Page 12 - aruba-today-20190507
P. 12

                        Tuesday 7 May 2019
            Demand for trial against clergy accused of abusing deaf kids

            By ALMUDENA CALATRAVA                                                                                               a  personal  apology  for  his
            Associated Press                                                                                                    complicity and silence. The
            BUENOS  AIRES,  Argentina                                                                                           Italian  victims  warned  him
            (AP)  —  International  and                                                                                         for  years  that  Corradi  and
            Argentine activists on Mon-                                                                                         others  were  working  with
            day  called  on  Pope  Fran-                                                                                        children  in  Argentina.  The
            cis  to  ensure  that  his  "zero                                                                                   pope did nothing."
            tolerance"  pledge  against                                                                                         The Italian Provolo students
            sexual  abuses  by  clergy  is                                                                                      went  public  with  tales  of
            enforced  in  his  homeland                                                                                         abuse in 2009 and named
            and  demanded  a  trial  for                                                                                        names.  The  Vatican  or-
            those  accused  of  raping                                                                                          dered an investigation and
            deaf and mute children at                                                                                           sanctioned four priests, but
            a Catholic school.                                                                                                  Corradi  apparently  never
            Prosecutors say that mem-                                                                                           was sanctioned.
            bers  of  the  clergy  abused                                                                                       The Verona diocese apolo-
            at  least  20  children  at  the                                                                                    gized to the Italian students
            Provolo  Institute  in  Men-                                                                                        in 2012. The students again
            doza  province.  The  case                                                                                          accused Corradi, who was
            has  caused  a  worldwide                                                                                           then  living  in  Argentina,  in
            uproar  and  more  than  a                                                                                          a 2014 letter to the pontiff
            dozen people face charg-                                                                                            and the Verona bishop, but
            es.                          People from organizations representing the victims of alleged abuse by members of the Catholic   the Vatican still took no ac-
            The     Argentine    group   church, protest outside the archdiocese office in Mendoza, Argentina, Monday, May 6, 2019.  tion.
            Church  Without  Abuses                                                                            Associated Press  In  2016,  a  Vatican  official
            and  the  international  or-                                                                                        said  Francis  wanted  to  as-
            ganizations  Ending  Clergy  were  abused  at  the  Pro-  in  Italy  say  they  were  simi-  "We  came  to  Mendoza  to  sure  the  victims  that  the
            Abuse and BishopAccount-     volo  Institute  by  priest  Nic-  larly  abused  for  decades,  show solidarity with the Pro-  church  was  taking  mea-
   met with alleged  ola  Corradi,  priest  Horacio  some allegedly by Corradi.  volo victims and echo their  sures  to  protect  children
            victims  Monday  and  criti-  Corbacho and three other  Both men are facing a pre-     cry  for  justice,"  said  Anne  and prevent sexual abuse.
            cized  the  lack  of  justice  in  men, who were arrested in  liminary  hearing  in  Argen-  Barrett  Doyle  of  the  online  Unlike the Verona case, the
            a  case  that  began  more  2016.                         tina, but the activists com-  resource  Bishop  Account-  statute  of  limitations  has
            than two years ago.          Dozens  of  students  at  an-  plain  the  process  is  taking  ability.               not expired for the alleged
            At least 20 children say they  other branch of the institute  too long.                "Pope  Francis  owes  them  crimes in Mendoza.q

            Cortizo declared winner in Panama president race

            By JUAN ZAMORANO                                                                                                    democracy three decades
            KATHIA MARTÍNEZ                                                                                                     ago following the end of a
            Associated Press                                                                                                    military-led regime. The last
            PANAMA CITY (AP) — Pan-                                                                                             time  it  in  power  was  from
            ama's  Electoral  Court  has                                                                                        2004  through  2009  during
            declared  opposition  can-                                                                                          the administration of Martín
            didate  Laurentino  Cortizo                                                                                         Torrijos.
            the winner of the country's                                                                                         There  is  no  runoff  in  Pana-
            presidential elections.                                                                                             ma, so the top vote-getter
            The  court  said  Cortizo  of                                                                                       in the field of seven mostly
            the  Democratic  Revolu-                                                                                            business-friendly   candi-
            tionary Party won 33%, with                                                                                         dates  wins  outright  and
            95% of votes counted from                                                                                           takes office July 1 for a five-
            Sunday's vote.                                                                                                      year term.
            It  said  Cortizo,  a  cattle                                                                                       The  election  followed  rev-
            rancher,  will  formally  be                                                                                        elations of money launder-
            named  president-elect  on                                                                                          ing  in  the  so-called  Pana-
            Thursday.                                                                                                           ma Papers that dinged the
            Cortizo  said  just  after  mid-                                                                                    country's reputation on the
            night  Monday  that  "I  call                                                                                       world  stage.  The  trove  of
            on all Panamanians to join                                                                                          secret financial documents
            in  a  national  effort  to  cor-                                                                                   showed  how  some  of  the
            rect the country's path, res-  Presidential  candidate  Laurentino  Cortizo,  with  the  Democratic  Revolutionary  Party,  speaks  to   world's  richest  people  hid
            cue  the  country  and  get   supporters in Panama City, Monday, May 6, 2019.                                       their  money  using  shell
            the  economy  on  the  right                                                                       Associated Press  companies in Panama and
            track."                                                                                                             other countries.
            Second-place  candidate  on  corruption  and  slowing  cede  defeat,  saying  the  cy. Right now, it's in doubt,"  Despite  the  scandal,  Pan-
            and  businessman  Rómulo  economic  growth  in  this  results  were  too  close  and  Roux  said,  without  provid-  ama  remains  a  strategic
            Roux  of  former  President  Central America trade and  suggesting  that  the  race  ing  any  evidence  of  elec-  location  for  commerce,
            Ricardo  Martinelli's  Demo-  financial  hub  and  turned  was  marred  by  irregulari-  tion tampering.            anchored  by  the  heavily
            cratic  Change  party  won  into the tightest presidential  ties.                      The PRD, which has social-   trafficked  Panama  Canal
            31% of the vote but has so  contest in recent years.      "We have to guarantee the  democratic  leanings,  will  shipping  route  and  a  re-
            far not concedes defeat.     Before the announcement,  protection of the electoral  return to power for the third  cently  expanded  interna-
            The  campaign  focused  Roux  vowed  not  to  con-        process  and  of  democra-   time since the transition to  tional airport.q
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