.  Europe  can  room, the so called RevPar
                                                                                                   continue its contribution to  increased  to  3.9%-  US$
                                                                                                   increase  the  high  quality  164.29  in  October  2017  to
                                                                                                   tourism to our destination.   US$ 170.66 in October 2018.
                                                                                                                                The  occupancy  room  per
                                                                                                   Other  countries  in  Europe:  night (ORN) increased with
                                                                                                   Netherlands increased with  11.5% for the month of Oc-
                                                                                                   19.6%  (+600  visitors/total  tober  2018.  The  occupan-
                                                                                                   3.726 visitors) and Germany  cy room per night (ORN) for
                                                                                                   increased  with  10.7%  (+68  the  first  10  months  of  2018
                                                                                                   visitors/total  703  visitors).  decreased with 0.4%.
                                                                                                   There  is  also  an  increase
                                                                                                   from Italy with 8% (+55 visi-
                                                                                                   tors/total  741  visitors).  The  Numbers provided by AHA-
                                                                                                   European Continent repre-    TA for the first 4 months of
                                                                                                   sented 10.2% of tourism for  2018 are based on 14 prop-
                                                                                                   Aruba for the month of Oc-   erties including Holiday Inn
                                                                                                   tober  2018.  From  January  Resort  and  the  majority  of
                                                                                                   till October of 2018, Europe  the  hotels  with  the  excep-
                                                                                                   brought  73.690  visitors  to  tion of Hilton Aruba Carib-
                                                                                                   Aruba, which is 2.4% (-1.818  bean Resort & Casino. From
                                                                                                   visitors)  less  compared  to  May 2018 the numbers are
                                                                                                   same period last year.       based  on  13  properties
                                                                                                                                excluding  Holiday  Inn  Re-
                                                                                                   Tourism Cruise               sort. From August 2018, the
                                                                                                   During    October    2018,  numbers  are  based  on  15
                                                                                                   55.056  cruise  passengers  properties including Board-
                                                                                                   visited   our   destination  walk Hotel and Brickell Bay
                                                                                                   aboard a total of 22 differ-  Beach Club. q
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