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A24    Technology
                        Tuesday 7 May 2019
            Microsoft offers software tools to secure elections

            By FRANK BAJAK                                                                                                      of  hackers  tampering  with
            Associated Press                                                                                                    election results, experts say
            Microsoft  announced  an                                                                                            systems used by millions of
            ambitious  effort  it  says  will                                                                                   U.S.  voters  remain  suscep-
            make  voting  secure,  verifi-                                                                                      tible to tampering.
            able and subject to reliable                                                                                        One  election  official  who
            audits. Two of the three top                                                                                        has  been  in  informal  con-
            U.S elections vendors have                                                                                          versations  with  the  Elec-
            expressed  interest  in  po-                                                                                        tionGuard  project  leaders
            tentially  incorporating  the                                                                                       is  Dean  Logan,  who  runs
            open-source  software  into                                                                                         elections  for  Los  Angeles
            their proprietary voting sys-                                                                                       County,  the  nation's  most
            tems.                                                                                                               populous, and is building an
            The  software  kit  is  being                                                                                       open-source voting system
            developed with Galois, an                                                                                           for it.Election integrity activ-
            Oregon-based     company                                                                                            ist Susan Greenhalgh of the
            separately  creating  a  se-                                                                                        National  Election  Defense
            cure  voting  system  proto-                                                                                        Coalition  said  she  hoped
            type  under  contract  with                                                                                         the  project  would  encour-
            the  Pentagon's  advanced                                                                                           age  innovative  thinking  at
            research agency, DARPA.                                                                                             the level that elections are
            Dubbed     "ElectionGuard,"   With a screen displaying some of the new Microsoft Azure services and updates in the back-  actually managed.
            the  Microsoft  kit  will  be   ground, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella delivers the keynote address at Build, the company's an-  ElectionGuard aims to pro-
            available  this  summer,  the   nual conference for software developers Monday, May 6, 2019, in Seattle.            vide  "end-to-end"  verifica-
            company  says,  with  early                                                                        Associated Press  tion of voting in two ways,
            prototypes  ready  to  pilot                                                                                        Benaloh said. First, it lets vot-
            for next year's general elec-  companies  control  about  vendor,  Dominion  Voting  ect.                           ers confirm that their votes
            tions.  CEO  Satya  Nadella  90  percent  of  the  market  Systems of Denver, said the  Benaloh helped produce a  are  accurately  recorded.
            announced  the  initiative  for  election  equipment,  company  looks  forward  to  National Academies of Sci-      Second, the unique coded
            Monday  at  a  developer's  but  have  long  faced  criti-  "learning  more"  about  the  ence  report  last  year  that  tracker it produces registers
            conference in Seattle.       cism  for  poor  security,  an-  initiative.              called  for  an  urgent  over-  an encrypted version of the
            Nadella  said  the  project's  tiquated  technology  and  Anyone  with  an  existing  haul of the rickety U.S. elec-  vote  that  keeps  the  ballot
            software,  provided  free  of  insufficient   transparency  voting  system  or  develop-  tion  system,  which  faced  choice  itself  secret  while
            charge  as  part  of  Micro-  around  their  proprietary,  ing a new one will be able  serious threats from Russian  ensuring  votes  are  accu-
            soft's  Defending  Democ-    black-box  voting  systems.  to incorporate the Election-  hackers  who  in  2016  at-  rately  counted.  Outsiders
            racy  Program,  would  help  Open-source  software  is  Guard  development  kit  —  tempted to infiltrate voting  such as election watchdog
            "modernize all of the elec-  inherently more secure be-   at the state or local level in  administration  systems  in  groups,  political  parties,
            tion  infrastructure  every-  cause the underlying code  the U.S. or national level for  several states.            journalists and voters them-
            where  in  the  world."    Mi-  is  easily  scrutinized  by  out-  jurisdictions abroad.  That  report  called  for  all  selves can verify online that
            crosoft  also  announced  side security experts.          "It can be used with a bal-  U.S.  elections  to  be  held  votes were properly count-
            a  cut-rate  Office  365  ap-  Two of the leading vendors,  lot-marking  device.  It  can  on  human-readable  pa-  ed without being altered.
            plication  suite  for  political  Election Systems & Software  be  used  with  an  optical  per  ballots  by  2020.  It  also  The  system  would  also  al-
            parties and campaigns for  of  Omaha,  Nebraska,  and  scanner,  on  hand-marked  advocated a specific form  low  for  reliable  postelec-
            what it charges nonprofits.  Hart  InterCivic  of  Austin,  paper  ballots,"  said  Josh  of routine postelection au-  tion  audits  and  recounts.
            Both Microsoft and Google  Texas,  both  expressed  in-   Benaloh,  a  senior  cryp-   dits  intended  to  ensure  Microsoft  executives  say
            provide anti-phishing email  terest in partnering with Mi-  tographer  at  Microsoft  Re-  that  votes  are  accurately  they  also  plan  to  build  a
            support for campaigns.       crosoft  for  ElectionGuard.  search and key contributor  counted. While U.S. officials  prototype voting system for
            Three    little-known   U.S.  A spokeswoman for a third  to  the  ElectionGuard  proj-  say  there  is  no  evidence  reference.q

