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PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 29 January 2019
Valentino's dramatic Paris couture has Celine Dion weeping
By THOMAS ADAMSON with a cinched oriental
PARIS (AP) — Valentino took waist. The Asian theme
drama to its height at its became more obvious as
Wednesday spring couture the collection progressed
collection in Paris, where beginning with a look from
Celine Dion wept theatri- Gaultier muse, model Anna
cally as a solemn Naomi Cleveland.
Campbell swept past to She rocked a diaphanous
close the house's show in a pleated organza gown
see-through black organza with voluminous sleeves
gown. and a black crisscross
The VIP crowd that was "martial arts" lapel. It was
surrounded by multicol- topped with a huge, piled-
ored perfumed flowers up Oriental wig, an acces-
whooped during a stand- sory featured throughout
ing ovation as snow fell out- the show.
side. The program notes then
Here are some highlights of listed a series of looks in-
Wednesday's spring-sum- spired by the sea such as
mer 2019 couture collec- "New Wave," featuring
tions: an undulating black-and-
VALENTINO'S FLOWER white striped organza front
WOMEN piece.
On couturier Pierpaolo Pic- A model wears a creation for Jean-Paul Gaultier's Spring/Summer 2019 Haute Couture fashion Then, a dark wool pant
cioli's request, Valentino's collection presented in Paris, Wednesday Jan.23, 2019. suit with jagged "fin" shoul-
seamstresses named each Associated Press ders called "Stop Being a
and every couture dress af- Shark" filed by, prompting
ter a flower or emotion. oli's standout collection last tel Salomon de Rothschild, joying being in the city chuckles from some seated
This detail reveals the pre- season, but it was poetic, with his girlfriend Lucy Boyn- where some of his family guests.
ciousness that the designer thoughtful and color-rich. ton. lives. GAULTIER'S DIVERSITY
and his atelier bestowed on Aquarelle floral print on a Malek says he's still riding "It's extraordinary to be Sports Illustrated cover
the 65 carefully construct- draped pant look sported a high following his Oscar here with my family on a model Irina Shayk heaped
ed looks, in which each billowing sleeves that har- best actor nomination for magical snowy day in Par- praise on Gaultier for
model was transformed kened to the Italy-based portraying Queen front- is," he said, adding that "the championing diversity and
into a silken bloom. house's touchstone of the man Freddie Mercury in politics of Egypt in the 1970s creating collections that
A surreal red rose hood Renaissance. "Bohemian Rhapsody" and is why my family is here." could speak to all kinds of
opened the collection, en- A dramatic tiered pant- enjoying the fashion scene. GAULTIER'S ASIAN WATERS men and women of differ-
veloping the model's head. gown shimmered with flo- "I see this very much as high It was a typically tongue-in- ent ages and style.
Later gowns were less un- ral lace encrustations and art. It's a really special oc- cheek affair for Gaultier. "That's what makes him so
usual or daring, producing pearls. It took some 620 casion to see some couture This season, a particularly special in the fashion in-
a display in which Piccioli hours to make, according — the cream of the crop," theatrical vision of Asia was dustry. He broke all the bar-
offered a more classical to the program notes. he said. served up in combination riers," said Shayk, ahead
interpretation of floral cou- RAMI MALEK LOVES PARIS Malek, who was born and with a water theme. of the summer show that
ture. A smiling Rami Malek cut a raised in Los Angeles to Gaultier's signature mari- featured Asian and black
Wednesday's effort lacked dapper figure decked out Egyptian immigrant par- time stripe opened the models and played on
some of the vigor of Picci- in Valentino, inside the Ho- ents, said he was also en- show on an Asian model Asia-inspired styles.q
Carrie Bradshaw, 'The Dude' to star in Super Bowl commercial
By JONATHAN LANDRUM Jr. beer that'll do some good pactful effort."
Associated Press for the planet and the Parker starred as the fash-
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Sar- world," Bridges said in an ionable Bradshaw on the
ah Jessica Parker and Jeff interview with The Associ- hit television series "Sex in
Bridges are bringing a cou- ated Press before shooting the City." Bridges is known
ple of famed characters the ad. as the nonchalant, knit-
back to life for a charity in The "Pour It Forward" cam- sweater-wearing charac-
a new Super Bowl commer- paign is an initiative be- ter Jeffrey "The Dude" from
cial. tween the beer brand and the cult classic film "The Big
Parker will reprise her "Sex, co-founded by Lebowski."
and the City" Carrie Brad- actor Matt Damon. Both Parker said she and Bridges
shaw role and Bridges will will donate between one to enjoyed having their char-
appear as "The Dude" in 12 months of clean water acters meet up.
a Stella Artois commercial to someone in an underde- In the commercial, the This undated image provided by Stella Artois shows a scene
to raise money to combat veloped country based on two separately order the from the company's Super Bowl spot with Jeff Bridges.
water shortage. The 45-sec- the amount of Stella Artois beer instead of their fa- Associated Press
ond ad launches Monday packs bought. vorite drink and end up
and will be televised during Bridges said there's a "tre- sitting next to each other. "I really like the way they soon. "It's allowing this sort
Super Bowl 53 on Feb. 3. mendous need" for the ini- Bradshaw prefers a Cosmo- created this world," said of a familiarity. People as-
"There will be a lot of men tiative, while Parker called politan cocktail, while The Parker, who said she doesn't sociate those characters
drinking during the Super the campaign an "impor- Dude's usual is a White Rus- expect to play Bradshaw in without us literally playing
Bowl, so why not buy some tant and potentially im- sian cocktail. "Sex and the City" anytime them."q