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                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 29 January 2019

            In this Sunday, Jan. 20, 2019 file photo, New Orleans Saints wide
            receiver Tommylee Lewis (11) works for a catch against Los An-
            geles Rams defensive back Nickell Robey-Coleman (23) during
            the second half the NFL football NFC championship game, in
            New Orleans.
                                                     Associated Press

            DO-OVER                      That  appeared  to  surprise   Justin Rose, of England, holds the trophy after winning the Farmers Insurance golf tournament
            Continued from Page 17       Gladstone  Jones,  a  New    Sunday, Jan. 27, 2019, in San Diego.
            The  lawsuit  by  two  Saints  Orleans   attorney   argu-                                                                       Associated Press
            season ticket holders, Tom-  ing for the NFL, who said it
                                         D'Amico's clients aren't try- Top-ranked Justin Rose wins
            my  Badeaux  and  Candis  would  be  "big  news"  that
            Lambert,  says  NFL  Com-
            missioner  Roger  Goodell  ing to stop or delay the big
            should implement a league  game.                          Farmers Insurance Open
            rule — Rule 17 — governing  As to D'Amico's call for an
            "extraordinarily unfair acts."  investigation,  Jones  said
            Remedies  include  reversal  there  is  no  need.  League   By DOUG FERGUSON           "Twenty-one under around  earned  a  spot  in  next
            of a game's result or the re-  officials,  he  said,  have   SAN  DIEGO  (AP)  —  Justin  Torrey  Pines  is  great  golf,"  week's Phoenix Open. He is
            scheduling of a game — in  clearly  reviewed  the  calls.   Rose  missed  a  short  birdie  Rose said. "But you had to  playing this year on condi-
            its entirety or from the point  "They have done their due   putt  that  felt  like  another  do it. It felt like I had to work  tional status.
            when the act occurred.       diligence."                  bogey.  His  three-shot  lead  hard for his."             Jon Rahm was never a fac-
            NFL lawyers say the lawsuit  His arguments tracked po-    was  down  to  one  through  Scott  left  him  little  choice.  tor  after  pulling  within  one
            belongs in federal court for  sitions  taken  in  weekend   six  holes of the Farmers In-  After  not  making  a  birdie  shot with that birdie on No.
            reasons  including  the  pos-  briefs filed by NFL lawyers.  surance  Open,  and  the  until  the  ninth  hole  —  and  6,  which  turned  out  to  be
            sible scope.                 "The NFL parties do not dis-  biggest  battle  was  trying  missing  a  20-inch  par  putt  the  only  one  he  made  all
            They  argued  that  the  suit  pute that they have previ-  not to panic.               on  No.  5  —  Scott  closed  round. He shot 72 and tied
            takes  the  form  of  a  class  ously  advised  the  Saints,   That's when he scratched a  with  four  straight  birdies  for  fifth  with  Rory  McIlroy
            action  that  could  mean  including  the  club's  head   line  on  his  scorecard  after  and  kept  the  outcome  in  (69) and defending cham-
            millions  of  dollars  in  dam-  coach,  that  one  or  more   six holes, wanting to start his  doubt until Rose hit wedge  pion Jason Day (67).
            ages for Saints ticket hold-  penalties  —  for  pass  inter-  round  from  that  moment  to  3  feet  on  the  18th  hole  Tiger  Woods  had  to  settle
            ers and others in what the  ference  or  illegal  helmet-  forward.                    for his last birdie.         for  his  own  version  of  win-
            suit calls "the Who Dat Na-  to-helmet contact — were     And he gave himself a pep  "I just didn't have the game  ning.  Starting  the  final
            tion," a reference to Saints  mistakenly  not  called  late   talk.                    on  the  front  nine,  and  it's  round  13  shots  behind,
            fans  and  a  popular  team  in  the  NFC  Championship   "You're No. 1 for a reason.  a  shame  because  Justin  Woods wanted to get into
            cheer.                       Game,  and  that  the  NFL   Just  start  playing  like  it,  was a little shaky early with  double  figures.  He  birdied
            Attorney  Frank  D'Amico,  would like its officials on the   please," he said.         some  bogeys,"  Scott  said.  his last two holes for a 31 on
            who  filed  the  lawsuit  two  field  to  make  these  calls,"   And he did.           "By  the  time  I  got  it  sorted  the  front  nine  to  shoot  67
            days  after  the  champion-  an NFL filing says.          Rose  followed  with  a  per-  out, it was a bit too late."  and finish at 10-under 278.
            ship game, said that, while  But  it  also  says  Goodell,  a   fect  wedge  to  a  right  pin  Rose became the first win-  He tied for 20th in his 2019
            the  lawsuit  recounts  dam-  defendant  in  the  lawsuit   that  led  to  birdie,  the  first  ner to post all four rounds in  debut.
            ages  suffered  by  Saints  along with the league itself,   of five birdies the rest of the  the 60s since Peter Jacob-  "Got  to  have  these  little
            fans,  it  doesn't  specifically  does not have the author-  way  for  a  3-under  69  and  sen in 1995, back when the  goals when I'm not in con-
            ask for monetary compen-     ity to overrule a referee on   a  two-shot  victory  Sunday  North  and  South  courses  tention  to  win  a  tourna-
            sation.  Instead,  D'Amico  the field. Even if the rule did   over  Adam  Scott  at  Tor-  were  700  yards  shorter.  ment,"  Woods  said.  "Still
            said, it seeks a court order,  apply, the NFL attorneys ar-  rey  Pines.  It  was  his  10th  Weather aside, this was an  something  positive  to  end
            under  state  law,  forcing  gue, a decision on a rem-    straight year with a victory  exquisite  performance,  es-  the week on."
            Goodell  to  investigate  the  edy  is  up  to  the  commis-  worldwide,  including  his  pecially with his three pen-  The  timing  was  ideal  for
            blown call under the never  sioner, not a ticket-holder.  gold  medal  from  the  2016  alty shots on Saturday, and  Rose,  who  takes  pride  in
            before invoked Rule 17.      Morgan had to step away      Olympics, and his 10th ca-   opening  the  final  round  winning  every  year.  The
            D'Amico  also  insisted  that  from a jury trial in an unre-  reer PGA Tour victory gave  with  three  bogeys  in  five  last time he won in January
            he  wasn't  specifically  ask-  lated case to preside over   him the most of any player  holes.                     was in South Africa in 2002,
            ing  for  a  court-ordered  Monday's hearing. Records     from  England,  breaking  a  Hideki  Matsuyama  closed  the  first  of  his  22  victories
            do-over  or  reversal  of  the  show she got the case af-  tie with Nick Faldo.        with a 67 and tied for third  worldwide.  But  it  goes  be-
            game, although that could  ter  it  was  initially  assigned   Rose  finished  at  21-under  with Talor Gooch, who shot  yond that.
            be the result if the rule is in-  to  U.S.  District  Judge  Barry   267,  the  lowest  72-hole  68 to match Rose with four  Rose dedicated the victory
            voked.                       Ashe  —  who  removed        score  at  this  event  in  20  rounds  in  the  60s.  Gooch,  to his caddie, Mark Fulcher,
            "We're  not  trying  to  keep  himself  from  the  case  be-  years, and the warm, wind-  who  finished  fourth  last  who  had  a  heart  proce-
            the Super Bowl from going  cause he has Saints season     less  weather  had  a  role  in  week  in  the  Desert  Clas-  dure  last  week  and  was
            forward," he said.           tickets.q                    that.                        sic  to  get  into  this  event,  watching from home.q
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