Page 30 - aruba-today-20190507
P. 30
Tuesday 7 May 2019
'Avengers Endgame' nears global record with over $2 billion
By LINDSEY BAHR reviewed comedies ("Long
Associated Press Shot") or animated family
LOS ANGELES (AP) — fare ("Uglydolls") were left
"Avengers: Endgame" con- in the dust to pick up the
tinued its global domina- scraps.
tion at the box office in a The Walt Disney Co. esti-
second week victory lap mated Sunday that "End-
that saw the blockbuster game" added $145.8 mil-
cross the $2 billion mark in lion from North American
record time and unseat theaters and $282.2 million
"Titanic" as the second internationally bringing
highest-grossing film ever its global total to $2.2 bil-
worldwide. Domestically, lion. "Endgame" is one of
newcomers, including thrill- five movies to ever reach
ers ("The Intruder"), well- that threshold and, not
This image released by Disney shows Karen Gillan, left, and Don Cheadle in a scene from "Aveng-
ers: Endgame."
Associated Press
accounting for inflation, is only going to get more chance, but some saw suc-
is now second worldwide competitive. cesses even in the shadow
only to "Avatar's" $2.8 bil- Still, "it's got a real chance of "Endgame."
lion. "Avatar" reached $2 at getting there," Derga- In second place, "The In-
billion in 47 days of release rabedian said. truder," a modestly budget-
compared with 11 for "End- Domestically, "Endgame," ed ($8 million) thriller with
game," although in 2009 which is still playing on 4,662 Dennis Quaid and Meagan
the theatrical landscape screens, scored the second Good, survived poor re-
was different, most notably biggest second weekend views and did the best of
so in China. ever with a sum that would the batch with $11 million
"The sprint to $2 billion is be impressive for any film in box office receipts. The
unbelievable. We're in un- on opening weekend. Even Sony/Screen Gems film was
charted territory," said Paul its 59% drop is notable con- released on 2,222 screens.
Dergarabedian, the senior sidering how front-loaded Although close behind on
media analyst for Com- it was. "Endgame" has now the charts in third place,
score. "Usually films like this grossed $619.7 million in Lionsgate and Point Grey's
are marathoners." North America, making it "Long Shot," a politically-
To reach "Avatar's" global the ninth biggest of all time, themed romantic comedy
record, however, "End- behind "Star Wars: The Last with Seth Rogen and Charl-
game" will have to turn into Jedi." ize Theron, failed to make a
a marathoner itself and New films entering the mar- significant dent against its
the summer movie season ketplace hardly stood a pricier budget. The film,q
Alan Parsons quotes from his past on
'The Secret'
is best represented by the and won his first Grammy
instrumental opening tune, this year after over a dozen
"The Sorcerer's Apprentice." nominations, picking up
Its many moods over nearly best immersive audio al-
six minutes are like an or- bum for "Eye In the Sky —
chestrated soundtrack to 35th Anniversary Edition."
a '60s animated Disney film His first nomination was at
or a magician's stage act, the 1974 Grammys for his
with Steve Hackett, Nathan work as an engineer on
East and Vinnie Colaiuta Pink Floyd's "The Dark Side
helping to embellish Par- of the Moon," so it's no sur-
This cover image released by sons' passion. prise then that many songs
Frontiers Music Srl shows "The
Secret," a release by Alan On his first solo studio album on "The Secret" have au-
Parsons. since 2004, Parsons — with- tumnal lyrics dealing with
Associated Press out longtime collaborator the passing of time.
Eric Woolfson (who died in Parsons himself sings "As
By PABLO GORONDI 2009) — is back with a fa- Lights Fall," which has myr-
Associated Press miliar approach: a handful iad echoes of "Eye In the
Alan Parsons, "The Secret" of lead vocalists, crystal, Sky," and it sounds auto-
(Frontiers) smooth sounds and pop biographical: "My sword
Magic is one of the themes songs with classical and was cast in songs of light/
of "The Secret," Alan Par- progressive rock elements. In sparks and waves, en-
sons' latest project, and it Parsons recently turned 70 chanted nights."q