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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 7 May 2019
             Savile Row's Ozwald Boateng debuts womenswear in Harlem

            By LEANNE ITALIE                                                                                                    traditional Savile Row style.
            NEW YORK (AP) — Ozwald                                                                                              He's also a former creative
            Boateng,    the   one-time                                                                                          director  of  menswear  for
            wunderkind of London's Sa-                                                                                          Givenchy and was the first
            vile  Row  and  the  bespoke                                                                                        black designer on London's
            tailor to the stars, filled the                                                                                     famous  tailoring  street,  in
            historic  Apollo  Theater  to                                                                                       1995.
            its  rafters  in  celebration  of                                                                                   He  also  popped  up  in
            the  100th  anniversary  of                                                                                         Wakanda.  Boateng's  cus-
            the Harlem Renaissance as                                                                                           tom  single-button  Mohair
            he  launched  his  first  wom-                                                                                      suit  in  teal  was  featured
            enswear  collection  after                                                                                          in  a  scene  on  a  man  with
            30-plus  years  in  the  men's                                                                                      a  large  ornate  lip  plate
            suiting game.                                                                                                       in  "Black  Panther."  He  has
            Fresh off dressing Idris Elba                                                                                       produced  costumes  for  a
            for his Marrakesh wedding,                                                                                          range of other film and TV
            with Elba and wife, Sabrina                                                                                         fare as well and was hired
            Dhowre,  in  the  front  row,                                                                                       by British Airways to design
            Boateng treated his guests                                                                                          new uniforms.
            Sunday  night  to  an  explo-                                                                                       Boateng  took  Hollywood
            sion  of  color  and  African-                                                                                      years  ago,  with  help  from
            inspired prints and textures,                                                                                       some  of  his  famous  cli-
            some  done  in  modern                                                                                              ents: Will Smith, Jamie Foxx,
            twists  on  traditional  British   Models wear a creation for The Ozwald Boateng collection during a fashion show at Apollo The-  Laurence  Fishburne  and
            tailoring.                   ater in New York, Sunday, May 5, 2019.                                                 Daniel-Day  Lewis  to  name
            Boateng  has  shown  ready                                                                         Associated Press  a  few.  Foxx  was  among
            to wear in New York before,                                                                                         celebs  on  hand  for  Sun-
            during fashion week, along  community  members  and  phrases that flashed on his  beginning  of  the  Harlem  day  night's  show  with  Elba
            with all over the world, but  fashion students.           big screen.                  Renaissance  spanning  the  —  People's  Sexiest  Man
            this was an Afrocentric cel-  "I  just  want  to  be  really  in-  Boateng's stage lit up after  1920s, dresses were tailored  Alive — along with Harlem's
            ebration in song, music and  clusive when I create," said  a short film in looks for men  to  allow  maximum  move-  own  designer  Daniel  Day,
            film  as  his  walkers  shared  Boateng,  a  Londoner  of  and women in orange, red,  ment when dancing.            known as Dapper Dan, and
            the stage with their own im-  Ghanaian  descent.  "We're  teal  and  a  gorgeous  light  Some of his looks for women  Marco  Bizzarri,  president
            ages on screen.              in an interesting place now  hue of purply blue, done in  included  belted  suit  jack-  and CEO of Gucci.
            He  told  The  Associated  in the world and I feel that I  one standout women's suit  ets. Others had wider belts.  "Ozwald is the one respon-
            Press  he  picked  the  "epi-  want to express more of my  with  wide-pleated  trousers  And he proved he can sex  sible  for  bill  boarding  our
            center  for  African  Ameri-  African roots in my work. It's  in a delicate pin stripe de-  up a backless dress for the  mission," Day said.
            can  culture"  because  he's  important to be true to who  sign,  paired  with  a  men's-  ladies  as  he  cuts  suits  to  Boateng  and  Elba  have
            committed  to  building  a  you are, to be authentic."    style  jacket  that  had  the  narrow the waist of wearers  been friends for a decade.
            bridge between Africa and  The  show,  dubbed  "AI,"  narrowest of lapels.             who  need  that  and  bring  He  considered  it  an  honor
            the  African  diaspora.  He  is  not  what  you  think.  He  He  let  some  vibrant  skirts  out  the  greatest  assets  for  to make Elba's black wed-
            not  only  hosted  the  usual  meant  "authentic  iden-   and  dresses  for  women  the men.                        ding  suit  for  the  star's  April
            fashion  media  crowd  but  tity,"  ''artistic  intelligence"  flow freely, noting in his pro-  Boateng,  52,  is  known  for  26  walk  down  the  aisle  in
            opened his doors to Harlem  and "ancestral identity," all  gram for guests that at the  contemporary  takes  on  Morocco.q

