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                        Tuesday 7 May 2019
            U.N. report: Humans accelerating extinction of species

            By SETH BORENSTEIN                                                                                                  used  for  food  have  disap-
            AP Science Writer                                                                                                   peared. More than 40% of
            People  are  putting  nature                                                                                        the world's amphibian spe-
            in  more  trouble  now  than                                                                                        cies, more than one-third of
            at  any  other  time  in  hu-                                                                                       the  marine  mammals  and
            man history, with extinction                                                                                        nearly  one-third  of  sharks
            looming over 1 million spe-                                                                                         and  fish  are  threatened
            cies of plants and animals,                                                                                         with extinction.
            scientists said Monday.                                                                                             The report relies heavily on
            But it's not too late to fix the                                                                                    research  by  the  Interna-
            problem, according to the                                                                                           tional Union for the Conser-
            United  Nations'  first  com-                                                                                       vation  of  Nature,  or  IUCN,
            prehensive report on biodi-                                                                                         which  is  composed  of  bi-
            versity.                                                                                                            ologists who maintain a list
            "We  have  reconfigured                                                                                             of threatened species.
            dramatically  life  on  the                                                                                         The  IUCN  calculated  in
            planet,"  report  co-chair-                                                                                         March  that  27,159  species
            man  Eduardo  Brondizio  of                                                                                         are  threatened,  endan-
            Indiana University said at a                                                                                        gered or extinct in the wild
            press conference.                                                                                                   out  of  nearly  100,000  spe-
            Species loss is accelerating                                                                                        cies biologists examined in
            to a rate tens or hundreds                                                                                          depth.  That  includes  1,223
            of  times  faster  than  in  the    In this Dec. 14, 2011, file photo, a lemur looks through the forest at Andasibe-Mantadia National   mammal  species,  1,492
            past, the report said. More   Park in Andasibe, Madagascar.                                                         bird  species  and  2,341  fish
            than  half  a  million  species                                                                    Associated Press   species.  Nearly  half  the
            on  land  "have  insufficient                                                                                       threatened  species  are
            habitat  for  long-term  sur-  sentatives of all 109 nations.  fight  over  scarcer  resourc-  per  country  has  risen  70%  plants.
            vival"  and  are  likely  to  go  Some nations hit harder by  es.  Watson  said  the  poor  since  1970,  with  one  spe-  Scientists  have  only  exam-
            extinct,  many  within  de-  the  losses,  like  small  island  in less developed countries  cies  of  bacteria  threaten-  ined a small fraction of the
            cades, unless their habitats  countries,  wanted  more  bear the greatest burden.      ing  nearly  400  amphibian  estimated 8 million species
            are  restored.  The  oceans  in  the  report.  Others,  such  The  report's  39-page  sum-  species.                on Earth.
            are not any better off.      as  the  United  States,  were  mary highlighted five ways  "The key to remember is, it's  The  report  comes  up  with
            "Humanity unwittingly is at-  cautious  in  the  language  people are reducing biodi-  not  a  terminal  diagnosis,"  1  million  species  in  trouble
            tempting to throttle the liv-  they  sought,  but  they  versity:                      said  report  co-author  An-  by extrapolating the IUCN's
            ing  planet  and  humanity's  agreed  "we're  in  trouble,"  —  Turning  forests,  grass-  drew  Purvis  of  the  Natural  25% threatened rate to the
            own  future,"  said  George  said  Rebecca  Shaw,  chief  lands and other areas into  History Museum in London.     rest  of  the  world's  species
            Mason  University  biologist  scientist for the World Wild-  farms,  cities  and  other  Fighting  climate  change  and  using  a  lower  rate  for
            Thomas  Lovejoy,  who  has  life Fund, who observed the  developments.  The  habi-     and  saving  species  are  the  estimated  5.5  million
            been called the godfather  final negotiations.            tat  loss  leaves  plants  and  equally  important,  the  re-  species  of  insects,  Wat-
            of  biodiversity  for  his  re-  "This  is  the  strongest  call  animals  homeless.  About  port  said,  and  working  son said. Outside scientists,
            search. He was not part of  we've  seen  for  reversing  three-quarters  of  Earth's  on    both   environmental  such as Lovejoy and others,
            the report.                  the trends on the loss of na-  land,   two-thirds   of   its  problems  should  go  hand  said that's a reasonable as-
            "The  biological  diversity  of  ture," Shaw said.        oceans and 85% of crucial  in  hand.  Both  problems  sessment.
