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P. 25

BUSINESS                 Tuesday 29 January 2019

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              Bubali # 113c         Caya Ritmo # 35      Oceania # 213         Tamarijn $ 59      - email
              3Bedr w/ additional   4 Bedr 2 Story Home  2Bed/2Bath ocean front  4Bedr home w/ sweeping - website
              guest studio          Eagle Beach area     Condo.                island views, open air
              Semi detached home                                               courtyard & lap pool

              Jardines Del Mar # 12  Opal # 223 Surfside Res. Rooi Santo # 25m  Salina Cerca # 37b       Oceania Residence # 513
              2Bed/2.5 Bath townhome 4Bed/3.5Bath w/ lock off 4Bed/4Bath home with  5Bed home with lush gardens 2Bed/2Bath Ocean front
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              community                                  outdoor kitchen       Close to the Marriott Resort  & private roof top patio
            More parents are putting limits on college help

            By LIZ WESTON                                                                                                       Monica  L.  Dwyer  of  West
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Chester, Ohio, whose three
            Tyler Luker of Plano, Texas,                                                                                        children attend the Univer-
            is a high school junior who                                                                                         sity  of  Cincinnati,  was  up-
            already  knows  which  col-                                                                                         front with them about how
            lege  he  wants  to  attend                                                                                         much  help  they  could  ex-
            (University of Missouri), how                                                                                       pect. Each child had about
            much  it  costs  ($43,300  for                                                                                      $25,000 in 529 college sav-
            out-of-state  residents)  and                                                                                       ings plans, plus Dwyer and
            how much he can expect                                                                                              her husband, Sean, pay for
            his single mother to contrib-                                                                                       food, health insurance, cell
            ute: nothing.                                                                                                       service and car insurance if
            "That's protecting my retire-                                                                                       the child lives at home.
            ment,"  says  certified  finan-                                                                                     "I think that if you give chil-
            cial  planner  Sharon  Luker                                                                                        dren  limits,  and  explain
            ,  64.  "I  don't  want  to  work                                                                                   what  they  have  available
            when I'm 70."                                                                                                       to  them  .  they  will  likely
            While most parents plan to                                                                                          make  the  right  decisions,"
            help with at least some col-                                                                                        she says. "Or maybe I have
            lege  expenses,  more  are                                                                                          been lucky."
            coming  around  to  Sharon                                                                                          The Dwyers refuse to co-sign
            Luker's  point  of  view  that                                                                                      private  loans  or  take  out
            they shouldn't sacrifice their                                                                                      parental loans. The kids got
            own financial well-being to                                                                                         jobs  and  federal  student
            do so, a survey by student                                                                                          loans, which are limited to
            lender Sallie Mae found.                                                                                            $5,500 the first year, to help
            "As  a  parent,  you  want  to                                                                                      cover  tuition  and  books.
            do what's best for your kids,"                                                                                      Sean  Dwyer  recently  took
            says Sallie Mae spokesman    This April 2017 file photo provided by NerdWallet shows Liz Weston, a columnist for personal fi-  a  post  as  an  academic
            Rick  Castellano.  But  "par-  nance website                                                        advisor at the university, so
            ents do want their students                                                                        Associated Press  the  $11,000  annual  tuition
            to  have  some  skin  in  the                                                                                       is now waived for all three
            game."                       vowed  not  to  touch  their  ings before saving for their  for  college,  don't  require  kids and "it is such a huge
            The  2018  survey    of  2,003  retirement  funds  for  col-  children's educations.   thorough  credit  checks  or  relief for our family," Dwyer
            parents with children under  lege costs, up from 60 per-  As  college  costs  continue  proof  that  you  can  repay,  says.
            18,  conducted  by  pollster  cent in 2016. An improved  to  spiral,  parents  tempted  which  means  it's  easy  to  CFP  Martisha  Patterson  of
            Ipsos, found:                economy  seems  to  have  to  spend  excessively  to  borrow more than you can  Nutley,  New  Jersey,  also
            —  More  parents  say  their  convinced  more  parents  educate their kids need to  afford to pay back.             put  conditions  on  her  col-
            kids  should  help  pay  for  that they'll be able to pay  think twice. Here's why:    EDUCATION DEBT CAN FOL-      lege  help.  If  her  daughter
            their  own  educations,  with  for  college  out  of  their  in-  STINTING  RETIREMENT  SAV-  LOW YOU TO THE GRAVE. It's  had  attended  an  in-state
            59  percent  saying  college  come  and  savings,  rather  INGS  IS  COSTLY.  You  can't  difficult to erase education  public  school,  she  could
            costs  should  be  a  shared  than  tapping  retirement,  get  back  lost  company  loans  in  bankruptcy  court,  have lived on campus. Be-
            responsibility   compared  Castellano says.               matches,  tax  breaks  and  and  the  U.S.  government  cause  she  opted  for  City
            to  51  percent  in  2016.  The  —  Still,  more  parents  were  all-important compounded  can even take a portion of  University  of  New  York,
            proportion  saying  the  bur-  saving  for  college  (56  per-  returns if you don't contrib-  your Social Security checks,  where  she's  now  a  sopho-
            den  should  be  entirely  the  cent) than their own retire-  ute.                     normally  off  limits  to  credi-  more,  she  commutes  the
            parents' dropped to 26 per-  ments  (54  percent).    Ide-  YOU  CAN  OVERDOSE  ON  tors, if you fail to repay fed-  roughly 15 miles from home
            cent from 30 percent.        ally,  people  would  be  on  DEBT.  Federal  PLUS  loans,  eral loans.                to offset the higher cost for
            —     Sixty-nine   percent  track  with  retirement  sav-  which can help parents pay  Certified  financial  planner  out-of-state students.q
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