            Anna Quindlen tours the wild world of grandparenting

            By ROB MERRILL               Quin,  and  his  wife,  Lynn.  New York Times and News-   just  a  proud  nana  sharing
            Associated Press             "A bundle in a blanket with  week  columns  over  the  family stories. Did you know
            "Nanaville:  Adventures  in  a full head of glossy black  years,  Quindlen  mixes  wit  grandparents  are  more
            Grandparenting,"  by  Anna  hair,"  is  Quindlen's  first  de-  and  wisdom  as  she  shares  likely to see the children of
            Quindlen (Random House)      scription of him. She quickly  her  thoughts  on  this  new  their  daughters  than  their
            "Write what you know." Few  hits  on  the  book's  central  stage in life.             sons?  Or  that  when  Arthur
            follow  that  advice  better  theme  —  grandparent-      "A  big  part  of  our  grand-  was  born,  one  in  seven
            than  Pulitzer  Prize-winning  ing  as  an  "avocation,"  not  parent  job  is  expressing  newborns in America were
            columnist  Anna  Quindlen,  something  to  which  she  ecstatic  appreciation  for  multiracial  or  multiethnic?
            who  recently  discovered  is  entitled  simply  as  the  everything  from  urination  Neither  did  Quindlen,  until
            the joys, and challenges, of  mother  of  the  new  father:  to reflexes. We must always  she  took  up  residence  in
            grandparenthood.             "The  thing  is,  from  the  mo-  silence  the  irritated  voice  Nanaville.  Waiting  in  line
            There  are  two  tenets  of  ment it begins you want to  of adult complacency: OK,  at a Baby Gap with Arthur
            "Nanaville," writes Quindlen,  do something. . And some-  I get it, I get it, you drew a  in  a  sling,  she's  asked  for
            which she characterizes as  times  if  you're  lucky,  the  3. But honestly, a 3 isn't that  a  second  time  where  the
            "a state of mind, a place I  people  who  really  get  to  hard.  A  5,  now,  there's  a  Chinese-American child on
            wound  up  inhabiting  with-  make  all  the  decisions  will  number. No. It is the great-  her  chest  is  from.  "Whole
            out  ever  knowing  it  was  let you do so. It's their call.  est 3 that anyone has ever  Foods," she tells the strang-  This  image  released  by  Ran-
                                                                                                                                dom House shows "Nanaville:
            what  I  wanted":  "Love  the  .  The  torch  is  passed  to  a  drawn."               er.                          Adventures  in  Grandparent-
            grandchildren,  and  hold  new  generation,  as  well  In addition to those laugh-     Out  well  before  National   ing" by Anna Quindlen.
            your tongue."                as  the  bouncy  seat,  and  out-loud   moments,    the  Grandparents Day on Sept.                 Associated Press
            The jumping off point is the  the  breast  pump,  and  the  book   contains   enough  8, "Nanaville" is worth a visit
            birth of her first grandchild,  baby wipes."              facts and historical insights  for anyone whose baby ei-  getting  ready  to  welcome
            Arthur,  to  her  oldest  son,  In  the  tradition  of  her  best  to  ground  it  as  more  than  ther  now  has  a  baby  or  is  one.q
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