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                  Tuesday 29 January 2019
            'Glass' is No. 1 again, McConaughey's 'Serenity' flops

            By JAKE COYLE                                                                                                       lion in ticket sales.
            NEW YORK (AP) — Matthew                                                                                             The  film,  about  a  fishing
            McConaughey       notched                                                                                           boat captain on a mysteri-
            one of the worst debuts of                                                                                          ous  island,  was  lambasted
            his career, Oscar nominees                                                                                          by critics (21 percent fresh
            saw  only  modest  bumps                                                                                            on  Rotten  Tomatoes)  and
            and  M.  Night  Shyamalan's                                                                                         audiences  agreed,  giving
            "Glass" easily remained No.                                                                                         it  a  D-plus  CinemaScore.
            1  on  a  quiet  weekend  in                                                                                        The  film,  made  for  about
            movie theaters.                                                                                                     $25  million,  is  among  Mc-
            The  weekend's  two  new                                                                                            Conaughey's       weakest
            wide  releases  —  McCo-                                                                                            performing    wide-release
            naughey's  tropic  noir  "Se-                                                                                       debuts,  behind  only  2017's
            renity"  and  the  updated                                                                                          "Gold"  and  1996's  "Larger
            King  Arthur  tale  "The  Kid                                                                                       Than  Life."  For  Hathaway,
            Who  Would  Be  King"  —                                                                                            it's a new low.
            both  flopped  with  movie-                                                                                         Several  Oscar  contenders
            goers  who  instead  contin-                                                                                        added  theaters  over  the
            ued to flock to "Glass" and                                                                                         weekend  to  capitalize  on
            Kevin Hart's "The Upside."                                                                                          Tuesday's  nominations.  Pe-
            Shyamalan's    sequel    to                                                                                         ter  Farrelly's  "Green  Book,"
            "Unbreakable"  and  "Split"   This image released by Universal Pictures shows James McAvoy in a scene from M. Night Shya-  nominated for five awards
            sold  $19  million  in  tickets   malan's "Glass."                                                                  including  best  picture,  re-
            according  to  estimates                                                                           Associated Press  ceived  the  biggest  bump,
            Sunday,  a  decent  53  per-                                                                                        taking  in  $5.4  million  in  its
            cent  drop  from  its  open-  budget  new  entry,  "The  pulls Excalibur from a stone.  from the recently launched  widest  releases  yet  (2,430
            ing weekend. In 10 days of  Kid  Who  Would  Be  King,"  Though "The Kid Who Would  distributor  Aviron  Pictures.  theaters in its 11th week of
            release,  Shyamalan's  self-  opened  poorly  with  $7.3  Be King" drew good reviews  Though  boasting  a  re-      release).
            financed  thriller  has  made  million against a $59 million  (86 percent fresh on Rotten  spected   writer-director  "Green Book" was the only
            $73.6  million  domestically  budget.  The  20th  Century  Tomatoes)  and  was  large-  (Steven  Knight,  the  cre-  Oscar  film  to  crack  the
            and $162.7 million globally.  Fox  release,  produced  by  ly  pleasing  to  audiences  ator of "Peaky Blinders" and  top  10.  "Bohemian  Rhap-
            "The  Upside,"  starring  Hart  Working  Title,  was  written  (who  gave  it  a  B-plus  Cin-  maker  of  2013's  "Locke")  sody,"  which  has  already
            and  Bryan  Cranston,  also  and  directed  by  "Attack  emaScore),  Cornish's  film  and a starry cast including  surpassed  $600  million  in-
            stayed  lodged  in  second  of the Block" filmmaker Joe  came in on the low side of  Anne  Hathaway  and  Ja-       ternationally,  added  an-
            place  with  $12.2  million  in  Cornish. In his modern-day  already undersized expec-  son Clarke, "Serenity" made  other $8.7 million overseas.
            its third weekend.           London  version  of  the  leg-  tations.                  only a minor disturbance at  It  also  took  in  $2.5  million
            The    weekend's    biggest  end,  a  working-class  boy  Smaller  still  was  "Serenity,"  the box office with $4.8 mil-  domestically.q

                                                                      Meg Medina wins Newbery medal,

                                                                      Sophie Blackall the Caldecott

                                                                                                   at  home,  has  won  the  young  people's  literature,
                                                                                                   prestigious  John  Newbery  received  the  Michael  L.
                                                                                                   Medal    for   "outstanding  Printz Award for best young
                                                                                                   contribution  to  children's  adult  novel  and  the  Pura
                                                                                                   literature." Sophie Blackall's  Belpre  author  award  for
                                                                                                   "Hello Lighthouse," in which  Latino literature. The Belpre
                                                                                                   the  natural  world  is  seen  award  for  illustration  went
                                                                                                   through the eyes of a light-  to Yuyi Morales for "Dream-
                                                                                                   house keeper, received the  ers."  Tara  Westover's  best-
                                                                                                   Randolph  Caldecott  Med-    selling  memoir  "Educated"
                                                                                                   al for best picture book.    was  among  10  winners  of
                                                                                                   The awards, the year's most  the  Alex  Award  for  adult
                                                                                                   anticipated  in  the  chil-  works  appealing  to  teen
                                                                                                   dren's  books  community,  readers. Medina, a Cuban-
                                                                                                   were  announced  Monday  American  and  author  of
                                                                      This cover image released by   by the American Library As-  young adult, middle-grade
                                                                      Candlewick Press shows "Mer-  sociation.                  and picture books, has re-
                                                                      ci Suárez Changes Gears," by
                                                                      Meg  Medina,  which  won  the   Claire  Hartfield's  "A  Few  ceived  numerous  previous
                                                                      John Newbery Medal.          Red  Drops:  The  Chicago  awards.  She  won  the  Bel-
                                                                                  Associated Press  Race  Riot  of  1919"  won  pre author prize in 2014 for
                                                                                                   the  Coretta  Scott  King  "Yaqui  Delgado  Wants  to
                                                                      By HILLEL ITALIE             author  award  for  African-  Kick Your Ass" and an Ezra
                                                                      Associated Press             American  literature,  while  Jack  Keats  medal  in  2012
                                                                      NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Meg  Ekua Holmes was given the  for best new writer. Blackall
                                                                      Medina's   "Merci   Suarez  King illustrator award. Eliza-  is  an  Australian-born  artist
                                                                      Changes  Gears,"  the  story  beth  Acevedo's  "The  Poet  and  illustrator  whose  oth-
                                                                      of  a  Florida  sixth  grader's  X,"  winner  last  fall  of  the  er  works  include  "Are  You
                                                                      struggles  at  school  and  National  Book  Award  for  Awake?"q
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