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Tuesday 29 January 2019
Agent: Anthony Davis tells New Orleans that he wants a trade
By TIM REYNOLDS under NBA rules until July
AP Basketball Writer 1, unless they also trade
Anthony Davis wants out of away Kyrie Irving — which
New Orleans. likely won't happen. Irving is
And the NBA might soon a factor because of what's
see a blockbuster trade to known as the Rose Rule, the
come together. one that says NBA teams
The five-time All-Star has cannot trade for more than
told the Pelicans that he one player who has signed
wants to be traded to a an extension.
championship-contending The Celtics could sign Irving
team and will not sign an in July and then trade for
extension with New Or- Davis. But until then, un-
leans, agent Rich Paul told less they move Irving, Davis
The Associated Press on won't be in Boston.
Monday. That would point to the Lak-
ESPN first reported Davis' ers as another possible des-
demand to be traded to a tination for a trade. The Lak-
contender. It is a move that ers, right now, aren't neces-
will resonate around the sarily a contender. But they
league, one that will have have James, which prob-
most — if not all — teams ably means they're attrac-
trying to see how they tive to Davis as well. James
can put together a pack- shrugged off the notion he
age good enough for the New Orleans Pelicans' Anthony Davis, left, gets fouled by Los Angeles Clippers' Tyrone Wallace did anything illicit, saying it's
Pelicans to send Davis their during the second half of an NBA basketball game, Monday, Jan. 14, 2019, in Los Angeles. The just common sense that he
way. Pelicans won 121-117. would like to play with elite
Davis is having the best Associated Press players like Davis.
season of his career, aver- "Come on, guys," James
aging 29.3 points and 13.3 sion is "part of the business." players to a relatively small power move by a star play- told reporters last month.
rebounds per game. He'll "He plans on playing out market like New Orleans er who wants to get trad- "It's not rocket science."
almost certainly become the season," Gentry said. when a player of Davis' ed, following a path now A year ago at this time, the
a six-time All-Star later this "A.D. is a professional guy caliber wants out "can defi- similar to what Kawhi Leon- Pelicans had perhaps the
week when the NBA an- and he's going to play as nitely be hard ... but I feel ard did when he wanted to most dominant frontcourt
nounces the full rosters for hard as he can once he like people know our style, be traded by San Antonio in the NBA with Davis lining
this year's game that will be gets well and we're going the way we play and if they and what Paul George did up with DeMarcus Cousins.
played Feb. 17 in Charlotte. to do the best we can to want to be a part of that when he decided it was Then Cousins tore his Achil-
Now it's unclear if Davis try put our team in position then they'll come." time to move on from In- les, and wound up sign-
will be there as a member to win games. The Pelicans next play Tues- diana. Telling the Pelicans ing this past summer with
of the Pelicans or not. The "We're going to do every- day at Houston. that he won't re-sign with Golden State. The Pelicans
trade deadline is Feb. 7. thing we can to do what's In Indianapolis, where them provides a blunt mes- responded by opening the
Davis was at the Pelicans' best for the franchise." Golden State was play- sage: Move me, or lose me season with a surprisingly
training headquarters Mon- Gentry declined say wheth- ing the Pacers on Monday for nothing. lopsided victory at Houston
day, wearing team gear, er Davis might be traded night, the Warriors' Kevin But New Orleans, which and started 4-0 before a
working out and getting this season or later. There Durant supported Davis' controls Davis' contract series of injuries appeared
treatment on the sprained was no immediate com- trade demand. through the 2019-20 sea- to undermine them.
left index finger that has ment from general manag- "It's not like the president is son, had been steadfast for "When we've had our team
sidelined him four games. er Dell Demps, ownership shutting down the govern- months, saying it had said together that we thought
He declined through a or anyone else in the front ment. It's just basketball," they had no desire to move we were going to have,
team spokesman to speak office. Durant said. "As players, we their best player, who is in we're 7-3 — and that tells
with reporters, but coach Guard Jrue Holiday said want guys to do exactly line to sign a $240 million, you that we've only had
Alvin Gentry said after Davis has been "like a what they want to do in this five-year extension in 2020. our team together for 10
practice that the team un- brother" to him and is "90 league. They have a short Trade chatter has ramped games," Gentry asserted.
derstands that Davis' deci- percent" of the reason he amount of time. So why not up this season, especially "From there, you can spec-
decided two summers ago do what you want?" after Los Angeles Lakers All- ulate whatever you like to.
to sign a five-year, $126 mil- Davis' future has long been Star LeBron James — who ... We were excited about
lion contract to remain in in question. He's an elite is represented by Paul, just the team we started the
New Orleans. superstar on a team that as Davis is — included the season with."
"It's the business basket- hasn't gotten past the sec- New Orleans star on a list of It has been an interesting
ball," Holiday said, recalling ond round of the playoffs players that he would love few days for New Orleans
his own trade from Phila- since he's been in New to play with. James' com- sports fans. Saints fans are
delphia to New Orleans in Orleans — and in four of ments were construed in still reeling from a non-call
2013. Holiday said "it felt his first six full seasons, the some circles as campaign- for pass interference last
like everything was close" Pelicans didn't qualify for ing for Davis. week that played a major
in Philadelphia, "and all the postseason at all. They Boston would almost cer- role in their team losing the
of a sudden, everybody's entered Monday 13th in tainly be a place that NFC championship game
gone. ... I feel like you kind the Western Conference makes sense; the Celtics to the Los Angeles Rams
of have to be able to roll standings, six games out of are a contender and have and being denied a Super
with the punches, be able the final playoff spot with more than enough assets Bowl berth..
to adapt and from there 32 games remaining. to make a good deal for And now, the news only
play as hard as you can." His telling New Orleans that New Orleans. But the Celt- gets worse with Davis de-
Holiday said attracting he wants out is the latest ics cannot trade for Davis claring he wants out.q