            Students using drone to map dinosaur tracks in New Mexico

            ALBUQUERQUE,  N.M.  (AP)  reports.                        access to the website,” he  Clayton Lake was created  the data so others can du-
            — New Mexico college stu-    The  park  located  in  the  said. “It’s designed to help  when  officials  dammed  plicate  the  process  in  the
            dents  are  using  drones  to  northeastern  part  of  the  people  explore  the  track  up  Seneca  Creek  north  of  future.”  The  dinosaur  track
            help  map  the  location  of  state  contained  track  sites  site  from  anywhere  in  the  Clayton in the 1960s. Con-  drone  project  comes  as
            dinosaur  tracks  at  a  state  that give can give scientists  world.”                 struction of the dam’s spill-  researchers  from  the  Uni-
            park,  the  latest  project  to  key  information  about  the  Spencer  Lucas,  a  curator  way  unveiled  the  tracks,  versity of Denver are using
            use  drone  technology  to  ancient reptiles.             of paleontology at the mu-   which  were  embedded  in  images  gathered  from  a
            gather data from historical  Central New Mexico Com-      seum,  said  the  hundreds  sandstone.                    drone  to  create  a  3D  re-
            sites in the American West.  munity  College  instructor  of tracks found at Clayton  Rick  Leonhardt,  a  semi-    construction of a World War
            New  Mexico  State  Parks  Rick  Watson  says  students  Lake,  which  is  about  4½  retired  psychotherapist,  is  II-era Japanese internment
            recently  announced  it  is  will fly the drones from dif-  hours  from  Albuquerque,  one of the students working  camp  in  southern  Colora-
            teaming  up  with  Central  ferent  heights  in  order  to  are from four different spe-  on the projects. His first ca-  do. Researchers last month
            New  Mexico  Community  record a variety of details.      cies of dinosaurs and were  reer, he said, was as a ge-   dispatched the drone from
            College  students  and  the  Once  the  project  is  com-  all made within a year.     ologist and now practices it  the    Switzerland-based
            New  Mexico  Museum  of  plete,  students  will  place  “The  Clayton  Lake  site  is  as a hobby.                  company  senseFly  as  part
            Natural History and Science  the photographs, 3-D mod-    a  treasure,”  he  said.  “The  “This  will  help  us  digitally  of  a  mapping  project  to
            to map out the footprints at  els,  maps  and  other  find-  track  sites  are  about  100  preserve  these  tracks,”  he  help   future   restoration
            Clayton  Lake  State  Park,  ings on a website.           million years old and along  said.  “We  are  putting  pro-  work  at  Camp  Amache  in
            the  Albuquerque  Journal  “The public will be able to  an ancient sea coast.”         cedures in place to collect  Granada, Colorado.q
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