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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 7 May 2019

            Michael Cohen goes to prison, slamming Trump along the way

            By  MICHAEL  R.  SISAK  and  ce ball and rugelach in the
            JIM MUSTIAN                  commissary  —  that  it  af-
            Associated Press             fords them.
            NEW YORK (AP) — Michael  Cohen  —  officially  Inmate
            Cohen  took  a  last  swipe  No.  86067-054  —  took  off
            at President Donald Trump  the blue blazer he wore on
            while  reporting  to  federal  the ride up and left it with
            prison  Monday  to  start  a  his  driver  before  walking
            three-year  sentence  for  into  prison,  where  he  was
            crimes  including  tax  eva-  to be provided with a khaki
            sion and campaign finance  uniform.
            violations  related  to  hush-  The  U.S.  Bureau  of  Prisons
            money payments made to  confirmed  Cohen  was  in
            protect his former boss.     its custody but declined to
            Cohen,  who  turned  on  provide  details  of  his  con-
            Trump  last  summer  after  finement,  citing  privacy
            a  decade  as  his  personal  and security rules.
            lawyer,  fixer  and  "take  a  At Otisville, officials took ex-
            bullet"  loyalist,  didn't  men-  tra  measures  to  deal  with
            tion the president by name,  the  intense  media  interest
            but he left little doubt about  in Cohen's arrival. They put
            whom he blamed for his in-   up concrete barriers along   Michael Cohen, former attorney to President Donald Trump, leaves his apartment building before
            carceration.                 the  two-lane  road  leading   beginning his prison term Monday, May 6, 2019, in New York.
            "I  hope  that  when  I  rejoin  to the facility and deployed                                                                   Associated Press
            my  family  and  friends  that  cones and caution tape to
            the  country  will  be  in  a  keep about two dozen re-   Capitol Hill in February and  Federal  prosecutors  have  Cohen also pleaded guilty
            place  without  xenopho-     porters and photographers  March,  but  they  were  reti-  said Trump directed Cohen  to lying to Congress about
            bia, injustice and lies at the  from getting too close.   cent to do so.               to  arrange  the  payments  a  Trump  Tower  project  in
            helm  of  our  country,"  Co-  Cohen had fought to delay  "Michael  may  be  sen-      to  buy  the  silence  of  porn  Moscow,  to  bank  fraud,
            hen  told  reporters  outside  or reduce his sentence but  tenced  within  the  walls  of  actress Stormy Daniels and  and to tax evasion charges
            his  Manhattan  apartment.  failed  in  a  last-ditch  effort  a federal correctional insti-  former Playboy model Kar-  that stemmed, not from his
            "There still remains much to  to  convince  federal  pros-  tution. But the truth has no  en McDougal in the run-up  dealings  with  Trump,  but
            be told, and I look forward  ecutors  that  his  coopera-  walls," Davis said in a state-  to the 2016 election. Trump  from his failure to report in-
            to  the  day  where  I  can  tion in various investigations  ment Monday.              denies having trysts with ei-  come  from  other  business
            share the truth."            related to Trump warranted  In an essay published Sun-    ther woman.                  interests.q
            Cohen,  52,  then  stumbled  leniency.                    day, a Trump Organization
            through  a  crush  of  media,  Cohen's   lawyer     and  executive  wrote  that  Co-
            ignoring shouted questions,  spokesman,  Lanny  Davis,  hen was "a bluffing, boast-
            and  got  into  a  waiting  said  Cohen  would  contin-   ing New Yorker" who over-
            Cadillac  Escalade,  which  ue  to  be  available  to  co-  stated his role at the com-
            drove  him  to  jail  70  miles  operate  with  law  enforce-  pany and that he only had
            (115  kilometers)  northwest  ment,  though  it's  unclear  himself to blame for going
            of New York City.            how much his cooperation  to  prison.  Cohen  had  no
            He got a slight jump on his  is wanted.                   real  decision-making  au-
            prison sentence, arriving at  Since  mid-March,  federal  thority  and  was  rather  "a
            the Federal Correctional In-  prosecutors  in  New  York  lone  wolf  constantly  seek-
            stitution, Otisville, at around  have  rebuffed  Cohen's  re-  ing  the  boss's  approval
            11:45 a.m., more than two  peated  offers  to  provide  and  fearing  others  would
            hours  before  a  court-im-  more  information  about  take his credit," George So-
            posed deadline.              alleged  wrongdoing  by  rial wrote in The Wall Street
            The prison has a minimum-    Trump and other people in  Journal.  Cohen  is  the  only
            security  camp  that's  be-  his orbit, Davis said.       person  charged  with  a
            come known for the white  His legal team asked House  crime  in  connection  with
            collar  criminals  it  houses  Democrats  last  month  to  the  hush-money  payments
            and  the  amenities  —  in-  intercede  with  prosecutors  to  women  who  allegedly
            cluding tennis courts, boc-  after  Cohen  testified  on  had affairs with Trump.
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