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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 7 May 2019

            IRAN THREATS                 Strategic  &  International                                                            and justifications are."
            Continued from Front         Studies, questioned wheth-                                                             Asked if the Iranian action
            The   agreement     limited  er  the  U.S.  adequately                                                              was  related  to  the  deadly
            Iran's  enrichment  of  urani-  understands  Iranian  moti-                                                         events  in  Gaza  and  Israel
            um amid Western concerns  vations  and  actions,  and                                                               — militants fired rockets into
            that   Tehran's   program  whether  the  military  move                                                             Israel on Sunday and Israel
            could  allow  it  to  build  nu-  was warranted.                                                                    responded with airstrikes —
            clear  weapons.  Iran  insists  "I don't think we should let                                                        Pompeo said, "It is separate
            its  program  is  for  peaceful  the  Iranians  pull  our  chain                                                    from that."
            purposes.                    at  the  time  and  place  of                                                          The  Trump  administration
            With its pressure campaign,  their  choosing,"  he  said.                                                           has  been  intensifying  its
            the  U.S.  administration  is  "You  can  communicate                                                               pressure campaign against
            trying  to  get  Iran  to  halt  seriousness  to  the  Iranians                                                     Iran.
            activities  such  as  support-  without moving a lot of as-                                                         Last month, President Don-
            ing  militant  activities  that  sets around, because mov-                                                          ald  Trump  announced  the
            destabilize the Middle East  ing assets is expensive and   Secretary of State Mike Pompeo talks to the media on the side-  U.S.  would  no  longer  ex-
                                                                      lines of the Arctic Council ministers' working dinner at the Arkti-
            and threaten U.S. allies, in-  keeps assets from being in   kum museum in Rovaniemi, Finland, Monday, May 6, 2019.  empt  any  countries  from
            cluding  Israel,  Secretary  of  other places."                                                    Associated Press  U.S. sanctions if they contin-
            State Mike Pompeo said.      He  added,  however,  that                                                             ue to buy Iranian oil, a de-
            "Our objective is to get the  Iran  has  the  capability  to  what underlays it, but make  that the carrier move sends  cision that primarily affects
            Islamic  Republic  of  Iran  to  harm  Americans,  but  it's  no mistake, we have good  an  important  message  to  the  five  remaining  major
            behave  like  a  normal  na-  difficult to assess the situa-  reason to want to commu-  Iran  but  the  administration  importers: China and India
            tion,"  Pompeo  told  report-  tion without knowing more  nicate  clearly  about  how  needs  to  give  Congress  and U.S. treaty allies Japan,
            ers during a visit to Finland.  about the intelligence that  the  Iranians  should  under-  more information.       South Korea and Turkey.
            "When they do that, we will  prompted the move.           stand how we will respond  "I  worry  that  it  could  be  The  U.S.  also  recently  des-
            welcome them back."          Along  with  the  Lincoln,  to actions they may take."    misinterpreted,"   Blumen-   ignated  Iran's  Revolution-
            The  order  to  the  carrier  Bolton mentioned "a bomb-   Sen.  Richard  Blumenthal,  thal  said.  "I'm  trusting  that  ary  Guard  as  a  terrorist
            group would get the Abra-    er  task  force,"  which  sug-  D-Conn., a member of the  it isn't meant as a provoca-  group,  the  first  ever  for  an
            ham  Lincoln  into  the  Mid-  gested the Pentagon is de-  Senate   Armed    Services  tive act, but I need to know  entire  division  of  another
            dle  East  about  two  weeks  ploying land-based bomb-    Committee,  said  Monday  what  the  thought  process  government.q
            earlier than initially planned  er  aircraft  somewhere  in
            following  exercises  in  the  the region, perhaps on the
            Mediterranean  region,  ac-  Arabian Peninsula.
            cording  to  a  U.S.  defense  Pompeo  said  the  actions
            official  who  wasn't  autho-  undertaken  by  the  U.S.
            rized  to  speak  publicly,  so  have been in the works for
            spoke  on  the  condition  of  a while. The request for the
            anonymity.  It  forces  the  accelerated  move  came
            ships  to  cancel  a  planned  over  the  weekend  from
            stop in Croatia.             the  military's  U.S.  Central
            For  years,  the  U.S.  main-  Command  after  reviewing
            tained  a  carrier  presence  various  intelligence  reports
            in the Persian Gulf and Mid-  for  some  time,  according
            dle East region. During the  to  the  U.S.  official.  Acting
            height  of  the  wars  in  Iraq  Defense  Secretary  Patrick
            and    Afghanistan,   there  Shanahan  approved  the
            were  two  carriers  in  the  request on Sunday.
            area, but that was reduced  "It  is  absolutely  the  case
            to one.                      that  we  have  seen  esca-
            Last year the administration  latory actions from the Ira-
            decided to end the contin-   nians  and  it  is  equally  the
            uous carrier presence, and  case  that  we  will  hold  the
            send a strike group only in-  Iranians  accountable  for
            termittently into the region.  attacks  on  American  in-
            The U.S. Navy currently has  terests,"  Pompeo  said.  "If
            no aircraft carrier in the Per-  these  actions  take  place,
            sian Gulf.                   if  they  do  by  some  third-
            Bolton said the U.S. wants to  party proxy, a militia group,
            send a message that "unre-   Hezbollah, we will hold the
            lenting force" will meet any  Iranian  leadership  directly
            attack  on  U.S.  interests  or  accountable for that."
            those of America's allies.   Asked  about  "escalatory
            Jon  Alterman,  senior  vice  actions,"  Pompeo  replied,
            president at the Center for  "I don't want to talk about
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