Page 8 - aruba-today-20190507
P. 8
Tuesday 7 May 2019
Premier, challenger defend Australian intel agency bosses
By ROD McGUIRK Shorten told reporters. "We,
Associated Press of course, will continue to
CANBERRA, Australia (AP) take the professional ad-
— Australia's prime minister vice of the people who
on Monday defended the help keep Australians safe."
nation's intelligence agen- Keating, a 75-year-old
cy bosses after a former who was prime minister
prime minister described from 1991 until 1996, made
them as "nutters" who have scathing comments about
damaged bilateral rela- the Australian Security Intel-
tions with China. ligence Organization and
Former Prime Minister Paul the Australian Secret Intel-
Keating on Sunday urged ligence Service during an
his center-left Labor Party interview televised by Aus-
to "clean them out" — refer- tralian Broadcasting Corp.
ring to the security agency after Labor's official cam-
chiefs — if Labor wins gov- paign launch.
ernment at elections next Relations between Austra-
week. lia and its most important
Conservative Prime Minis- trading partner, China, be-
ter Scott Morrison said that came strained after former
Australian security agen- Opposition leader Bill Shorten speaks at the launch of Labor's federal election campaign at the conservative Prime Minis-
cies had prevented 15 ter- Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre in Brisbane, Sunday, May 5, 2019. ter Malcolm Turnbull an-
rorist attacks in Australia Associated Press nounced in 2017 plans to
since the national threat ban covert foreign interfer-
level was increased in 2014. saving lives in this country, I as prime minister after the politics, he's never been ence in politics.
"For what the Labor Party think is very disappointing," May 18 election, distanced shy of saying what he Keating said security agen-
calls a Labor legend to go Morrison told reporters. himself from Keating's com- thinks, but for myself and cies had "all gone berko"
out there and attack the Labor leader Bill Shorten, ments. my opposition team, we've — a slang term meaning
credibility of our security whom opinion polls sug- "Paul Keating's an elder worked very well with the berserk — since Garnaut's
agencies that have been gest will replace Morrison statesman of Australian national security agencies," report.q
Italy's Berlusconi picks up EU campaign outside hospital
By FRANCES D'EMILIO Forza Italia will be a linchpin
Associated Press of a majority center-right
ROME (AP) — Former Italian alliance in the European
Premier Silvio Berlusconi was Parliament that could keep
discharged from a Milan nationalist forces at bay.
hospital on Monday, six He laid out a vision for a
days after intestinal surgery trans-European center-
and vowed to continue his right partnership, including
campaign for a seat in the perhaps Salvini and "that
European Parliament. crazy head of Orban," a
Berlusconi, 82, told reporters reference to right-wing
outside San Raffaele Hungarian Prime Minister
Hospital he had some fear Viktor Orban.
when he was hospitalized Salvini has been wooing
last week for abdominal Orban for a different
pain, which led to a political alliance, and the
diagnosis of an intestinal two bonded in Hungary
blockage. last week over their
"This made me think I had determination to keep
reached the end of the migrants and asylum-
line. Instead, I made a seekers out of Europe. He
formidable comeback," he has been working with
said. far-right movements in
Berlusconi said he would France, Germany and
rest for a while and not Former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi speaks to reporters as he leaves the San Raffaele hospital other northern countries
lead any election rallies where he underwent laparoscopic surgery for an intestinal obstruction last week, in Milan, Italy, to create a strong populist
but would campaign for a Monday, May 6, 2019. group in the European
seat in the European Union Associated Press Parliament, with the aim of
legislature on TV, radio and completely reshaping the
other media. He's running and of the West," Berlusconi do one thing, squabble." line Interior Minister Matteo continent's policies.
in this month's election for said. One of the governing Salvini, the party has Berlusconi said he wants
Forza Italia, the party the After getting out of the parties is the right-wing, seen soaring popularity in to see the European Union
media mogul founded a hospital, he didn't waste anti-migrant League party, opinion polls and tension become a world power
quarter-century ago when time blasting the populist which was a key ally in with its governing partner, on a military level and to
he jumped into politics. coalition now governing Berlusconi's own coalition the anti-establishment "assume the role of unifying
"I still feel useful for the Italy, saying the two governments as premier in 5-Star Movement. the West, which today is
future of Italians, Europeans coalition partners "can only three stints. Led by hard- Berlusconi said he hopes divided."q