            this  planet  has  been  re-  The  findings  are  not  just  wetlands  have  been  se-  exacerbate  each  other  The report gives only a ge-
            ally  hammered,  and  this  about  saving  plants  and  verely altered or lost, mak-   because  a  warmer  world  neric "within decades" time
            is really our last chance to  animals, but about preserv-  ing it harder for species to  means  fewer  species,  and  frame  for  species  loss  be-
            address  all  of  that,"  Love-  ing  a  world  that's  becom-  survive, the report said.  a  less  biodiverse  world  cause  it  is  dependent  on
            joy  said.  Conservation  sci-  ing  harder  for  humans  to  —  Overfishing  the  world's  means  fewer  trees  and  many  variables,  including
            entists  convened  in  Paris  live in, said Robert Watson,  oceans.  A  third  of  the  plants  to  remove  heat-   taking the problem serious-
            to  issue  the  report,  which  a former top NASA and Brit-  world's fish stocks are over-  trapping  carbon  dioxide  ly,  which  can  reduce  the
            exceeded  1,000  pages.  ish  scientist  who  headed  fished.                          from the air, Lovejoy said.  severity  of  the  projections,
            The      Intergovernmental  the report.                   —     Permitting   climate  The world's coral reefs are a  Watson said.
            Science-Policy  Platform on  "We  are  indeed  threaten-  change  from  the  burn-     perfect  example  of  where  "We're in the middle of the
            Biodiversity  and  Ecosystem  ing the potential food secu-  ing  of  fossil  fuels  to  make  climate  change  and  spe-  sixth  great  extinction  crisis,
            Services  (IPBES)  included  rity,  water  security,  human  it  too  hot,  wet  or  dry  for  cies  loss  intersect.  If  the  but  it's  happening  in  slow
            more than 450 researchers  health and social fabric" of  some  species  to  survive.  world  warms  another  0.9  motion," said Conservation
            who  used  15,000  scientific  humanity, Watson told The  Almost  half  of  the  world's  degrees  (0.5  degrees  Cel-  International and University
            and  government  reports.  Associated Press.              land  mammals  —  not  in-   sius),  which  other  reports  of California Santa Barbara
            The  report's  summary  had  It's  also  an  economic  and  cluding bats — and nearly  say  is  likely,  coral  reefs  will  ecologist Lee Hannah, who
            to  be  approved  by  repre-  security  issue  as  countries  a quarter of the birds have  probably  dwindle  by  70%  was not part of the report.
                                                                      already  had  their  habitats  to  90%,  the  report  said.  At  Five times in the past, Earth
                                                                      hit hard by global warming.  1.8 degrees (1 degree Cel-   has  undergone  mass  ex-
                                                                      — Polluting land and water.  sius), the report said, 99% of  tinctions  where  much  of
                                                                      Every  year,  300  to  400  mil-  the  world's  coral  will  be  in  life  on  Earth  blinked  out,
                                                                      lion  tons  of  heavy  metals,  trouble.                  like the one that killed  the
                                                                      solvents  and  toxic  sludge  "Business as usual is a disas-  dinosaurs. Watson said the
                                                                      are   dumped     into   the  ter," Watson said.           report  was  careful  not  to
                                                                      world's waters.              At  least  680  species  with  call what's going on now as
                                                                      — Allowing invasive species  backbones  have  already  a sixth big die-off because
                                                                      to crowd out native plants  gone  extinct  since  1600.  current  levels  don't  come
                                                                      and  animals.  The  number  The report said 559 domes-    close  to  the  75%  level  in
                                                                      of  invasive  alien  species  ticated breeds of mammals  past mass extinctions.q
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